
Chapter 20

Hermione quickly opened her eyes and sat up straight, sweat covering her forehead. What kind of odd nightmare had that been? What time was it? 'Hermione?' she heard Draco on the other side of the closed door. 'Hermione?' 'What?' 'You were screaming, I thought- are you okay?' he asked concerned. 'Yes, it was just a nightmare.' she called back. 'Can I come in?' 'No.' 'But you promised.' Draco stated. 'Not now.' 'Please Hermione.' 'No, just go away.' 'Hermione, I just want to talk to you, nothing more.' 'Please, just go away.' Hermione said. She heard Draco sigh before he walked off. Hermione knew she was overreacting, but she couldn't help it. She was scared to break when she'd look into his eyes. She laid back down and closed her eyes again. She tried not to think of Draco, but it was harder than she had initially thought, so she diverted her thoughts to the upcoming holiday. She'd spend Christmas with everyone in the Burrow. A huge Christmas tree, presents spread underneath it. Christmas with Harry, Ron, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, George and Fre-, not this year, this year would be without Fred. Her heart clenched at the thought and she quickly tried to think of the other people who would be coming. Bill, Fleur and of course Ginny. Ginny. Her thoughts drifted off again to the images of her best friend and Draco kissing, and she quickly shook her head, trying to somehow shake the thoughts out of her head.

The next morning Hermione still didn't feel great, so she decided to skip the classes of that day and stay in bed. This would also mean she'd have another day of not having to see Draco nor Ginny, which somehow felt as some kind of relief. She knew she'd have to face him eventually, but just not yet. She waited until Draco had taken off to the Great Hall for breakfast and the classes had begun for the day before she stepped out of bed and pulled a sweater and jeans on. She walked out of the common room and down the stairs, but when she passed the corner she bumped into someone. She stepped back, startled, only to see it was Luna she had bumped into. 'I'm sorry Luna.' 'That's alright.' Lune said dreamily. 'You don't look very good, are you okay?' 'I'm fine.' Hermione said, trying to wave it away. 'Is there something I can do for you?' Luna asked. 'No, thank you.' 'Where were you headed?' 'Down to the kitchen.' 'I'll walk with you, if that's okay?' Hermione nodded and continued walking down the corridor. 'Shouldn't you be in class now?' Hermione asked. 'No, but I know you should be.' Luna said, staring out in front of her. 'I've given myself a day off, due to the fact I don't feel well.' 'Has this something to do with Draco Malfoy?' Luna asked, catching Hermione completely off guard. Hermione whipped her head around to look at Luna. 'No.' she answered quickly. 'You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.' Luna smiled. They arrived in the kitchen and Honey immediately appeared in front of them. 'Is Miss Granger feeling better?' Honey asked. 'Slightly.' Hermione said. 'Honey will make Miss Granger and friend breakfast.' Honey said. 'Thank you Honey.' Hermione nodded, walking over to the table. Luna and Hermione waited for a moment before Honey appeared by their sides with a plate of food. Honey had prepared a plate with fruit for Luna and Luna thanked the elf before Honey continued her other tasks of the morning. When they both finished they thanked Honey one last time before exiting the kitchen and walking up the stairs. Hermione had asked Luna whether she'd want to tag along to the Head dormitory and so Luna accompanied Hermione up the stairs to the seventh floor. Hermione told Snape the password loud enough for him to hear before they stepped into the common room. They sat down on the couch and Hermione started to tell Luna about everything that had happened. When Hermione finished Luna looked up at her and a slight frown had appeared on her forehead. 'But Hermione, do you really believe Ginny would do such a thing to you? She's your best friend and I'm sure you've seen the way she looks at Harry. I don't see Ginny liking anyone else but Harry.' Luna said. Hermione sighed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, replaying Luna's words in her head. She slowly nodded as she looked up at Luna. 'You're right.' 'I wouldn't worry about Draco if I were you, he really likes you.' Luna told her with her dreamy voice. 'How would you know?' 'I can see it from the way he looks at you. It's obvious, really.' Hermione's eyes darted down to look at her hands. 'And I can tell you like him. I'm guessing you might even have fallen in love with him over time.' Hermione took in a deep breath and looked back up at Luna. 'I don't know how I feel.' she answered in all honesty. 'I didn't think I would ever feel the way I do for Draco.' 'He has changed.' Luna said. 'A lot.' Hermione nodded. 'Why don't you go and get some rest? Don't worry about anything that has happened either out in the real world or inside your head.' Luna said, getting up from the couch. 'I'm off to look for my cloak.' 'Did you lose your cloak?' 'The nargles must've taken it.' Luna said. 'I'm sure I'll find it at some point, they can't hide it forever.' 'Thank you for hearing me out.' Hermione said, ignoring the part where Luna talked about a non-existing creature. 'That's no problem at all.' Luna smiled before turning around and exiting the common room. Hermione stayed on the couch for a few minutes longer. She didn't want to spend the whole day in bed again, so she decided to head off to the library. When she got there she roamed the bookshelves for a while before she took two with her and headed back up the stairs. 'Hermione?' She turned around and saw Harry and Ron walking up to her. 'Hey guys.' 'We heard you weren't feeling well, are you okay?' Harry asked. 'Just a small fever, nothing to worry about.' Hermione shrugged. 'You never miss class, are you sure there's nothing to worry about?' Ron asked. Hermione rolled her eyes at her best friend and shook her head. 'I'm fine.' 'Why aren't you in bed?' Harry asked. 'I was bored so I came here to get a few books.' Hermione shrugged. 'Why doesn't that surprise me.' Ron grinned. 'If there's anything we can help you with, just let us know, okay?' Harry said. 'Thank you, but I'm fine. I'm going back to bed. I'll see you later.' Hermione smiled, making her way back up the stairs. When she arrived back in her room she laid down in bed and opened one of the books, starting to read about mysterious creatures all over the world.

Draco walked down the corridor feeling absolutely useless. He had no idea what he should do if Hermione wouldn't open the door soon. She couldn't stay in her room for the rest of the year, now could she? She's Hermione Granger, she won't miss her classes for yet another day. 'Hello Draco.' Draco heard a dreamy voice say behind him. He turned around and saw Luna walking up to him. 'Luna, right?' Draco asked, to which Luna nodded. 'How are you?' she asked. 'Could be better.' 'I've talked to Hermione this morning.' 'You did? How? Was she out of her room?' Draco asked taken aback. 'Oh yes, she was heading down to the kitchen.' 'Really?' Luna nodded. 'She didn't look very well.' 'She doesn't want to open her bedroom door for me. She locks herself up every time she goes in there.' 'You're a wizard, why don't you just unlock the door?' 'Because she'll be mad if I do.' 'I've got a feeling you can talk to her now. She might've changed her mind.' Luna told him. 'Really? What did she tell you?' 'That's something between her and me.' Luna shrugged. 'Alright, I'll see what I can do after this class.' Draco said. 'Good luck.' Luna nodded and turned a corner, walking away from Draco. Draco frowned, trying to make sense of this sudden talk with Luna Lovegood. He walked further down the corridor and entered the classroom for his last class of the day. Blaise was already seated at one of the tables and Draco crossed the room before sitting down next to his best friend. 'Is she still in her room?' Blaise asked quietly, having been informed about the current situation Draco had found himself in. 'I think so.' Draco said, pulling his book out of his bag. 'Have you figured out what you're going to do?' Blaise asked. 'No I don't. I think I'll try to talk to her again.' Blaise nodded. 'I don't get what has gotten into her.' Draco said. 'Why she's acting like this.' Blaise raised his eyebrows as he turned to look at him. 'Are you serious?' 'What?' 'It's obvious, mate. She thinks you're hooking up with Weasley, her best friend, and that upsets her because she's in love with you.' 'Are you saying she's jealous?' 'Yes!' 'But she doesn't have to be.' Blaise rolled his eyes, not being able to keep himself from laughing. 'What is Weasley even helping you with?' Blaise asked. 'Well Weasley came up to me about a week ago and told me she could see that I- er-' 'That you've fallen head over heels for Hermione Granger.' Blaise smirked. 'Right- and that she'd love to help me out.' Draco finished. 'She didn't tell you whether Granger likes you too?' 'No, she didn't.' Draco said, shaking his head. 'So? What are you going to do?' Blaise asked. 'I don't know yet. I mean I'm quite nervous actually.' 'For what?' 'For telling Hermione, but then this happened and now she doesn't even want to talk to me.' 'Do you want my help?' 'I'll first try to talk to her after class and if she doesn't want to I'll see what my next step will be.' 'Why don't you organize a dinner for two in your common room? No one will disturb you there.' Blaise suggested. 'I was thinking of doing that.' Draco nodded. 'But what if she doesn't like me? That's the whole problem. Our friendship will be ruined right away.' 'Mate, she's in her room thinking you're hooking up with another girl, she doesn't want to come out or let you in and you're still thinking she's not into you?' 'Well yes-' 'For Merlin's sake, you really are stupid.' Blaise laughed. 'I'm not.' Draco hissed. 'Even an owl can see Granger likes you.' 'Shut up.' Draco hissed, just as the professor started the class.

When Draco arrived back in their shared dormitory he walked straight to Hermione's bedroom door, stopping in front of it and knocking on the wood. 'Hermione? Hermione, are you in there?' He heard Hermione groan. 'I was sleeping!' she called back. 'Can you open the door?' 'Naturally, but I won't.' 'Come on Hermione. You promised yesterday morning that you'd see me later. It's later now!' 'Just go and read a book or something.' Hermione called back. 'No and if you won't let me in, I'm going to force my way in.' Draco told her sternly. 'I wouldn't do that if I were you.' 'Open the door then.' 'No.' Draco sighed and took a few steps back before charging at the door, but when I pushed his shoulder against it the door swung open and Draco lost his balance, falling, face first, on the ground. Hermione gasped and jumped out of bed, hurrying over to him. 'Are you okay?' 'Oh yes, I'm fine, just slightly embarrassed, that's all.' Draco mumbles, rubbing his head. Hermione chuckled and helped him up. 'You could've just opened the door.' Hermione told him. 'Yes, I noticed.' Draco stated. Hermione couldn't help but laugh as she took a step back. 'You think that's funny?' Draco asked. 'Yes, it was from where I was seated.' Hermione chuckled. 'Can we talk?' Draco asked. Hermione stopped laughing and looked down at her hands. 'I was actually just going to get myself something to eat.' she said, quickly wanting to pass him. Draco took her wrist in his hand, keeping her from walking off again. 'I'm not going to let you walk away this time, Hermione.' he told her. Hermione turned to face him. 'I don't want to talk to you.' 'Please, I just want to-' 'I got it, okay? You like Ginny, Ginny likes you, but please don't go around showing this fact before Harry knows of it.' Hermione told him, wanting to walk away again. 'No, you don't get it!' Draco exclaimed. 'I do.' 'I like Ginny, but just as a friend. I couldn't have fallen in love with her, because I fell in love with someone else.' Draco said. 'I'm sure.' 'If you don't want to believe me, I'll proof it to you.' 'And how are you going-' Hermione started, but before she could finish her sentence Draco had placed his hand on her cheek and had gently pressed his lips against hers. Hermione froze for a moment, only to kiss him back right after she gathered herself. Blaise had been right, she wouldn't kiss him back if she didn't like him the way he liked her. 

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