
Chapter 34

‘Easier said than done.’ Draco had said to Ginny when she told him what he had to do a few days ago. Draco was sitting with Blaise and Goyle this morning. He looked over to the Gryffindor table where were the blank spots of Harry, Ron and Ginny, who were in the Hospital Wing for Hermione. They wanted to tell her everything that has been happening. ‘How are you mate?’ Blaise asked. ‘Great.’ Draco said. ‘Come on she will get her memory back.’ Goyle said.

‘Eventually.’ Blaise added. ‘Great pep talk guys.’ Draco said. ‘Would you like to do something fun today? As it is Hogsmeade weekend.’ Blaise asked. ‘No not really.’ Draco said. ‘Why not?’ Goyle asked. ‘Because Hermione is coming back to our common room today.’ Draco said. ‘Really? But that is great, right?’ Blaise said. Draco nodded. ‘You can let her fall in love again.’ Blaise said smirking. ‘Not helping mate.’ Draco said. ‘Sorry, I know this is hard for you, but you need to see it from the bright side, you’ve got a second change.’ Blaise said. ‘Second change for what? It was great between Hermione and me.’ Draco said. ‘Just tried to make you feel better.’ Blaise said. ‘Mission failed.’ Goyle said. ‘I’m going.’ Draco said. ‘Are you sure you’re not going with us?’ Goyle asked. Draco nodded. ‘See you later.’ Draco said and he stood up. Draco walked up to the Hospital Wing and stopped in front of the doors. He hadn’t seen Hermione since she had woken up, because she didn’t want to. Draco took in a deep breath and opened the door. He saw Ginny standing in front of the bed where Hermione had been laying. ‘Where is she?’ Draco asked. ‘Harry and Ron are taking her up to your dormitory, but I said I would wait for you so we could go together.’ Ginny said with a small smile. ‘To which point are you guys with telling her?’ Draco asked. ‘Almost to the point where she was made to Head Girl in the Great Hall.’ Ginny said. ‘Oh okay.’ Draco said looking down as they walked up the stairs. ‘You know I was thinking, why don’t you write down what happened when we were not around from the beginning of the school year, from the first time you saw her and just write down your feelings and stuff.’ Ginny said. Draco thought about it and then nodded. ‘I’ll do that.’ Draco said. ‘Great, you never know maybe it can help with bringing her memory back.’ Ginny said. Draco nodded. ‘Thank you Ginny for helping me with this.’ Draco said. ‘No problem, we’re friends.’ Ginny said smiling. Draco smiled. Then they arrived in front of the portrait where Harry, Ron and Hermione were waiting. ‘Oh really? Interesting.’ Hermione said looking at Snape. ‘There you are, why did it take so long?’ Ron asked. ‘Oh shut up Ronald.’ Ginny said. Draco saw that Hermione was holding Ron’s hand and he got another pang in his heart. He got a huge stomach and headache and he felt again like throwing up. He didn’t want to see this. He walked over to Snape’s portrait. ‘Time Turner.’ Draco whispered so that Snape only could hear. Snape nodded and the portrait swung open, Draco stepped through it and he was followed by Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny. ‘Are you guys going to stay?’ Hermione asked. ‘No we have a lot of homework.’ Ginny said. ‘No I don-‘ Ron started, but he was stopped because of a poke in his ribs of his sister and Harry at the same time. ‘Yes indeed.’ Ron said. ‘Okay, see you with lunch then.’ Hermione said. ‘Just go to bed and try to sleep, we’ll talk later.’ Ginny said. Hermione nodded and the three of them left after Hermione gave Ron a kiss on his cheek. ‘Do you want help?’ Draco asked as Hermione turned around. ‘Okay let’s get this straight Malfoy, I don’t want to be here with you just as you don’t want to be here with me. So you can just pretend as if I’m not here and I pretend you’re not here.’ Hermione said. ‘I just asked if you wanted help.’ Draco said and he sat down in his chair looking at the wall. ‘No.’ Hermione said and she walked to the door that was on the left. Draco heard her open the door. ‘My room.’ Draco said. He heard Hermione close it again and walked to the other one. ‘I knew that.’ Hermione said and she closed the door behind her. ‘Sure you did.’ Draco sighed. ‘Was this ever going to change?’ Draco thought.

‘It started like this, don’t forget that, plus we’re on your side now.’ Ginny said as they walked through the corridors. ‘I know, but it’s hard to see her like this, to hear her say those things.’ Draco said. ‘I know, you have to be patient.’ Ginny said. Draco nodded and sighed. ‘But how was the first day?’ Ginny asked. ‘Horrible, the few minutes she was out of her room she didn’t talk to me and she just glared at me.’ Draco said. ‘Really? And this morning?’ Ginny asked. ‘Well she was still asleep, and if I wouldn’t wake her she would be late for breakfast, so I woke her up and I got a shoe thrown at my head.’ Draco said. Ginny laughed. ‘Sorry, not funny.’ Ginny said. ‘Actually it was kind of funny as I look back at it now.’ Draco said smirking. Ginny smirked. ‘But how are you going to make her fall in love with you again?’ Ginny asked. ‘I don’t know, the first time it just happened.’ Draco said. Ginny nodded. ‘I really hope she’ll get her memory back.’ Draco said. ‘Me too.’ Ginny said. ‘Are you going to Hogsmeade today?’ Ginny asked. ‘Nope, you?’ Draco asked. ‘Yes I’m taking Hermione, if you like to come, you can.’ Ginny said. ‘And risking another shoe against my head? No thank you.’ Draco said. Ginny laughed. ‘Aw come on, we’ll see you there.’ Ginny said. ‘No I’m fine, I’ll start with writing that thing you said.’ Draco said. ‘Okay.’ Ginny said smiling. ‘Don’t forget the details.’ Ginny said. ‘No I won’t.’ Draco said. ‘I really have to go, Hermione is waiting for me.’ Ginny said. ‘Okay speak to you later.’ Draco said. Ginny nodded and fast walked further. Draco walked back to his common room and when he got to the portrait he stopped. ‘Good day Mister Malfoy.’ Snape said. ‘Hello professor.’ Draco said. ‘I spoke to Miss Granger yesterday.’ Snape said. ‘I saw it.’ Draco said. ‘She asked me about what happened.’ Snape said. Draco nodded. ‘Time Turner.’ Draco said. Snape nodded and opened the portrait. Draco walked in and walked right away to his room. He laid down on his bed and packet the book that was on his night drawer. Draco had been reading for a few hours now. He didn’t have much to do, because he had already all of his homework done. Then Snape called him. ‘What?’ Draco asked opening his door to the common room. ‘Miss Weasley wants to talk to you, it’s urgent.’ Snape said. ‘What now?’ Draco asked walking towards the entrance. Draco opened it and let Ginny in, who was breathless. ‘Something happened?’ Draco asked. Ginny tried to talk, but Draco couldn’t hear her. ‘What? I don’t understand you.’ Draco said. ‘Ginny where is Hermione?’ Draco asked. ‘She- she saw Ro- Ron kiss La-Lavender and the- then she ran away.’ Ginny said catching her breath. ‘What? Where did she go?’ Draco asked. ‘We don’t know.’ Ginny said still breathless. ‘We need to find her, she lost her memory! Who know what will happen!’ Draco said running out of the common room. Draco ran as fast as he could, he tried the Great Hall, but she wasn’t there. He tried the library, but she wasn’t there either. He ran through the corridors, this time towards the Hospital Wing, but she wasn’t there either. Draco ran fast away again and then he knew it. Draco ran out of the castle, over the grass towards the Black Lake. When he came there, breathless because of the running, he saw Hermione sitting on the bench. ‘Go away.’ Hermione said when she heard footsteps behind her. ‘Hermione, are you okay?’ Draco asked carefully. ‘Malfoy?’ Hermione asked surprised, but she stayed like she was, sitting with her back towards Draco. ‘Go away.’ Hermione snapped. ‘I just want to help, what happened?’ Draco asked. ‘You don’t care, so don’t ask.’ Hermione said. Draco heard her sob. ‘I do care.’ Draco said and he now stood in front of Hermione. Her eyes were red and puffy of the crying and the tears were rolling down her cheeks.  She fast wiped them away and didn’t look up. ‘What happened?’ Draco asked worried, though he already knew what happened. Hermione took in a deep breath. ‘I promise I won’t tell anyone.’ Draco said. ‘And if you still want me to leave after you told me, I’ll respect that and go.’ Draco said. Hermione looked up for the first time. Draco could look into Hermione’s watery brown eyes. The eyes he loved, that now didn’t even recognized him as they did. Hermione doubted and then gave in with a sigh. ‘I- I saw Ron kiss Lavender in Hogsmeade, next to the Three Broomsticks.’ Hermione said through soft sobs. Draco kneeled down in front of Hermione so he could look into her eyes, as she was looking down at her hands. ‘You don’t remember anything, do you?’ Draco asked softly. Hermione looked at him. ‘What do you mean?’ She asked. ‘You broke up with Ron months ago.’ Draco said. ‘I did what?’ Hermione asked. ‘You broke up with him, and you both moved further.’ Draco said. Hermione looked back at her hands that bolded into fists. ‘I’m so stupid!’ Hermione said. ‘No you’re not, you couldn’t remember.’ Draco said. Then Hermione stood up and walked to the nearest tree. Draco looked up at her and then she did something he didn’t thought she would ever do. Hermione punched against a tree with her fist. Then she winched. ‘Hermione stop it.’ Draco said, but she didn’t listen she punched and kicked. Draco ran over to her grabbing her arm, turning her towards him and packing the other arm with his free hand. He held her tightly, though she bounced on his chest with her fist, trying to escape. ‘Hermione, Mione calm down!’ Draco said. The tears were rolling down her cheeks and then she gave in. She crashed her head into Draco’s chest and sobbed further as Draco tightly held her close to his body, to comfort her. ‘Sssh it’s okay, don’t worry.’ Draco said trying to calm her down. ‘Mione everything is okay, don’t worry.’ Draco said.

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