

"Well that was quite a sight." Simon chuckled as he handed Josephine a glass. Josephine was still mad at Simon but she never was good at holding a grudge. After all she was all he really had support wise so she could help herself as she forgave him.

"It was quite wasn't it." Josephine couldn't help but laugh at how absurd the last few moments were. "So Daphne?" She couldn't help but push.

"A subject we shall speak of in a more private setting dear sister." Simon shut down the subject awfully fast.

"Oh but you look so concerned for her." Josephine teased as she smiled at her brother. "Do not frown so brother you're getting wrinkles!" The two siblings chuckled as the ball around them continued.

"Why haven't you danced with anyone Josephine? What about Benedict?" Josephine looked around the room noticing that most of the Bridgerton family were now absent.

"I quite like my own company. And you would much rather me not dance than  with the likes of Lord Berbrooke would you not?" Josephine replied matter of factly.

"You are quite right sister though I wish you would give Benedict a chance." Josephine sighed wishing to drop the subject all together.

"I suppose you right Simon, I do enjoy his company." Josephine gave in, of course having no intention to court Benedict. But Simon didn't need to know that.

"Splendid, now that you have graciously began speaking to me again may I suggest a walk home? I think we could do with the air." Josephine agreed as the pair arm in arm left the proceedings behind them.


Josephine and Simon were having a jolly time together, laughing as they judged all the members of the ton. All up until they heard footsteps behind them. Footsteps belonging to someone who was inevitably ruining their night.

"Only me" Josephine stifled a groan as Nigel Berbrooke approached the pair.

"Are you following us, Berbrooke? I thought this matter settled." Josephine noticed Simon get protective quite quickly.

"It was settled until you had to go and spoil it." Berbrooke answered rather curtly taking Josephine by surprise.

"I implore you to speak again with the viscount, this matter does not concern my brother or me." She tried to diffuse the tension and move on. All Josephine wanted was to go home.

"Last night was a mistake, I admit. A temporary lack of judgment. You understand that, do you not?" Josephine watched as the two men both became noticeably more tense. She also realised that if Berbrooke was coming after her brother so strongly then Simon must have witnessed the event. But how could he be alone with Daphne and Lord Berbrooke?

"There is not and never will be any kindof understanding between the two of us." Simon stated sharply.

"Go home, Berbrooke." Josephine told the man. He was drunk and frankly disgusting, Josephine wished nothing more than to rid herself of the man.

"But you do not need her. You're a duke.You already have the money, and the connections, and the standing." Josephine was growing quite disgusted with the mans comments and how he ignored her own. "I need her. Why can you not just let me have this one?"

"This one? Lord Berbrooke, Miss Bridgerton is not some thing you can claim and anyway do you not think it should be up to her?" Josephine snapped having quite enough.

"When I am buying a horse, I do not negotiate with the horse." Berbrooke responded condescendingly. It took all of Josephine's strength to not punch him herself.

"Why, then, have you not asked for her hand if you are so fond of her, and she so smitten with you? Why have you not already proposed? Unless you have already had her. If you have, you must tell me. For if I had already known she was loose and damaged, not intact, I never would have..." Berbrooke ranted in quite a stir continuing to only address Simon.

Josephine felt sick and quite uncomfortable as Lord Berbrooke spoke about her friend in such way.

"Stop talking. I shall not have you question the lady's unimpeachable honor again." Simon was growing even more aggressive beginning to grow closer to Berbrooke.

"Yes. Yes, very well. That is all I had hoped to hear." Josephine hoped that the situation was calming but her brother came in strong again.

"You do not deserve to breathe the same air as her or my sister for that matter. Now, go home." Simon pulled Josephine behind him.

"And you do? I've heard the storiesof your father, Hastings. I know how badly he wanted a son, an heir, and I know how badly he tried to get one when it seemed your poor mother could not deliver. If anyone were to ever turn a blind eye to a man's temporary lack of judgment, it would be you. The apple should not fall very far, should it?" Josephine's blood boiled as she pushed herself from behind her brother.

"You have no right to speak about my family so. You are a disgrace and a foul man. I see no honour or Gentlemen-ship here. GO HOME." Josephine shouted at the man, surprising even herself with her words.

But instead of shrinking off Berbrooke had to respond. "It seems Hastings your sister is High in her in-step. You may want to work on her manners. No way to speak to a gentlemen but I guess she is a prude thing." Josephine's fists were balled in rage. "Shame such a beauty is so ugly on the inside." Berbrooke spat finishing his torment.

"I hope you burn in the depths of hell." Josephine spat back, in a quite unladylike fashion but she could not care less. And she did not care as her brother pushed Berbrooke to the ground.

"Don't you dare speak to my sister like that ever again. In fact do not look at her or breath near her. Same goes for Daphne Bridgerton." Simon yells as he pummels into Berbrooke.

Josephine turned as Simon continued to beat the man, wishing not to witness such aggression but doing nothing to prevent its occurrence.


Hah what he deserves frankly I mean I hate Berbrooke he's icky

Chile anyways so Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think

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