
433. The Justice League vs. The Avengers ~The Tourn...

Gabrielle sighs, walking home as she drops to the couch, incredibly tired and in pain. "Ugh..." Gabrielle speaks into her watch. "'Puter... How much support are we still havin'?"

"Support for the Hellsing Organization had dropped down to 56%."

"Ugh!" Gabrielle facepalms.


Giorno sighs, facepalming. "What do you mean we lost that much after I left!?"

"Sir... We lost 45% of our assets after you left-..."

"COSA!?" he growled. "Ugh!"


Bruce looks at a picture of Peter on his phone while they're on a roller coaster.


Peter sighs in Tony's office trying to look for ways to pay for his daughter's tuition.

"Hi! Are you out of cash?" smiled Tony. "Well... Step right up for this year's TENTH TOURNAMENT OF MAHARLICA!!! With a prize of ONE BILLION UNITS!!! Hosted by Miguel Ibarra!"


Gabrielle smiles.


Giorno smiles.


Bruce smiles. (:(->:|)


Peter smiles.



Gabrielle calls Rick. "Hey, Rick...? Get me the Jazz Fusion?What...?No, no... I'm not participating... Why? Because I have things with Narcos right now.Yeah... Good publicity.What do you mean that'd only make things worse for us...?Ugh...Worth the shot, right?What do you mean 'That's stupid?'"


Miguel, feeling hot, takes out cold oatmeal and places a cold platter of chicken in it. "Ooh... Hahahaha! It's so hot... But with this... Ngyes...!"

Miguel then pours cold water into his gym water bottle. "Ooh! YES!!! YES, YES, YES!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He then grabs several ice cubes from the fridge and places all of them in the water. He then adds ground leaves of peppermint into the water and some cucumber.


Miguel walks out of the kitchen with his... rather exotic meal.

Don't worry man, I eat that, too.


Eh... Mine is a hotdog and oatmeal.

"Hey! The Tournament's about to start!" smiled Anne. "Why aren't we there?"

"What?" asked Miguel. "Why would we?"

"Because you're hosting the Tournament!"

"But tournaments are stupid. No, I won't."

"Excuse you...!?!?!? Tournaments ARE AWESOME, MIGUEL!!!Wait... You're not hosting this tournament...?"

"No... What made you think that?"

Anne's eyes widen. "Uh-oh..."


 "Didn't Gabby sign up something with Mr. Stark?"

"I told her that I won't sign it and that the only way I'd sign it was for her to forge it-...Oh... Oh, I get it now..."

"Where's Gabby!?" asked Anne.

"She's on vacation with her friends. She left a voice message!"

He presses the button on the phone. "Hi-! DADDY!!! I-!!! Going-!!! VACATION-!!! With-!!! FRIENDS-!!! BYE!!!"

"Miguel, that's clearly falsified. I think Stark kidnapped our daughter," said Anne.

"What!? No!"

"Isn't your Danger Sense or whatever working!?"

"It is! But I decided to not listen to it anymore! Pim and Charlie told me to... chillax more, eh?"

"That's stupid since your literal job is to be paranoid all the time."

"Relax, baby! I'll call her right now!" Miguel rings her phone.

A Superior Soldier picks up the phone. He coughs and says, "Ahem!"

He then speaks in a girly voice. "Hellooh?"

Miguel hangs up. "Anne, our daughter's been kidnapped."

Anne facepalms. "Ugh!"

"Hey..." said Barry, sitting on the edge of the cliff in the rainforests. "You alright? Green Arrow, right?"

"Uh-huh..." Oliver, played by Stephen Amell, drinks some fine beer.

"So... what's your deal...? You just... shoot stuff with a bow and arrow?" asked Barry.

"Didn't you get arrested for doing drugs and assaulting people by losing control...?"

"Yeah. I developed certain issues up here..." Barry points to his noggin'. "No... Just... Is that it?"

"I have trick arrows," said Oliver.

"Trick arrows?" asked Barry. "How? You used some kind of superpower to get those?"


"What is it?"

"I'm rich," said Oliver.

Barry looks at the scars on Oliver's back, filled with scratches, slices, and scabs. "What happened to you anyway...?"

"I was sent to an island for five years. I then trained in the mountains with Bruce. I was shipwrecked with my father's crew. I lost the one I used to love on that island. And my father shot himself, losing hope. I came back to Star City to hunt down and kill the people responsible for the shipwreck."

Barry smiles nervously.

"What about you, Scarlet Speedster?"

"Well...! Emerald Archer. I was struck by lightning created from a particle accelerator my mother's murderer invented and fell into a bunch of mutagenic chemicals."

"Your nemesis killed your mother?"

"Yeah... He... killed a lot of people's mothers...."

*helicopter noises...*




"Same," said Oliver. "His name was Malcolm Merlyn."

"Eobard Thawne," said Barry. "He's... from the future... He killed every 'Barry Allen's mothers' just for fun."

"Interesting," said Oliver. "Infinite worlds and in every single one your mother always dies."

"Yeah... But in the other worlds, I heard that you were the one that died and your father became Green Arrow."

"Yeah..." said Oliver, drinking beer. "Wait, what?"

Diana looks in the distance.

"Hey," Chris smiled and winked at Diana.

Bruce appears behind Chris.

Chris feels a chill in his spine. "Oh! The Peace Phone is ringing!"

Bruce stood next to Diana.

"You'll get him back, Bruce..." said Diana. "I know you will."

"I may not show it... But your support is more than enough for me. And I like that."

Meanwhile, Chris pretends to speak into his phone.

"What the fuck are you doing you, stupid idiot?" asked the White Dragon, his father, who appears as a hallucination.

"Fuck off, Dad," said Chris. "I'm pretending to talk to someone on this phone because if I won't Buttman over there will eliminate me. That's bad publicity for America's greatest hero."

"There's no reception here, you dumb fuck!"

"Hey, Chris!" smiled Adrian. "Talkin' to your imaginary Dad again?"


"White Dragon! Fuck you, racist!"

"What did that piece of shit nerd say to me!?" asked White Dragon.

"Dad, PLEASE!!!" yelled Chris. "Children are watching this platform!"

"Stupid fucking colored assholes," said White Dragon.

Note: If you watch Peacemaker, Chris, here, killed his father when he went on to kill him. His father is a racist supervillain known as the White Dragon who believed in killing colored people. Yeah... That's where he gets it from...

"Dad! Shut up!"


Chris knocks the hallucination down and begins strangling it. "RAUGH!!! FUCK YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT SON OF A BITCH!!! YOU PUNCHED MY FUCKING EAGLE!!!"

Adrian smiles at the camera and waves. "He hasn't taken his meds today!"

Arthur and Victor are bottle-flipping at the back of the tent.

"Dude... Remember when this was important?" smiled Arthur.

"Aquaman, we're looking like idiots on national television. I can connect to the cameras and see that people are laughing at us," said Victor.

"Nah, dude. We're bringing it back, baby."

Victor grabs his head. "Ugh."

"What is it?"

"Headache... Some kind of turbulence with the atmospheric electron particles. It's like I can't call anyone from back down there..." Victor gasps.


"They must really have thought of everything!" yelled Victor.

Hal just sits to look at the stars. "'I wonder why there aren't any stars!' That is what you'll be saying if you didn't know that we're facing Earth right now... Either that or I just got struck in the face by fucking Stormbreaker."

Billy, eating a burger, says "Hi," to Hal.

"Hey..." said Hal.

"You're sitting on my-..."

Hal stands up to stop sitting on Billy's laptop. "Oh. Sorry."

"It's cool. Victor can fix it back up."


"Deadpool, right?"


"Oh! Deathstroke!"

"No. Green Lantern."

"Is that a code for something or your superhero name?"

Herc gives Clark a tray of chocolate banana muffins.

"Muffin?" smiled Hercules.

"Thanks..." said Clark, as he finishes one in a single bite.


"No thanks... I'll get fat."

"You have super metabolism."

"Yeah... and an eating disorder. Now, get."

Hercules sighs and walks away.


Peter looks at the rainforests in the huge distance with a security camera. "Mr. Stark? Isn't this cheating?"

"It's fine. I made the drones," said Tony.

"And this planet."

"What was that...?"

"Nothing, sir..."

Matthew continues to listen to Tony, still very sus with the man.

Steven looks at the distance. He switches to Marc. 

"Yeah..." said Marc. "Amazing, huh? The distance."

"Not just the size of this Satellite! The fact that this Satellite was even created, to begin with! It truly is amazing! Bollocks! Look at the size of those things!" smiled Steven, switching out.

Jake switches out. "I really wanna kill those chumps so bad. Yous boys wanna start the fight already? We've been waiting for THREE FUCKING DAYS!!!"

Kate Bishop looks at the distance while drinking wine.

Yelena grabs her shoulder. "You've been avoiding Peter. Why?"

Kate's eyes widen. "Everyone's been avoiding him."

"No... He's avoiding everyone. You're avoiding him. Why?"

She breathes in and out, slightly annoyed. "I... dated him after college. His college. Yeah..."

"Did you always like younger men...?"

"Well, to be honest, he was the mature one."

Scott eats some and gives some Orange Slices to Hope.

"Thanks..." sighed Hope.

"How was that run-in with Vegeta...?"

"Not so good...? He tried squishing me... Ugh..."

"Yeah. Guy seems to have sadistic tendencies."

Banner, Thor, Sam, and Carol all drink soda while on guard for opponents.

"Hey..." said Banner, drinking some soda. "Do you think I can fight Aquaman and Hercules?"

Thor smiles. "I think... you can fight... Shazam...?"

"Didn't he lift your hammer...?" asked Sam.

"What!? Who said that! What!? Shush, Wilson! Be quiet! Keep drinking that drink of yours!"

Thor then sees the videos.

"Okay!" smiled Thor. "Guys! We could totally attack them right now!"

"No!" yelled Peter. "We can't!"

Tony smiles with faith in Peter.

"What!? Why!? They're just partying over there and Victor's electric field is faltering for some reason. He must've been damaged somehow!"

"Yeah... Well, Thor... You can't just say that we can attack right now," said Peter. "He could be up to something."

"Who...?" asked Thor.

"Y'know... Batman!" yelled Peter.

"Batman...!? Why him?" asked Thor. "Sure, he's dangerous, and all, but we should really fear Superman and Wonder Woman."

"No, no, no... You have no idea what that guy's capable of! Batman can defeat armies! Batman can kill gods! Batman can assemble soldiers we can't comprehend! Batman is VENGEANCE!!! BATMAN CAN PUT YOU UNDER HIS WING, POISON YOUR MIND, AND TURN YOU INTO A FUCKING KILLING MACHINE!!!"

"P-... Spider-Man, calm down," said Kate.

"NO!!! I WILL NOT GO BACK TO BEING HIS REPLACEMENT!!! NO!!! NO!!! I WILL NOT!!! He is the reason I killed someone, Hawkeye! You don't understand! He turned me into something I'm not! Molded me to adopt the darkness! To BECOME it! AND I KILLED SOMEONE!!!How can I-? How can I even face my own kid!"

"Spider-Man, people are watching you...Probably even your kid." said Matthew. "Please."

"Oh! Sure! You would know! You're exactly just like him! You pretend like you're this good, righteous, responsible person who has the utmost respect for ALL LIFE!!! But then, there are moments when you almost break... Where you begin to enjoy the blood splattering all over your fists. When you enjoy being a fist of vengeance."

Marc speaks up. "Spider-Man. I get it. This person turned you into someone you don't want to be. He gave you a side you never wanted. But that doesn't mean you should go around spewing about random bullshit and making ourselves look bad."

"Marc...!" said Steven, through his reflection in the pond.

"I'm not saying that we're the bad guys..."

"It's HIM!!!" smiled Tony, segueing into the conversation.

"What...? No, I wasn't... I wasn't saying that!" yelled Peter.

"But you were inclining to that thought, right, Spider-Man...?"

"What!? No! Wait... Was I...!?"

"See...!? Batman is the villain of this story! For all we know, he could have twisted how Spider-Man sees Daredevil and twisted how Moon Knight over here sees through Spider-Man's random bullshit! It's all him!"

"You're gaslighting him," said Matt, turning to Tony. 

"Excuse me...?" Tony turns to Matt as the room went silent.

"The way you've been speaking to Peter..." said Matt, listening to his heartbeat. "Making Batman seem like... the bad guy... You're manipulating Peter into believing that. You're manipulating ALL OF US to believe that...Why...?"

Tony slowly approaches Matt, towering over Matthew, who doesn't flinch.

The Avengers prepare their weapons and abilities.

Tony tries to speak.

Suddenly, a Batarang is tossed and stabs the ground.

*beep! beep! beep! beep! beep!*

"EVERYBODY GET DOWN!!!" yelled Matthew.

Everyone gets down as the entire top floor of the mansion blows up.

Bruce appears and fistfights against Matthew.

Marc activates the Moon Knight suit to prepare to attack Bruce only for Adrian to stab him in the face.

Chris tosses an ax at Marc, only for Sam to catch the ax and throw his shield at Chris. Chris catches the shield and charges toward Sam.

Matthew takes out his sticks and begins a flurry of strikes toward Bruce, who easily blocks all of the attacks.

Matthew jumps up, spins, and kicks Bruce over and over again. "Listen..." he whispered. "I don't trust Tony very much either... I think he's manipulating us. Especially Peter."

"Yeah... I figured." Bruce then grabs Matthew and pins him down. "What do you want me to do?"

"Look... There are microphones everywhere..." whispered Matthew. "I'm thinking that Tony is listening right now. The best thing to do is to make sure that you stay in this tournament until the very last round and kill off Tony immediately."

"What!? Why!?"

"Because if he isn't here, he wouldn't be able to get to Peter. Make sure Peter stays here on this planet."

"Why can't I just go back there and get Tony's body?"

Matthew grabs Bruce with his legs, spins, and pins him down. "Because everyone who was outted so far is now enslaved by Tony."

"How do you know?"

"Why do you think the participants in the stadium hadn't been in the news?"

"How do you know that?"

"I listened to Tony's earpiece. He made sure that everyone who participated is currently captured, including the Ibarra Family.Also... He has Giorno."

"Great... Just great..."

"What you need to do is to take Peter back."

"What!? Why?"

"Peter's the key to all this, Bruce. Make sure he stays away from Tony-..."


Matthew gets a hole in his chest from Tony's repulsor cannon as Matthew falls into Bruce's arms. "Please... H-He has tabs on e-everyone... MJ... Mayday... Your own family... Kate... F-Foggy... Please... Listen to me. Trust no one back on Earth..."

Bruce takes off his mask while covering his face with his cape and sees that Matthew is maintaining eye contact. "You can see me!?"

"He... got to me... I drank it..."

"The Extremis...?"

"Yeah... And you didn't, did you?"


"G-Good... Thank you... Good luck, Batman." Matthew dusts away.

Bruce realizes something. "This part isn't getting broadcasted..."

"You... killed Matthew..." said Peter, seeing this from behind.

"Peter... Clearly, I didn't shoot that repulsor beam."

Peter gets the Peter Tingle and he shakes his head. "No... You're tricking me."

"Peter..." said Bruce. "He's the one who's tricking you... Listen to that tingle."

"No! I'm done listening to this constant paranoia!"

"Peter... Tony is clearly the one who's-..." Bruce sees that Peter's Spider Symbol, which is an Arc Reactor, is glowing strangely and rooting itself into Peter's chest. "Peter... You've gotta take that new suit off."


"Peter... Listen..." Bruce activates his Iron Knight Armor.

"NO!!!" Peter activates his Iron Spider Armor, charges, and punches Bruce in the face.

Meanwhile, Adrian battles against Marc.

He switches to Steven and kicks Adrian away, proceeding to strike him with his sticks, but Adrian takes out his swords and stabs Steven in the chest, only for Steven to kick him away and into the debris as Steven dusts his suit off. 

"You sure are a funny li'l bugger, aren't you?"

"I'm not that little. Tiny penis, maybe... But in terms of height-..."

Jake Lockley switches out, revealing a suit similar to Batman's, black and all, and he takes out a revolver and shoots Adrian in the face, killing him.

Jake sneers. "That was fucking fun..."

Meanwhile, Chris and Sam exchange fists.

"Look, man... Sorry that it has to be this way. No hard feelings?" asked Chris.

"Well... You have been working on yourself."

"Well, duh... Anything for my fellow American bros."

"Thanks, man..."

Chris then spins and tries chopping off Sam's head, who takes out the shield and blocks it.

Sam then activates the wings and tries cutting Chris in half, who activates his helmet and releases a very small EMP wave that deactivates his Falcon suit.

Chris then fistfights against Sam, ending up winning as he snaps Sam's neck. "Semper Fi, man..."

Sam dusts away.

Meanwhile... Kate and Yelena both tag-team against Oliver, who successfully blocks all of their attacks with his fists...

"Hey! I'm Hawkeye! Kate Bishop!" she smiled.

"I don't care," said Oliver, as he shoots her in the head, only for Yelena to catch the arrow and stabs Oliver in the leg.

Yelena takes out her sticks and beats Oliver over and over, but Oliver blocked the sticks successfully. 

"You remind me of someone," said Oliver.

"I, you," smiled Kate.

"I was talking to that woman."

Oliver turns his bow into a bolo and attacks both women, striking over and over.

Kate tumbles backward and shoots at Oliver's face, where Oliver grabs the arrow and stabs Yelena in the face with it.

Oliver kicks her down as she dusts away.

Kate is shocked by this.

Meanwhile... Tony easily stabs Victor in the throat.

"You... You jammed my radio waves... Purposely..." said Victor, shaking in pain.

"It's called a hustle, Stone. Now... Wear this..." Tony places an Arc Reactor on his chest as Victor dusts away.

Meanwhile... Scott and Hope, who are both giants, try squashing Barry.

Meanwhile, Hall created a construct that resembles a giant Megazord.

"IT'S MORPHIN' TIME!!!" yelled Hal, punching Scott in the face.

Wasp then shoots the Megazord in the face, but Hal creates a massive hammer similar to Thor's and whacks Wasp in the face.

Barry then runs up at Hope's leg and begins shattering the goggles off her suit by vibrating it.

"Oh, SHIT!!!" yelled Scott, as her goggles break and she drops to the ground, dead. She dusts away, but not before Scott shoots Barry in the face, dusting him away.



Thor punches Clark in the face as Clark crashes into the rocks.

Thor slowly gets stronger as his lightning begins to charge up.

Clark sighs and blasts Super Flare, where his whole face blasts a powerful red beam enough to blast Thor away.

Meanwhile, Banner punches Billy in the face over and over again.

"Sorry, Billy!" yelled Banner, pinning Billy down.

"It's cool man..." said Billy as he grabs Banner and holds him down. "SHAZAM!!!"


Banner screams in pain as he is shocked by Billy's lightning.

"SHAZAM!!!" yelled Billy.



"SHAZAM!!!" yelled Billy.



"SHAZAM!!!" yelled Billy.



Suddenly, Banner's voice went deeper and angrier.

"Uh... Bruce...?" asked Billy.

"Bruce gone... Hulk angry with little Lightning Boy..."

"Oh f-!"

Hulk grabs Billy by the leg and bashes him into the ground over and over again.

"HULK ANGRY!!! HULK ANNOYED BY LITTLE LIGHTNING BOY!!! HULK... SMASH!!!" Hulk smashes his fists into Billy's face as Billy dusts away.


Arthur stabs Hulk in the back with his trident. Hulk is annoyed and picks Arthur up by grabbing his entire face.

Arthur tries to punch Hulk's fist to try and break free, only for Hulk to angrily crush Arthur's face.



"HEEERCUUULEEES!!!" yelled Hercules, smiling at Hulk. "Hello, there! You must be the one that they call Hulk!"

"Hulk thinks Buff Man is a Himbo Loser."

"Hey! That's not very nice!" Hercules grabs Hulk in the throat. "THAT'S NOT VERY NICE AT ALL!!!" Hercules headbutts Hulk as he is thrown far away.

Meanwhile, Thor begins overpowering Clark, repeatedly electrocuting him.


Clark stands up, barely able to handle Thor's electrocution, shaking in pain. He has bruises all over.

"So...! Superman! Kal-El! Last Son of Krypton! Now, you face the Prince of Asgard! How does it feel to be owned by a true god!?"

"It feels uh... It feels like I got hit by your non-existent train of thought," said Clark, breathing in and out heavily. He vomits blood.

"So... Punk! What do you wish to -?"

Clark grabs Thor's face while he begins to emit silver energy.

"What the fuck!?"

Thor pushes Clark away, but he sees that Clark has silver eyes right now, and is visibly afraid.

Thor sees that Clark is absorbing and releasing silver energy over and over.

"Oh, dear God... Holy shit... That is Ultra Instinct..." said Thor, backing away. "Uh... Hi! Ultra Instinct Clark! How did you learn such... Uh... a visibly threatening source of power?"

Clark stays silent.

"You're seriously not going to tell me? Hello? Hey? Kal-El? Yoohoo!"

Thor then punches Clark in the chest only for Clark to flick Thor far away.

"Oh, SURE!!! So, we aren't friends!"


Clark blasts heat vision at Thor as he disappeared completely.

Clark spits out blood, goes back to his original form, and drops down, completely knocked out.

Meanwhile, Carol kept on beating Diana over and over again, but Diana easily snapped her neck.

"Huh..." smiled Diana. "That felt great for some reason."

Diana binds her wrists again with her bracelets and returns to normal.

Meanwhile, Hulk dusts away, killed by Hercules.

Hercules pants in relief. "That's everyone..."


Bruce, injured heavily, backs away from Peter. "Peter... I don't wanna fight you. Peter... Please... The world needs you..."

"But doesn't need you...Tell me...Do you bleed?"

Bruce squints his eyes. Suddenly, Bruce presses a button where the entire Justice League teleports away.

Defeated:DaredevilVigilanteCaptain America IICyborgBlack Widow IIThe WaspThe FlashSHAZAMAquamanThorCaptain MarvelHulkGreen Lantern


"Bruce..." said the beaten-up Clark. "We're sorry. We couldn't help you out with Peter..."

"No... It's okay... We did good."

"Five of us died..." said Chris.

"It's fine... We could beat whatever Stark is trying to do..."

"What makes you say that?"

"Faith, Chris... Faith."


"Orange Slices!" smiled Scott, throwing one to Peter.


Peter, Kate, Marc, and Scott sigh.


"We did our best, Tony. Why do you want us to win, anyway?" asked Peter.

"Because I want-! Good publicity. Yes. I want good fucking publicity and YOU FUCKING RUINED IT!!! You and your stupid idiotic weaknesses! Your lack of superiority! You have no debt! You have no respect for me! IN MY UNIVERSE, YOUR VARIANTS DIED BECAUSE I WASN'T THERE!!! Now... I have completely failed you..."

"Tony... We're sorry... But maybe Matt was right," said Peter.


"Maybe Bruce isn't even our enemy."

"That son of a bitch brought this war to you. Jesus, Peter, count the dead. Hundreds of people in two years. What? Because his son died!? He could even take me out! I'm the only one who could protect you! He has the power to wipe out the entire human race, and if we believe there's even a 1% chance that he is our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty. And we have to destroy him."

Peter's eyes widen.

"Or... do you even dare to try and disappoint me? Hm... Peter?"

"Stark, that's enough," said Marc.

"This guy's an asshole," said Khonshu, who is listening to the conversation.

"Tell that bird of yours to shut it!" yelled Tony.

"How can you hear me...?" asked Khonshu.

"Does it matter?" asked Tony. "Now, SILENCE!!!Peter. You know that I only want what's best for the people of Maharlica, right? I want to create a suit of armor around the world. And without you, what will become of us, Peter?"

"Bruce only wants what's best for Maharlica, too."

"SEE!? HE IS GETTING INTO THAT LITTLE WEBHEAD OF YOURS!!! LISTEN TO ME!!! HE IS A MASTER MANIPULATOR!!! HE IS THE BAD GUY!!! JESUS CHRIST!!! DID YOU HEAR OF WHAT HE DID TO HARVEY DENT!? TO JONATHAN CRANE!? TO HIS OWN ALLY, SUPERMAN!? He is a danger to this suit I'm making AND WE NEED HIM GONE!!! So, I trust you, Peter... To humiliate him before he destroys this suit. To destroy every OUNCE of faith he has in himself. To break his spirit. Do it, Peter. And you will finally understand what it means to be the responsible one around here. Becomes Superior... just... like... me..."


Chapitre suivant