
Chapter 58

‘You’ve got a problem with that?’ Pansy asked. Hermione looked at her and then at Draco, who gave her a weird look. She reached to her neck, where the necklace was supposed to be, but she only felt her skin, with nothing on it. ‘I-I, no I’m sorry.’ Hermione said turning around. ‘Did she hit her head or something?’ she heard Pansy say behind her. Hermione fast turned a corner. ‘How can I be so stupid!’ Hermione whispered to herself as she fast made her way up the stairs. ‘How can I be so freaking stupid?’ ‘Of course it was all inside my head! How couldn’t it be?’ she said walking to the doors that lead outside. ‘I mean come on Draco Malfoy? How could he ever fall for me? And how could I ever fall for him? I mean he’s a Malfoy and he’ll always be a Malfoy.’ Hermione sighed. She fast made her way to the Black Lake, she had to sit down and be alone for a while. ‘But how long have I been asleep? That was a very long dream I had there.’ ‘And how haven’t I noticed?’ Hermione sat down. ‘But he was so nice and caring.’ Hermione looked at the lake. ‘He was-‘ Hermione placed her hands on her face. ‘he was amazing.’ A small tear rolled down her cheek. ‘And why am I crying over something that never happened?’ ‘Because it made you happy.’ she heard behind her. She fast turned around and saw Luna standing there behind her. ‘What?’ ‘Because it made you happy.’ Luna said again. ‘You’re crying because you were happy, but may I ask, what made you happy?’ Luna asked sitting down next to Hermione. Hermione sighed, she had no idea how long Luna had been standing there and how much she had heard, but she didn’t care she had to tell someone. And so she did. Hermione told her dream, leaving nothing out and when she finished she had shed a lot of tears. ‘I’m sorry, I’m being silly.’ Hermione said forcing a small smile upon her face. ‘No you’re not.’ Luna said. ‘It’s just hard to believe that everything we fought for has never been anything, did that make any sense?’ Hermione asked. ‘A little.’ Luna said with a small smile. ‘Dreams suck.’ Hermione sighed. Luna chuckled. ‘Not all of them.’ Luna said. ‘And you were happy, weren’t you, inside that head of yours?’ Luna asked. Hermione smiled and nodded. ‘You have been off lately, maybe your brain just knew you needed some happiness like that.’ Luna suggested. Hermione laughed. ‘I don’t think so, I think my head has been messing with me.’ Hermione said. ‘That’s one way to put it.’ Luna said. ‘Thank you for listening.’ Hermione said. ‘No problem, every girl has to have this kind of moments, no matter how strong you are.’ Luna said. Hermione smiled and gave her a hug. ‘Thank you anyway.’ Hermione said. ‘Are you coming inside? I think dinner will be served in a few minutes.’ Luna said. ‘Nha, you go, I’ll come later. I just have to be alone for a minute.’ Hermione said. Luna nodded. ‘See you in there.’ Luna said getting up. ‘See you in there.’ Hermione repeated with a small smile and Luna walked back to the castle. When Luna was gone Hermione dropped her smile and leaned her head in her hands. She had planted her elbows on her legs and looked out on the lake. ‘Luna’s right, maybe I have been off lately.’ Hermione said to herself. ‘And I did needed some happiness.’ she added. Hermione saw white snowflakes fall in front of her to the ground. She looked up and the whole sky was white. ‘What month is it anyway? That whole dream took me off my guard.’ Hermione sighed and got up, walking back to the castle. When she got in there she saw Harry and Ron sitting at the table. ‘Where have you been?’ Harry asked. ‘Oh just outside.’ Hermione said. ‘What month is it?’ she asked. Harry raised his eyebrows. ‘It’s December.’ he said. Now it was Hermione’s turn to raise her eyebrows. ‘December?’ she asked. Ron nodded. ‘What’s wrong? You’ve been acting strange lately.’ Ron said giving her a concerned look. ‘No, I’m fine.’ she said. ‘Are you sure?’ Ron asked placing his hand over hers. ‘Yes I’m sure.’ she said, taken aback by Ron’s action. ‘Okay.’ Ron said continuing his dinner. ‘I’ve just had an odd day.’ Hermione said. ‘Don’t we have them all.’ Ron said laughing. ‘Sure.’ Hermione said, starting her dinner. Harry gave her a strange look, but she chose to ignore him and just started some chitchat with Neville who was sitting on her other side. After dinner Hermione got up and before she walked away from her spot she gave the Slytherin table a glance. She saw Draco sitting there, talking with Blaise and Goyle. A small smile appeared on her face and she walked out of the Great Hall. She walked up the stairs and said the password before Snape let her into her shared common room. She looked around. Everything was the same just like in her dream, but that’s not strange, because nothing ever changes in there. She sat down on her seat in front of the fireplace and made a fire, so she could warm her hands up. Hermione was extremely tired and even though she hadn’t noticed before, now that she sat there in front of the warm fire, all alone in the common room she felt the sleep get to her. Her eyelids felt heavier and before she knew it she almost fell asleep, if it weren’t for Draco walking into the common room, not so silently. ‘See you later!’ Draco shouted at someone. ‘Good night mate.’ she heard Blaise shout back before the portrait closed again. Hermione tilted her head so she could look in his direction. ‘Was that necessary?’ Hermione mumbled. ‘What’s gotten into you today Granger!’ Draco said. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘I thought we had agreed, first day we arrived in this room that you would leave me alone and I would leave you alone, but you’re not really following your own rule today, now are you?’ Draco said. ‘Little bit cranky there Draco?’ Hermione asked. She saw Draco stopping in his track to his room. ‘What did you just say?’ Draco asked, without turning around. ‘I said if you were cranky.’ Hermione said. ‘I meant the last part.’ Draco said and then he turned around facing her. Hermione saw pure shock on his features as he looked at her. ‘What do you mean?’ she asked confused. ‘You called me Draco.’ he said. ‘Well, that’s your name, unless you’ve changed it?’ Hermione asked. And then she got the problem. ‘Not living in your dream anymore.’ she thought. Draco frowned. ‘Did you hit your head?’ Draco asked. ‘Perhaps.’ Hermione shrugged and turned around again, facing the fire. ‘Perhaps.’ she heard Draco say with the tone she had gotten used to in her dream, a soft and calming tone. Something that made her feel safe, which she hadn’t even noticed in her dream. She had felt safe with him. And all of that was gone now.

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