
Picking a Date

The next class that everyone had to attend was later tonight, and Hermione was not dreading it as much as she had in the past. She felt more comfortable around Draco every day they spent together, and after picking a dress, she felt calmer about the situation. She hadn't mentioned to Draco yet about the dress, but she thought she might ask him about it if they had any free time during their class. 

It was already after supper, and Draco came over to sit by Hermione at the Gryffindor table. 

"How was your meal?" They still had a hard time starting conversations, but it was never an issue once they started them.

"It was nice." Hermione smiled and looked back at the lady who had just taken her place at the podium. No one knew her name still, and it was driving Hermione crazy. 

"I know in the past you have been told when the date of your wedding was due, but the council has changed their minds, and they want you all to pick dates tonight to turn in. The wedding date and the date which children are expected are not changed at this time. I am very sorry about this, truly I am. To help you process this, once you have turned in a date, you may go and have the rest of the evening to yourself." Hermione thought the lady almost looked saddened that the council had made this decision. Hermione knew that the lady walked around and talked to many of the students, and maybe she finally realized how this might have been a bad decision. 

"Bye, guys," Harry said as he and Ginny stood up. They had already turned in their date, which meant they could leave. 

"How are we supposed to do this. I don't even have my planner. I should be studying for exams this year, not planning a wedding." Hermione put her head in her hands and tried not to cry. Draco was still looking up in shock that he didn't notice Blaise stand up with Luna and walk out. 

"Draco?" Hermione's voice was small, and she sounded fragile, "What do you want to do? I really don't want to sit here all night." 

"I really don't know. I wanted to help you find your parents before we got married and not knowing if we would be able to do that first. I don't think I can choose one. It can be your choice." 

Hermione's heart saddened even more, hearing this. It would have been perfect to have her parents at her wedding after everything, but with everything going on, someday, just maybe having her parents back was good enough for now. "I don't want it to be too close to exams because I would like to do well on them." They sat there for a while until Hermione finally took a deep breath. "How about New Years'?" She looked up, hoping the date being so close wouldn't freak Draco out. 

"It is already October 25th. Do you think we can plan something you would actually enjoy in that amount of time?" Draco was surprised how soon of a date she had picked, but he figured getting one giant hurdle out of the way might help them. 

"Well, I guess we are going to have to."

"Well, then let's go." Draco took the paper and wrote down what they had decided and went up and handed it to McGonagall, who looked surprised. 

"We are just as surprised as you are, Headmistress." Draco half-smiled at the older women, and McGonagall's eyes widened. Hermione really was helping him, and she hoped he was doing the same for her. 

"You know we can go to Hogsmeade this weekend, do you think we should write to my mother and invite her. Maybe she could help us?" Draco was nervous about this because he hadn't even told his mother who he was partnered with, let alone that they were getting along. 

"That would be nice, but have you even told her about me?" Hermione knew he hadn't.

"No, I suppose I should have. I didn't want to upset anyone, and now that we are doing better, I think it will be easier."

"Draco, another thing about your mother, did you know that she picked out a wedding dress for me? I mean not me personally, but the girl you were paired with. She picked out a dress and asked the ladies at the boutique to hold it for whoever told them they were paired with you."

"I didn't; you didn't get that dress did you. I am sure it was terrible."

"Actually, I did. It fit me perfectly, and I didn't have to look through so many dresses. I even really like it a lot." 

"Your kidding?" Draco stopped in the middle of the hall. How could his mother have done this?

"Do you think she has done other things besides that?" Hermione was curious as to how much of this wedding Narcissa Malfoy had already planned. 

"I guess we are going to find out this weekend." 

They sat in their room for a really long time before they heard a knock on the door. With Hermione's nose in a book, Draco got off the couch and opened the door. 

"Mother?" Hermione looked up because of the tone of Draco's voice, not the word that he used, and she dropped the book on the ground when she saw who it was. 

"Hello Draco, how are you, darling?" 

"Mother, why are you here?" Draco was still blocking her entrance, and Narcissa ignored the question, asking one of her own. 

"Why will you not let your mother in?" Draco moved aside slowly, allowing his mother to come in, and then moved back to the couch in case he needed to get in between the two girls. 

Hermione was standing up now, but her shocked expression hadn't changed. On the other hand, Narcissa had offered herself a seat but never took her eyes off the future, Mrs. Malfoy.

"Mother? Why are you here? I didn't think they allowed parents into the school."

"Well, McGonagall owled me and told you that you and your future bride were going to need serious help. How could you pick a date so close?" She looked back and forth from the two kids in front of her. 

"We thought maybe getting one of the big hurdles out of the way would be a good thing. Plus, Hermione didn't want the wedding to be too close to exams. I agree with her; we should be studying, not planning a wedding."

"It is nice to meet you properly, Mrs. Malfoy finally." Hermione stuck out her hand to shake, but Narcissa didn't move. Hermione looked at Draco, concerned, and Draco glared at his mother, something he had never done in his life. 

"Have you picked a dress yet, dear?" 

"The nice lady at the dress store said you had one picked out for me, and I thought it was such a lovely dress; it was the one I chose." Hermione was now going through her mind trying to decide if that had all been a test. She wanted to get along with Draco's mother.

"Did it fit, alright?" Narcissa was eyeing Hermione up and down, and she shifted uncomfortably in her clothes.

"Perfectly." She tried to smile, but she was sure panic was the only emotion coming across. 

"I am glad to hear it. Draco, may I speak to you outside?" Narcissa stood up again, and Draco flashed sad eyes back to Hermione on their way out.

"Why in all your letters have you not mentioned to me that your future bride was Hermione Granger?" She wasn't upset at all, but Draco was getting defensive none the less.

"I didn't want you to do anything rash, and I was going to ask you to lunch this weekend so that we could tell you everything."

"Draco, I don't have a problem with Ms. Granger; it seems to me, though, that she has a problem with me. Why is she so nervous."

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