

  "Mummy, wait a minute," Raya uttered but Claudia ignored her.

  "I said get that woman out of here!" She yelled as the security men helped pull Diana away.

  "Claudia, remember this. If anything ever happens to Jessica, I want you to know that I'm ready to testify and prove that you are responsible for all of this. Remember that!" Diana yelled at the top of her voice.

  "About that woman mummy, she says that she knew my mother and she also said some bad things about you, is she telling the truth?" Raya said the minute Daina had been pulled away.

  "She has no clear idea of the entire truth Raya and she just got her made-up stories from Jessica. There was no truth in what she was saying," Claudia said to Raya with a pity expression masked on her face.

  "Your mummy Claudia is telling you the truth Raya, you should never believe anything they tell you!" The voice of Clara filled the air and that had gotten their attention.

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