
Chapter 2

The train slowly came to a stop as the Hogwarts express neared the platform. After the train had made it to a complete halt, every student got out of their cabins, now fully clothed in their Hogwarts uniforms and got out of the train. As Hermione stepped on the cold stones outside she felt Ron's fingers intertwine with hers. She looked over her shoulder and gave him a small smile before turning back around and seeing Hagrid towering high above all the small first years around him. 'That was us a few years ago.' she whispered. 'Are you coming?' Ron asked. Hermione nodded and walked alongside Ron towards Harry and Ginny, who were waiting for them at the other end of the platform. After having gotten into a carriage and they had made the trip to the castle, they got out and walked into the school, immediately making their way towards the Great Hall, where dinner would be served and the first years would be sorted into one of the four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. The four of them walked over to the Gryffindor table where they sat down. Hermione looked around the Great Hall and smiled to herself. It was good to be back and they had done such a great job on the restorations of Hogwarts as far as she had seen on their way in. Hermione turned to look at Ron, who had seated himself next to her, and took his hand, giving it a slight squeeze before turning to Harry who had spoken up. 'Are you really sure it was Malfoy?' Harry asked for the tenth time that evening. 'Harry, I was sure the first and second time you asked me, that's not going to change the third to twentieth time you'll ask.' I tell him. Harry nodded, a frown appearing on his forehead. 'Why? What does he think he's going to do here?' Ron asked. 'I don't know? But McGonagall wouldn't have allowed him to return to Hogwarts if she wasn't sure he had changed, don't you think?' Hermione said. 'I don't know about that one.' Ron said. When all the students were seated at the right tables and the first years were sorted, McGonagall stepped forward and cleared her throat. Everyone immediately stopped talking and a complete silence filled the Great Hall. McGonagall gave the annual speech and welcomed all the students back at Hogwarts. After she had finished she sat back down behind the teacher's table, which was for everyone else the que to start the feast. Hermione's eyes darted up at the Slytherin table and that's when she saw Draco sitting there, laughing about something Goyle must've said. 'Excuse me.' McGonagall said, standing back up. 'I forgot an important part of my speech.' Everyone stopped again and turned back to look at her. 'I introduced you to your prefects, but I forgot to name the Head Boy and Head Girl of this schoolyear.' she said. 'Who would that be?' Ron winked, nudging Hermione's arm. 'I don't know.' Hermione shrugged, turning back to McGonagall. 'Head Girl of this year is Hermione Granger.' McGonagall said with a small smile, looking over at Hermione. Everyone started to applaud and whoop, except for the Slytherin students. Hermione smiled and gave McGonagall a thankful nod. 'I'm so proud of you Hermione!' Ginny cheered. 'Thank you.' Hermione smiled. 'And the Head boy of this year is...' McGonagall started again. 'Draco Malfoy.' You could hear students gasp before it was dead silence in the Great Hall as everyone stared at Draco who was sitting there, wide eyed and his eyebrows raised, staring at McGonagall. After two seconds of silence the Slytherin table erupted into applause and whistles. 'Stay after dinner please, I want to speak to the both of you.' McGonagall said to the both of them. Both Hermione and Draco nodded and McGonagall sat back down, motioning for everyone to get back to the feast. 'Why Malfoy?' Ron said, disgust written all over his face. 'I don't know, but we can't change it so we have to live with it.' Hermione sighed. 'Why are you saying it as if you don't care? It's Malfoy for Merlin's sake.' Ron exclaimed. 'Ron stop it, she's right you can't change it and maybe he did change.' Ginny said.

'Head Boy mate!' Blaise exclaimed with a huge grin. 'Why does she want to talk to us?' Draco muttered. 'I don't know.' Goyle shrugged. 'And of course knows-it-all Granger has been named Head Girl.' Draco sighed. 'Have you seen her?' Blaise asked. 'No not yet, why?' Draco asked. Blaise just opened his mouth to answer when Pansy sat down between us. 'Great job Drakie!' Pansy said, grabbing my arm. 'Thanks, can you leave again?' Draco asked. 'Head Boy hu? Maybe you'll have your own room now... that would make it much easier to hang out with each other.' Pansy said, giving Draco an innocent smile, to which Draco just rolled his eyes with a sigh. Pansy started to talk about other things and Draco felt himself growing more irritated and impatient with every word that left her mouth. Draco was therefore extremely glad when dinner was finally over and everyone went off to their house's common room. Draco got up from his seat after everyone had left and walked over to McGonagall. As Draco neared McGonagall he noticed a brown haired girl nearing him from the corner of his eye. Granger. Draco turned to look to his right and was taken aback by what he saw. Granger... she was the pretty girl from the train.

They ate dinner while chatting to one another and after they finished dessert Ginny, Ron and Harry left along with all the other students, on their way to the Gryffindor common room. 'I'll see you later.' Ron said, planting a kiss to Hermione's lips. Hermione nodded as she got up herself and walked over to where McGonagall was standing. When Hermione got there after Draco she gave him a quick glance, only to notice he was staring at her with an odd expression on his face. Hermione raised one eyebrow at him, before turning back to McGonagall, ignoring him. 'I hope you're happy with your new position.' McGonagall started. 'And I've got something to tell the two of you.' Both nodded as she looked from one to the other. 'You two are going to share a dormitory this year.' McGonagall told them. 'WHAT! I'm not going to share a dormitory with !' Hermione exclaimed. 'AND I'M NOT GOING TO SHARE ONE WITH A MUDBLOOD!' Draco snapped. 'Mind your language Mister Malfoy!' McGonagall said sternly. 'You are going to share a dormitory and I hope you both will make the best of it with each other.' McGonagall told them. 'Because that would make things easier for the both of you.' They both didn't answer. 'Okay?' McGonagall asked. 'Yes.' they said in unison. 'Alright, now follow me and I'll show you your dormitory.' McGonagall smiled as she started to walk towards the exit of the Great Hall, followed by the new Head Boy and Girl. McGonagall led the way through the corridors and up the stairs until they stopped in front of a portrait on the seventh floor. Hermione knew exactly where they were and what could only be their new dormitory. 'Here it is.' McGonagall said, gesturing to what must be behind the portrait. Hermione looked up at the portrait on the wall and saw someone she hadn't expected to see every again. Professor Severus Snape. 'Good evening Severus.' McGonagall said. 'Evening Minerva.' Snape said groggily. McGonagall turned to face us. 'The password is Time Turner.' Hermione nodded, fixing her eyes back on McGonagall. 'I'll see the two of you tomorrow morning at breakfast, have a good night.' McGonagall said, turning to walk away, only to stop after a few steps. 'Oh and if you want something to change-' 'Another person to live with.' Draco muttered. 'In the room! You just have to think of the change.' McGonagall said, giving Malfoy a deadly glare. 'Thank you.' Hermione said before turning to the portrait. 'Time Turner.' Snape nodded and the portrait swung open. Hermione walked through the portrait hole and into the common room. There was a couch and two armchairs in front of a fireplace and there were two doors in a wall on the opposite side of the room. Hermione walked towards the left door and opened it, only to find herself staring into a Slytherin green bedroom. 'This is yours.' Hermione called over her shoulder as she walked towards the right door before opening that one. When she walked in she was met by Gryffindor red coloured walls. There was a king-sized bed positioned against the wall opposite the door, accompanied by two nightstand on either side of the bed. The room was beautiful and just what she needed. Hermione's room had the same furniture, which were positioned on the same place, as Draco's room. The only difference, apart from the colour of the walls, was the fact that Hermione's room made her think back to the times in the Gryffindor common room, the warmth, the welcoming feeling, the feeling of coming home. Hermione looked around the room, only for her eyes to land on a door in the left wall. She furrowed her eyebrows as she walked over to the door and opened it, but what she hadn't expected to find in the bathroom was Draco facing her from the opposite side of the room. 'No way.' Hermione groaned. 'I have to share a bathroom with you?' she said, scrunching her nose up in disgust. 'Don't even think of coming in here when I'm taking a shower or something.' 'As long as you stay away when I'm in here.' Draco huffed. 'Believe me, I don't want to see you butt naked.' Hermione told him. 'I'm sure.' Draco smirked. Hermione rolled her eyes and turned around. After she closed the bathroom door behind her she noticed her trunk standing at the end of the bed with two pillows placed on it. Hermione sat down on her bed and took her new surroundings in, a sigh leaving her lips.

Draco looked around the bathroom, which was huge. There was a shower with different showerheads, a bathtub and two sinks. A wall with another door separated the toilet from the bathroom. Great, he had to share a dorm, common room and now a bathroom with that Mudblood. Draco turned around and walked back into his room, sitting down on his bed and staring around the room that he would be calling his bedroom for the upcoming schoolyear. The walls were Slytherin green and the whole room felt more of a home than the Slytherin common room had ever felt like. The Slytherin common room felt empty, no matter how many people were in there, but not only empty of people, but also of joy and happiness. Draco sighed, pushed himself up from the bed and made his way into the common room, where he sat himself down on one of the armchairs in front of the fire place, his eyes fixed on the fire. A few minutes later he heard a door being opened and shut again, but he didn't bother to look up. 'Malfoy, I know you dread this situation as much as I do, but we have to live with it.' Hermione spoke up. Draco turned to look at her before replying. 'Let's just avoid each other as much as we can.' 'Sounds good to me, but we do have to work together sometimes, for prefects meetings.' 'We'll stay away from each other, apart from when we have to arrange something.' Draco shrugged, turning back to the fireplace. 'Great.' Hermione said. 'Good night Malfoy.' Draco didn't answer and kept his eyes on the fire. Hermione turned around with a sigh and walked back to her bedroom before closing the door behind her. Draco let out a sigh, running his fingers through his hair. Why did McGonagall choose him? And why put him and Hermione Granger in the same dormitory? Why couldn't he have just stayed away from this place?

When Hermione woke up the next morning she looked around and sighed. It hadn't been a nightmare, she was really Head Girl and had to live with Draco Malfoy. Awesome! She sat up straight in bed and stretched before getting out of bed and grabbing her school uniform. She walked into the bathroom and locked both doors. When she was ready in there she unlocked both locks again and walked into the common room through her bedroom door. She crossed the room and stopped in front of Draco's bedroom door, stopping her hand mid-way to the doorknob. Would it be such a good idea to wake him up? But if she didn't he'd sleep through breakfast... Hermione moved her hand away from the doorknob and started knocking on the wood. 'Malfoy!' 'Malfoy! Wake up! It's time for breakfast.' Hermione said through the closed door. She groaned when she didn't hear an answer and slowly opened the door. She slowly walked in, her eyes set on the platinum blonde hair on the pillow. She walked closer towards the bed and looked down at him. He was rather handsome and kind of.... cute like this.... Hermione carefully shook his arm, trying to wake Mr. Malfoy up. 'Malfoy, wake up.' Draco steered in his sleep before slowly opening one eye before opening the other. He looked up at Hermione and gave her a small smile before quickly recovering himself and putting on his usual Malfoy expression. 'Good morning.' Hermione said, staring down at him. 'What are you doing here?' Draco spat. 'Waking you up for breakfast.' 'Oh...' Draco said, sitting up straight in his bed. Hermione made her way out of his bedroom and closed the door behind her before walking over to the couch and sitting down. After a few minutes Draco came out of his room in his school uniform with a smug expression written all over his face. He's certainly not a morning person. 'Ready?' Hermione asked. 'Did you wait for me?' Draco asked rather surprised at the sight of Hermione. 'Yes? Why not?' 'Because we would avoid each other?' 'If you want it like that, alright then.' Hermione shrugged, getting up. She placed the newspaper back on the table and walked out of the room, leaving Draco on his own. A few moments later she walked into the Great Hall and sat herself down next to Ron. 'Good morning.' she smiled. 'Morning.' Harry and Ginny said in unison. 'You survived the night.' Ginny joked. 'Yeah I did.' Hermione laughed. Hermione grabbed a piece of toast and started on her breakfast while talking to Ginny and Harry. Ron was rather quiet throughout breakfast and Hermione couldn't help but wonder if something was bothering him, he was never this quiet. 'Something wrong?' Hermione asked quietly, turning to look at Ron. 'I don't want you to be around Malfoy.' Ron said. 'Why not?' 'Because he's Malfoy, he's a bloody Death Eater.' 'Ron, not again.' Ginny warned, shooting a deadly glare in her brother's direction. Hermione looked up at her and raised her eyebrows, but Ginny shook her head, not providing Hermione with an answer.


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