
505. Ooh-La-La ~Hybrid Scum~

"'The Boilings Isles is a place filled with wonder and enlightenment in Hell. It is the only place in Hell nearly untouched by heresy and sin. It is a moon floating above Hell where Demons go so that they would separate themselves from their kind. I had heard that during times when witches were burnt in stakes, there were different kinds of magic users.The Sorcerers and Sorceresses are sorcerers that use Sacred Magic. They can either be Eldritch Sorcerers (they practice without religion), Dark Sorcerers (they practice praying to Lucifer or the Devil), or Divine Sorcerers (they practice in the belief of God. They practice Magic in the belief of one holy and Apostolic God.) Each faction has a Sorcerer Supreme. They gain magic depending on what divine being they gather it from. Eldritch Sorcerers have golden, orange, and white magic, Dark Sorcerers have black, green, violet, and red magic, and Divine Sorcerers have blue magic.  They have a religion that has similarities with Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism, and all Abrahamic religions, but they pray to different beings depending on their faction, which they draw Eldritch Magic or Sorcery from. One must have "Eldritch Blood" to use Sorcery. Technically, they are an entirely different subspecies of Homo Sapien, which I like to call, Homo Magi Sapien. It is said that British Sorcerers are known as Wizards or Witches. And, British Sorcerers use wands to handle their magic, which was a practice that started by the Late Bronze Age Britons in 500 B.C. Sorcerers originated from three of the old nations: Israel, England, and Egypt. The Sorcerer Supreme of one universe is The Ancient One, a British Witch who practiced Sorcery with no wand. Another universe's Sorcerer Supreme is the Wizard Shazam, who is an African Sorcerer and is the last of the Seven Sorcerer Supremes of this Universe. Lastly, there was the Sorcerer Supreme known as Armando Dippet. They cannot woge.The Witch Demons are Hellborn demons who use magic native to the Boiling Isles. They don't necessarily pray to a divine or unholy being and are considered to be mostly neutral beings, but they have anti-human sentiment due to the hunts during the 17th Century. They practice Glyph Magic, which uses different symbols, or "Glyphs," in nature. I don't know what species they are, but I think that they are a separate species altogether of warped Humans known as the Demons. They have shades of skin similar to Humans but have peculiarly pointed ears. They cannot woge.The Zauberbiests and Hexenbiests are Wesen that practice Magic, widely known as Hexes or Homo Cryptidor Sapien Hexus. They are a dangerous species of violent and aggressive Wesen that are corrupted by their abilities. They have rotten flesh when woged and have a skeletal body. They are Wesen, but some consider them as Seers. They are the natural predator of Grimms and some have actually worked with them. What I've learned is that Zauberbiests are more... sadistic... and powerful than Hexenbiests... and Hexenbiests who were once Humans, known as Super Hexenbiests, are just as powerful as they are.  Mellifers, however, are natural predators to the Hexenbiests, and in some cases, Super Hexenbiests and Zauberbiests.In all cases of these creatures, Hybrids are far weaker than regular Magic Users. Some can barely even use Magic.-Dpsspht.'" Dipper finishes reading the entry in the journal. "Weird... But how does this connect to the Grimoire...?"

"So... what have we learned from that...?" asked Mabel, drinking Ghoul Laid.

"Well..." said Luz. "We learned that he didn't discover about Mewmen yet..."

"Mewmen don't actually use magic. They use wands that have magic. The only ones who can use magic are the Butterfly Family because they were 'blessed' by Miguel."

Miguel drinks a Mango Float with a metal straw. "I did...?"

Anne drinks some Boba Tea. "Maybe..."

"How about try reading it?" asked Miguel. "Like... in the first place instead of asking us."

"I'm... kinda scared..." said Dipper.

"What...!? Why...? It's a book."

"What if I lay my eyes on it, and I... explode or something!?"

"Dipper... we aren't switching drinks in Mainland Hell..." said Miguel. "We're opening a book. But there is a chance it can cause blindness and eternal burning in the eyes even after passing to the afterlife."


"It's Hell. No one asked for this," said Miguel. "Except a few atheist friends of mine. Boy, was it ironic that they went to Heaven and the Pharisees went to Hell?"

"'Pharisees...?'" asked Gabby.

"It's what I call Toxic Believers who don't believe in me because of race, sexual identity, age, height, etc," said Miguel. "Read your books, child."

"Yes, Daddy!" smiled Gabby.

Gabrielle grumbles in her seat.

"I'll be your daddy!" smiled Narcos.

"Aw... Baby! But I already have a body pillow of you!" smiled Gabrielle.

"I can be anything you want, Gabrielle..." smiled Narcos.

"You guys are weird," said King.

"You read it!" yelled Dipper.

"Me...? But I'll get corrupted or whatever," said Miguel. "Have you seen MABUS!?!? You do know that he genocided his Universe, right?"

"I'll read it," said Amity, who asks for it politely by laying out her hand.

Dipper places it in her hand.

"You sure, Amity?" asked Luz.

"I'll be fine! I'm a Hellborn!" smiled Amity, who takes and opens the book. "Oh... Oh, dear."

"What's wrong...?" asked Luz.

"It's... blank..." said Amity. Amity shows it to Dipper.

"OH, GOD!!!" Dipper closes his eyes. "AH!!! A-...! Wait... No, it isn't. There are words written all over there. But... I can't read it... It's written in-..."

"Satan's Tongue," sighed Miguel.

"Can you translate everything while I read...?" asked Dipper.

Miguel sighs. "Everybody, please take notes. This is gonna be a looong day..."


A young teenager who is around 16 years old is sitting on an armchair, silently taking notes with the class.

The boy writes down some notes. Suddenly...


"Ow!" yelled the boy. He takes out a spitball on his head.

"Mr. Burkhardt," said the teacher.

"It was Cade!" yelled the boy, pointing to another boy directly behind him.

"Shut up, Burkhardt!" yelled Cade, as the students laugh.

"Kelly... You shouldn't blame people for stubbing your toe," said the teacher.

"But, Sir... I didn't stub my toe! I was shot by a spitball!" yelled Kelly.

"I don't see Cade doing anything right now..." said the teacher. "Right, Cade...?"

Cade sneers at Kelly, and he Erstewoges into a Skalengeck, hissing at him.

Kelly's eyes turn black.

Kelly turns to the teacher, who woges into a Lowen. 

"I don't care if you still carry Zauberbiest blood. I don't know how... You'll never be one of us, Schwarz-Augen. Now, stop complaining and take down notes," said the Lowen teacher. "Freak..." he said, walking away.

"Yes, Mr. Alfus," said Kelly, bowing his head.

Alfus woges back into his Human form, sneering. "Alright... Now, class..."

The entire class woges into different species of Wesen. Blutbaden, Reinigen, Fuchsbau, Eisbibers, Maushertzes, Genio Innocuos, Lowens, Maltese Tigers, Yaguartes, Balams, Wildermanns, Klaustreichs, and Luisant-Pêcheurs, who all laugh at Kelly.

"Kenneth..." said Belos, as Kenneth enters the room.

"Yes, Lord Belos...?"

Kenneth is in an office that is damp and grisly. It has no paint. It's dark and barely has any light. It has books everywhere and there are swords placed everywhere.

"Do you know why I called you here...?"

"In this shithole...? I honestly have no idea, sir..."

"You failed to capture the three stones, Kenneth! Your plan was incredibly idiotic! Making them fall in love and causing a rift between those two!? What is this!? KINDERGARTEN!?!?"

"Sir... I believe that I was at least in Grade School in terms of thought..."

"DON'T BE COY WITH ME...!!! Sweet Prince Kenneth... Your foolishness will forever be a reminder that I'm in control here! As long as I have Bill in the mirror, you LISTEN TO ME!!!"

"Yes, sir," he bowed his head in respect.

"I have a mission for you. Our leader wants us to capture someone. Fail, and I will punish you. This one is fairly dangerous... And I advise you to be careful with this one... And the target...? Don't piss him off..."

"Who is he...?"

Wesen Summer Class!!!

During Summer Break, a Wesen can go to a Wesen School and must study in a Wesen school that they must attend once a week.


According to Miguel JoJo, Wesen who are in schools that are devoid of other Wesen tend to become violent and many have become violent growing up. However, there are species that become violent when non-solitary.

But Miguel JoJo decided to create a controlled Wesen school that they can enter every week to learn about Wesenkind. Here, Wesen can be taught about various Wesen species and documentation of their history, anatomy, Wesenology, and historic culture. They are also given various forms of therapy in order to get along with other species of Wesen. Hybrids are also given special care by the counselors. Bullying is not allowed. Anyone can be a teacher and anti-Supernatural Sentiment is not allowed. The school system depends on the host country of the Wesen School because of the recent Federal Law.

Sadly, the "hero" of our story in this Chapter doesn't have a great time...

Kelly sits silently alone eating his lunch, which is a bowl of chicken nuggets and some fries. The breading of the nuggets is pretty messed up and the fries are pretty dry and old.

Another teenager sits next to Kelly, quietly.

Kelly is startled and the other kid woges into a Fuchsbau with black eyes and red, glowing irises.

Strangely enough, the kid barks like a wolf.

Kelly backs away slightly. His black eyes reflect the boy's face.

"Grimm..." said the boy.

"Freddy. This isn't funny," sighed Kelly. "I mean, it kinda sorta is, but I know it's you."

He woges back into the boy. "C'mon! It's a little funny! Eh...? Hybrid to hybrid funnies...?"

"You nearly gave me a heart attack, man..." said Kelly.

"Yeah. It's called a woge. I thought this would be nothing to Grimms! Counting your history with us... No offense! Just... Y'know! It's a woge! You should be used to that!"

"Yeah...? Well I got my powers way too early," said Kelly.

"Pfft! Early or not! You should be used to this crap! See... Watch..." Freddy Wahrewoges at a kid, who woges into a Skalengeck and jumps out of fear.

"Not funny, Hybrid!" yelled the kid.

"That... That term is offensive, dude!" yelled Freddy. "Anyway..." he turns to Kelly. "I heard that your Dad works with Spider-Man. Is that true...?"

"Yeah... pretty true..." sighed Kelly. "If he was an Avenger. He's a Weather Reporter, you idiot."

"Yeah...? Still pretty much the same team, right...?"

"Well... No... No, it isn't. The only people who collab with the Avengers are the Leaguers. And... Dad clearly isn't a Leaguer."

"Sure... Constantine is a Leaguer but not your Dad...? Dumbest shit I've ever-... Hey... It's a Gluhenvolk and a Seltenvogel. Note weird to see a rare Ape Class and a rare Avian Class together."

"Portland, man..." Kelly smiles. "Jesus...Look at the size of the Siegbarste."

A tall Siegbarste girl stomps into the school and begins Wahrewoging at the other students to startle them.

"Send a Siegbarste Gift on Christmas... man... Lucy is pretty damned terrifying," said Freddy.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the Two Stooges," sneered a beautiful teenage girl in front of Kelly and Freddy.

"Ah... if it isn't my simple-minded sister who is so stupid that she can't decide which woge she should have..." smiled Freddy.

"Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought to yourself, 'Wow... I look amazing!' Without bursting into laughter, because it clearly isn't true?" smiled Kelly. "You haven't? Well, you better get started, soon."

"Screw off, Burkhardt," said the girl.

"What the hell do you want, Felicia?" asked Freddy.

"Not to disturb your horny and creepy Wesen scoring, but, I kinda need Homework about the thingy with Incest Ventilation or whatever."

"Celeste Vinticore...? The Grimm who helped control and purge Wesen in the second Wesen Wars...?"

"Yeah... whatever... That guy..." said Felicia. "Do it, nerd, or I'll tell Miss Siegbarste about the two nerds checking her out."

"Fine..." said Kelly.

She shakes her head and walks away.

"Goddamn it... How are you a loser around here...!?" asked Freddy.

"Probably because my father arrested and/or killed the parents of a lot of kids here...?" asked Kelly.

"Sure! That... But come on, Kelly! You're the son of Nick Burkhardt! The most terrifying Grimm of the early 21st Century! The user of Weather Report!"

"I'm good, Freddy..." said Kelly. "Welp... I'll go to the restroom. See ya, man."

In the restroom...


Kelly calmly washes his hands.


He hears breathing behind his ear...

"(Hello, Kelly...)"

Out of fear, Kelly violently twitches his head to the right and woges. Kenneth smiles upon seeing what he had become. "Grugh! Grugh..."

He sees the black eyes of his Uncle's variant, Kenneth. His halved face reflects on his.

Kenneth is eating Takoyaki. "Yeah! Hello, there! You didn't expect me to be eating Takoyaki in the bloody boy's bathroom, did you...? Haha!" Kenneth pokes one and bites into another. "Y'know... Japanese food really has a certain charm to it, really... Has that weird pungent smell of teenage piss. Of course, I'm open with killing teenagers..."

Kelly twitches his head violently and woges back. "What the hell do you want...?" asked Kelly.

He takes out a scythe.



A Stand that resembles a Pirate Wizard stopped the blade of Kenneth's scythe using a Claymore. It has a black suit, a black mask, two eyes peering beneath the shadow of its hat, a large pirate hat, and a wizard's robe with five-pointed stars all over.

"So... you are a Stand-User..." said Kenneth. "What's this one's name?"

"Ooh-La-La..." said Kelly. "And I'm not afraid to kill someone in self-defense."

"Easy, boy! I just want to talk!" sneered Kenneth.

"Okay..." said Kelly. "About what...? What could you possibly do to interest me...?"

"You wish... to remove your Grimm blood... right...?" asked Kenneth. "Your mother underwent a transformation that turned you into what you are now. I know what you are."

Kelly sighs softly. "I know..." said Kelly.

"And I can... fix you..." sneered Kenneth. "You just need to listen... to... me..."

"Sorry, but I have to pass... I am, after all... One of the last Grimms," said Kelly.

"The hard way, then..." said Kenneth, taking out his scythe. 

He swings his scythe...


Kenneth's eyes widen as he slows down the bullet. "What the hell...?"

Kelly is now wearing his own Stand, Ooh-La-La, and now looks like a pirate wizard.

He then switches the weapons in his right hand, which turns into a wand.

He blasts several spells at Kenneth, who struggles to block the attacks with a  gravitational force field around himself.

He switches to another weapon, gaining a claymore.

Kenneth blocks the claymore by placing a field of gravity around his scythe. Doing this, he can repel the Stand's attacks. 

Kenneth gulps. "Great..." He slashes his sword and creates a shockwave that crashes Kelly outside of the school into the field, as Wesen run away in fear.

"ENDEZEICHEN!!!" yelled one. "ENDEZEICHEN!!!"

Kenneth stomps toward Kelly and takes out his scythe. "Zauberbiest Schwartz-Augen scum."

Kenneth's helmet retracts and he begins shaking his head, violently. He shakes on the ground his jaw wiggles. He gains muscles and gets a bit taller. He then woges underneath his mask and his muffled roars could be heard. He hisses and purrs, staring at Kenneth. He roars. This freaks Kenneth out a bit since he can't see what's underneath that Stand's face. "Christ... You look and sound like an angry Friday the 13th Character meets Pirates of the Caribbean meets Harry Potter."

He holds up his hand and begins doing a grabbing gesture while pointing his fingers at Kenneth.

"Oh, please!" laughed Kenneth. "Really... Ding, ding, ding! Jolly hello, old friend! Just in case you've forgotten, you're a Hybrid! What the hell do you think you're-...? *choke...*"

Kenneth's Stand finally appears and begins trying to choke Kelly, who hisses as Moonsnake chokes him. But Kelly begins glowing with purple flames and overpowers Kenneth by shocking him with magic.

Kenneth's left leg twitches and goes limp.

Kelly gapes his mouth wide open and roars as he carries Kenneth and crashes him into the ground, scraping his entire body into the cement.

Kenneth growls as a trail of blood leaves his body and paints the ground. "How is he... this... powerful...!?" Kenneth takes out his scythe and stabs the ground to avoid getting pulled, but Kelly notices this and begins twisting his arm. Kenneth thinks of a solution to his predicament as he simply howls in pain.

Kenneth shakes violently. "AAAAH!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"


Kenneth tries to create an armor of spinning gravity around his body, but it breaks into pieces and nearly shreds his own body.

Kenneth tries to escape Kenneth's grip, but his energy seems to be surrounding Kenneth.

Kelly simply grunts and hisses.

Kelly then begins to pull Kenneth closer to him.

Kenneth's eyes widen and he gives a bloody face of anger and fear. He then inverts Kelly's gravity and they both go upside down. But Kelly simply floats back "upright". Kenneth kept on inserting gravity around his body, but his magic keeps pushing back the gravitation power. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!!!" Kenneth shoots blades of inverted gravity at Kelly, which manages to wound him twice as it penetrated his magical field.

Kelly shrieks in pain, shaking his head, as Kenneth falls to the ground. 

Kenneth stands up and creates a piercing wall as Kenneth bulldozers toward Kelly.

Kelly simply growls and instinctively creates a telekinetic dagger that cuts the wall in half. 

Kenneth leaves the wall-... "Oh... SHIT!!!"

Kelly then hammers his fist down as Kenneth's head crashes into the ground face first.

Kenneth slowly lifts his head up, but Kelly keeps punching his head as it keeps on crashing into the soil.

Kenneth stands up, but Kelly stomps on his head over and over again.

"Grimms are known to instinctively adapt to any fighting style similarly to Saiyans. This lets them become formidable opponents for all Wesen species," Kenneth thought, as Kelly pummeled him. "Even in a berserk rage, they can adapt to any fighting style. They say that if you give a Grimm a pen, they'll kill 30 new Wesen with it. And after they're done, they will go on to write about the new species they just discovered." Kenneth thought, as Kelly carries him and slams him back into the ground, going on to activate his Claymore and begin penetrating Kenneth's gravitation forcefield. "I bet you think that I'm done for... Did you forget what I am...? Because I didn't." Kenneth spins to the left and spins in the air, flying, going on to spin and kick Kelly into the jaw.

Kelly keeps on hissing and growling underneath the mask. The muffled paranormal noises freak Kenneth out. His mouthpiece expands every time he hisses and takes out a breath. He gapes his mouth wide open underneath the mouthpiece, and his jaw wiggles.

"WOULD YOU STOP THAT!!! CHRIST!!! YOU SOUND LIKE AN ANIMAL!!!" yelled Kenneth. "Y'know... I'm surprised that my brother even had a child... Especially with a Hex. Because last that I heard..." Kenneth sneers.

Suddenly, Kelly begins suffocating under his mask.

 "...your mother was the bitch who's the reason why your Grandmother died... He created what helped kill your Grandmother... Without her... she'd still have dear ol' Mummy...I bet that Nicky abhors you..." sneered Kenneth. "He just wishes a disgusting Hybrid like you would die... Am I correct...?Anyway, I placed the gravity underneath your little suit and used it to collapse your lung. I did it by kicking your jaw and sending gravity into your suit..."

It is revealed that Kenneth's mouthpiece has a hole that was cut by Kenneth's foot blade.

Kenneth chuckles softly, taking out a portal gun and taking a tray of takoyaki from it. "Sleep, child. You'll be proven useful for Belos the next day... I just need you to sleep."

"U-Uncle...?" whispered Kelly.

"Bingo! Bazinga, boy! YES!!! I also... killed your Grandmother and what-not... You're welcome. I killed her because your Mummy created something that got me to her... And Daddy will always hate you for that... Aw... What's wrong...? Is Kelly going to cry...? Ah, well... Well!" Kenneth finishes his Takoyaki and litters it on the ground.

"HEY!!! NO LITTERING!!!" yelled the teacher.

Kenneth turns to the teacher with a menacing frown.

"Y-Yeah! Never mind, man!" yelled the teacher.

"Anyway..." Kenneth begins punching Kelly in the face over and over again. "You're probably wondering... Why I'm doing this... I'm doing this because you're a fucking reminder that he gets a life... while... I... don't..."


"A reminder that I'm left to rot in the closet why my dear old brother gets to live a life... A normal life... with people who actually love... and care about him... And... I just wanted to...! Enjoy this! I'm not a bad person! I'm not insane! I'm good! I swear!"







Anyway, Kenneth begins...


We believe you!

Sure, I tried to commit murder in the earlier episode...


Stop it! I'm perfectly sane!

That's rude and therefore is blasphemy.

WHATEVER!!! Kenneth begins trying to penetrate Kelly's forcefield with his scythe! No... NO WAIT!!! Sorry! It's "Too violent..." 

Kenneth begins strangling Kelly.

How is that less violent?


"That's why I enjoy making Nick's life worse..." said Kenneth. "I am the epitome of the question every hero has for his villain. 'Don't you have anything better to do...?' I don't. Because my job is to make your life as horrible, hard, and annoying as possible... Even if it's through hurting my own nephew. I am the bad guy. I am Nicholas' nemesis. I am the representation of everything that Nicholas hates! Because I am Moon Reaper! And that is my job! To destroy everything that has to do with his normal life... And I enjoy it..."

Kelly then removes his mask.

He hisses. His skin is pale. His eyes are permanently black with redness and swelling around them. This is found on his left side. Kelly's face's right side is rotten, similar to a corpse, with stitches of flesh barely keeping it together. He looks like a ragdoll. His veins are pumping. The other veins along with his flesh wriggle on his head and the right side of his mouth is open and bears rotten but sharp and sturdy teeth. He loses his lips on his right face, looking like a skeleton and a bit like a Ghost Rider. He grunts similarly to Sean Renard, with a warped voice. "Grugh... Grrrruuugh..."

Kenneth sighs. "Up close, you look pretty fuckin' ghastly, bruv."

Kenneth grabs Kelly's mouth with his left hand... But...

Kelly bites into his hand and begins tearing his fingers and part of his hand out.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" roared Kenneth. Kenneth, out of instinct, pulls his hand away. This was, of course, a foolish mistake.


His flesh and skin are pulled out like stretchy cheese as blood splatters all over the ground. His skin all down his left elbow is torn out as he is forced to cut it with his scythe.

"FUCK!!! FUCK!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! You... fucking FREAK!!!" Kenneth lets go of Kelly's neck and he grabs his bleeding hand, limping backward. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! YOU LITTLE... PIECE... OF SHIT..." Blood spurts out of the stub and drips all over the cement. "Hybrid scum..."

Kelly stands up, slowly, as his face is revealed to his classmates and teachers, who are all hiding. He simply hisses and moans. Kelly spits out two fingers: Kenneth's pinky and ring finger of his left hand, along with part of the left hand itself and a long noodle of skin. Kenneth pretty much has three fingers left.

Kelly sees his classmates, who stare at him in horror, all Erstewoging.

Kelly's tears flow down from his eyes. "I'm not a freak..."

Kelly tries grabbing Kenneth, but Kenneth opens a portal with his portal gun and hops into it.

The portal closes...

Kenneth kneels in front of Belos.

Belos chuckles softly. "It seems that you've been defeated, Prince Kenneth Alun Goderich Bowes-Lyon..."

"HEAL ME!!! PLEASE!!!" sobbed Kenneth.

"I'm afraid that there is no known magic that can bring back torn-out body parts," said Belos. "Especially from a Zauberbiest bite."


"Not a fan of the dramatic, Kenneth. Could you please leave...?" asked Belos.

Dof jhu ol dvnl pm aol aol isvvk vm aol Nyptt klzayvfz aol zwpypa vm aol Oleluiplza...? Huk dof kpk Ilsvz ahrl pualylza pu aoha...?Dof jhu ol dvnl pm ol aol isvvk vm aol Nyptt klzayvfz aol zwpypa vm aol Oleluiplza...? Huk dof kpk Ilsvz ahrl pualylza pu aoha...?


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