
part 5

Hermione avoided Draco as much as possible on Wednesday. She was lucky, he had Quidditch practise before Astronomy so she only saw him in that class. Then she headed to bed first, before he could even get there. On Thursday before the detention Hermione was exhausted, She had had double Defence Against the dark arts in the morning and double transfiguration in the afternoon. McGonagall had allowed Hermione to sit the Arithmancy N.E.W.T. in May and she did not need to go to lessons until the month before the N.E.W.T.

On Thursday she was tired, she knew Draco was too, after all he had Quidditch Practise again on top. She hoped he wouldn't take out his agitation on her. She waited outside McGonagall's office, Draco came down the hallway looking angry.

Draco watched her as she entered the office, I've had a long day and I don't need this. I don't need her getting to me today.

"Come with me," McGonagall said as they entered, they followed her into the Trophy room. "Clean every trophy, no magic." She held out her hand and they handed her their wands. "If you don't finish today there's always tomorrow."

Draco and Hermione both moaned. They headed to opposite sides as they began to clean. Neither spoke to each other. Hermione's eyes were closing half way through.

"GRANGER!" Draco shouted.

Hermione's eyes opened, "Huh..."

"You were falling asleep," Draco said.

"Oh," Hermione said.

Draco put his hand in his pocket and grabbed a small potion bottle, "Here."

He threw it at her, she caught it.

"What is it? Poison?" Hermione asked.

Draco smirked, "I wouldn't poison you in detention, no one to blame it on."

Hermione grinned.

"It's a potion, keeps you awake and alert until you take the antidote."

"Where's the antidote?" Hermione asked.

Draco threw another bottle at her.

"So this is how your staying awake," Hermione said.

"Yea," Draco said. "My mum sent me them."

Hermione nodded and took the potion. She felt alert and awake, no longer tired. It was way better then coffee. She smiled.

"So it works," Draco smirked.

Hermione nodded and continued to clean. After a whole she said, "Thanks."

"Your welcome." Draco said.

After half an hour it was Draco who broke the silence, "This is boring."

"Detention isn't meant to be fun," Hermione replied.

"Yea I should know."

Hermione laughed, "Yea."

"So um...how are Potty and Freckle's wedding plans going?"

"You really want to know?"

"No it's the potion. Side effect is person acts nice."

"Oh," Hermione smiled. "There going good, he gave her his mothers ring. She burst into tears and there even more loved up then before. Sickening."

Draco laughed, "That's not very nice!"

"Great my side effect is I'm mean!" Hermione grinned.

"Guess what happened with Blaise and Lovegood."

"She blew him up?"

"No she asked him to strip. Blaise was grinning and she comes out with, she only wanted to check if the blue eagle elf had left any spots on him."

Hermione laughed, "Luna is..."




"Don't call her that Malfoy."

"The world calls her Loony Lovegood and you don't want me to call her mad?" Draco asked.

"She's a friend, a really good friend." Hermione was becoming a little overwhelmed.

"Emotions running wild is a side effect by the way," Draco warned.


"Relax Granger!" Draco warned.

The rest of the detention was spent in silence. Hermione cleaned her half of the room fast. We were having a civil conversation! Why did he ruin it? Or did I ruin it? No he ruined it! Evil ferret.

Draco was speeding up the cleaning. Stupid mudblood, I can't believe she started another argument! I even shared my potion with her! What was I thinking? Me and her, we're not meant to get along! Its just how its meant to be.

McGonagall came in a little while later, "I'm impressed."

"Thanks," they both mumbled.

"Hope you've learnt your lesson, you may go." McGonagall said handing them their wands.

Hermione walked in front of Draco as they headed to their dorms. She got in the room and he entered their bathroom first. She took out her night clothes and her antidote and after Draco was done she entered the bathroom. She changed and washed up. She took the antidote and felt dizzy.

"Granger," Draco growled from the other side of the door. "Take your antidote when you're in bed."

Hermione sweared before collapsing. Draco swore and opened the door. Hermione was on the floor. Draco bent over and picked her up. He was surprised she was so light. Maybe I'm just strong. He pulled back the duvet with one hand and placed her in the bed. He pulled the duvet over her and got into his own bed.


Ginny and Harry were still awake in their bed.

"Hermione and Draco are back," Ginny said.

"How'd you know?" Harry asked turning to her.

"I heard them."

"Big ears."

"Thanks," Ginny grinned.

"Those two are going to kill each other before the wedding."

"Before the engagement," Ginny smirked.

"Do you want an engagement party?" Harry asked.

"I dunno, we might as well all go out for drinks with our friends and maybe family but the wedding is so close, there's no real point," Ginny replied.

Harry kissed her, "When you going dress shopping?"

"October," Ginny replied. "End of October."

"Maid of Honour is?"

"Hermione obviously, and then I want Lavender up there and I should have Luna as she's a friend."

"I'll ask Ron to be best man, does that mean I have to have Malfoy and Zabini walk the other two down the aisle?"

"Probably," Ginny shrugged. "As long as they don't end up killing each other."

Harry laughed, "Yea or it'll destroy our wedding!"

Ginny kissed him before they fell asleep.

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