
349. The Agents of Chaos ~Rebirth~

"So... they're basically planning to start Bizarrmaggeddon a different way. Two timelines of their win have already perished, but they have about 14,000,598 timelines left. So... there are more possibilities for Miguel Ibarra to begin Bizarremaggeddon.What we should be doing is to be able to stop all possibilities," said Dipper.

"How the hell do we do that?" asked Narcos.

"Hey... I... I'm in love with you!" yelled Miguel Ibarra to Jessica.

She scoffs. "EW!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Right at the spot... Miguel is given a two-page anti-confession that told about everything that is wrong with him...

Everyone in the crowd begins laughing at him. They kept on laughing and laughing, calling him gross...


Miguel bites into a baked carrot he's holding. He chews it and blushes. "This is really good...!Just saying that the people in that house are dangerous. So... In case you need to kill them-..."

"Didn't they used to be your family?" asked Yurielle.

Miguel gives a long pause.

"Miguel?" asked Yurielle. "Did you -?"

"Yeah. But now, I have no family," said Miguel. "Got it?" he said, sternly.

"R-Right..." said Yurielle.

"Then why are we here?" asked Gabrielle.

"Because the person that I decided to date is inside that house. She's useful for us..."

They reached the door.

*knock knock knock...*

Jedan opens the door.

"Oh, wow," said Miguel. "Great! She's cheating on me... Welp! See ya!Yeah. We can't trust her, guys... I'm breaking up with her and taking the child."

"Wait!" yelled Jedan. "Dude, come on... Get in."

"Don't... call me that..." said Miguel, clenching his jaw. "Never call me 'Dude.'"

"Miguel..." said Jedan.

"Yeah... Sure! You're not allowed to say my name! You aren't worthy enough for me to be under your roof!"

"But, I didn't do anything with your girlfriend and this is your house!"

"THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE!? Christ! You all had sex with Anne during the journey! Even the women! While I drove, there were orgies going on behind me with the woman I loved!"

"Trust us! We're all here!"

Miguel's eyes widen as he takes out his sticks.

Jedan's Hierophant appears. "Easy, dude."

Miguel gulps. "You're going to hand me over to MABUS, again, huh?"

"No one's going to hand you over," said Gabrielle.

"YOU'RE A PART OF THIS!!!" yelled Miguel, pointing his sticks to Gabrielle.

"Miguel! I am your daughter! Why would I do this to you after losing my father which I blame myself for!?"

Miguel gulps. "Stay the hell away from me."

"We won't hurt you, okay?" asked Jedan. "Please, get in."

Miguel clenches his fingers around his fingers. "It's a miracle that I sensed my blood running through Gabrielle's body...And I know that it isn't MABUS' and a variant's because it's my soul resonating in her body."

"Just get in. Please," said Jedan.

Miguel sighs. "Try anything, and I'll kill all of you and take my daughter. And I'll probably let the people with me live."

Gabrielle sighs. "Hay Naku... We're gonna die, here."

The group enters inside and meets Anne, Jedan, Joseph, Kariel, Jessica, Celine, Zed, Yang, Lord, Lei, Felix, Sean, Mark, and Naomi standing before him.

Gabrielle bows her head, seeing her parents and her grandfather. Her eye twitches out of internal sadness.

"The only people I respect are Kariel and Naomi... Because they didn't try anything with Anne and they didn't actually agree with killing me... Dad..."

Joseph bows his head.

"Take a seat," said Anne.

"No," said Miguel. "Where's Little Gabrielle?"

"She's upstairs," said Anne. "Take a seat."

"I will kill you if you say that again!" yelled Miguel.

"Okay..." said Anne. "Please..."

"We may be dating, Anne..." said Miguel. "But right now, I'm trusting you less and less."

"We aren't going to hurt you," said Anne. 

"We're just here to talk with you about helping you against Bill," said Felix. "And to apologize."

"You're lying..." said Miguel. "Nah, nah, nah... You are lying!"

"Miguel, we're your family," said Kariel.

"No! No..." he chuckles psychotically. "No, you are not. You people handed me over to MABUS' soldiers to have me crucified. Families don't do that. Cowards do that."

"Please! Miguel!" yelled Lei.

"I'm not afraid to order anyone to kill you," said Miguel. 

"Is that a threat!?" asked Jedan.

"That's what I've been doing this whole time..." said Miguel. "Threatening you... Because to me, you're a threat. But unlike how the world reacted to me, I'll just straight-up murder you."

"We know how Bill is navigating and moving around the worlds despite the fact that the worlds are under lockdown!" yelled Anne. "So, please... Take... a seat..."

"Gabrielle?" asked Miguel. 


"If they try anything, as your Overlord and ruler, kill them all, except my daughter."

"O-Okay..." said Gabrielle, unable to say 'no' somehow.

Miguel and the others take a seat. Miguel crosses his legs.

"Well?" sneered Miguel. "What do you wish to do for me, you filthy cowards?"

Jedan gives out a big sigh, "We tracked him and found out that Bill has the authorization to do so," said Jedan. 

"What!?" asked Gabrielle.

"He's possessing someone in the government right now with them knowing," said Jedan.

"Okay! Welp! We learned it! Thank you! Goodbye!" smiled Miguel.

"Stop it..." whispered Anne.

"Goodbye, cowards! We don't care about-!"

"DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE'VE CRIED OVER YOU!?" sobbed Anne. "Don't you know... How much I've cried over you!? We hated ourselves for what we did!"

"Then why did you betray me?" whispered Miguel.


"That what...? I'm the monster? That I was going mad with power? Abusing it? The only reason that I hate mortals is because of you. You thought I was mad at the world, but you were all I have..." said Miguel. "Not even my own blood relatives loved me... You were all I have... You... And you had sex with the woman I loved, beat me, and gave me to my enemies. Compared to MABUS, you people are horrible."

"We regretted what we did to you!" yelled Jessica.

Miguel is triggered by her speaking. "And you think that ten years is enough? HOW ABOUT 3,000 YEARS TRYING TO BE FUNNY AND STUCK IN A ROOM!? YEARS OF LONELINESS AND DEPRESSION, ONLY BEING ABLE TO LEAVE IT AN HOUR A DAY TO ENJOY FREEDOM!? I watched you move on with your lives... and you forgot about me... I watched you get married, have children... And yes, you cried for me. But you didn't even fight against MABUS as I said... You just complied with his will... Because you people were afraid. I wish I could hurt you... I really do wish I could kill you... But what's stopping me isn't Bizarrmaggeddon... Is that deep down... I still consider you my family..." said Miguel. "I feel like drowning... vomiting when thinking about it... But it's true. You are all I have other than these guys! How pathetic is that!?So... why?Why do you burden me with these heartbroken faces? Why...? Where was this ten years ago? You're not allowed to feel this way... It's unfair...! This is so unfair...!I don't want to be the chosen one of this story! I don't want to be the one who beats the bad guy in the end! I wasn't written to be so! Gabrielle was! So... why...? Stop feeling sorry and hate me more! Be honest!"

"We never hated you, Miguel," said Joseph. "We loved you... We were just afraid... To die..."

"If you love someone, you'd die for them..." said Miguel. "You people are cowards... I died for you... So..."

"So... you'd want us to die for you?" asked Jedan.

"I know... it's... selfish..." sobbed Miguel. "But... Here we are... and no one cares about me... Even after death... I am not Miguel JoJo... I'm just... a guy. I'm nobody..."

Anne approaches Miguel.

"Stay the hell away..." said Miguel, taking out his sticks.

Anne hugs him. He is weakened and tries to get out of the hug. She hugs him tighter. 

"I love you... We love you... and... I speak for all of us to say that we're sorry...If you're really who you say you are, you will forgive us."

"It... hurts... so much... This pain... I despise it... I abhor it..."

"Forgive us... please... Not as our Lord... But as our family... We promise to do you right..."

Miguel cries. "I won't stop fearing you... I won't stop hating you... Or at least... I will always be angry with you..."

"Please... forgive us..."

"In the Bible, this usually goes downhill from here... They are punished... The people ask for forgiveness... They have a covenant... They betray God again... Then are punished... Then they ask for forgiveness again... and have another covenant..."

"It's your responsibility..." said Gabrielle. "A friend of mine... says that with great power-..."

"I know... I know..." sighed Miguel. "Fine... But I will always expect to be disappointed with you... So I won't be disappointed..."

"That hurts..." laughed Anne.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" laughed Miguel.

Yurielle is crying.

"How the hell are you crying?" asked Josuke.

"I'm blind, but that doesn't mean-! Ugh..." sighed Yurielle.

"So... how do we beat Bill Cipher?" asked Josuke.

"One word," said Jedan. "Dimension-Hopping."

"Those are two words," said Celine.

"It's a conjunctive word."


DIO profoundly drinks his wine as he sits at the table before the League of Anarchy.

"A different faction?" asked the shadowy man on the large screen before them. "Very well... Who shall you be named as?"

"I, DIO, would like to have a different name for our team. So do these imbeciles," said DIO.

"I agree," said Salvi, eating a human liver. "I want them to fear us... To run ablaze by us! Like wildfire! Heheheheheheheheh..." he sneered.

"That other one was strange..." said Kira. "The one who resembled Kujo Jotaro... Ibarra, was it? Ibarra Miguel?"

"Yes... The one..." said DIO. "He was capable of nearly defeating me. The World was stronger, but he did some sort of spell to increase his own durability and roll with my punches."

"And the other one," said Kira. "The other Josuke who resembled Kujo Jotaro... He had two Stands."

"Nothing new, to be honest," said MABUS.

"And there was that blind girl!" yelled Salvi. "She nearly killed me!"

"And those two Jolyne variants," said Pucci. "They're rather powerful."

"And the invisible one!" yelled DIO. "The Joestars are truly amazing... For that, I respect them... But... they cannot stand in our way of ruling the world.Well? We have to destroy them!"

"I agree..." said another pink-haired man next to them who looks like Narcos... but he isn't. "We must eradicate the Joestars..."

"Very well... Who shall we be?" asked DIO. 

"How about the JoFoes!?" sneered MABUS.

"That's cringe," said DIO. "Heheheheheheheheh... You're cringe, Miguel Ibarra..."

"GO TO HELL, BASTARD!!!" yelled MABUS. "I'll use Moody Blues to summon your dead mother... Or how about I use Hermit Purple to remind you of how Kujo Jotaro obliterated you? Or shall I use it to insert Hamon and pop your body? I wield a version of Star Platinum as well, y'know?"

"Tch-!" scoffed DIO. "Wrry... Fine... What? What shall be our name...?I, DIO... think that an appropriate name would be...Agents of DIO!!!"

"Why not 'Agents of Salvi?'" asked Salvi.

"Because you're only second-in-command, Salvi," said DIO.

"How dare!" roared Salvi. "We've been stripped of our powers! Have you not been at least humbled!?"

"You were offering that we should name our team after you, too," said MABUS.

"SILENCE, IBARRA!!!" yelled Pucci. "You are born in a world where DIO did not exist! You understand nothing of his wisdom!"

"What I understand of DIO and Salvi is that both of them are Animal-Abusing, Genocidal, Psychopathic, Sociopathic, Necrophilic creatures of the night that are both power-hungry enough to try and overthrow God. Which, based on my experience, is absolutely impossible. And when I say 'Absolute' I mean that in a cosmic sense!"

"Don't leave your hopes down, MABUS!!! If you are able to trap God in a box for ten years, then maybe we could do so longer!"

"Yeah!" yelled MABUS. "I was capable of doing that because I'm a Messiah in my reality! I was stripped of my title because I plunged the Earth in World War III and wiped out most of the Universe! I only brought with me an army of demons and some humans who survived the ordeal!"

"Master..." said Cheapshot. "The Leader of the League of Anarchy is waiting."

"Fine..." sighed DIO. "How about the Agents of Chaos?"

"That sounds awesome," said MABUS. "Well? What do you say?"

"Fine..." said the man onscreen. "I will be telling our leader of the sort."

The man on the screen disappears along with the holograms of the League of Anarchy.

"Hold on..." said The Joker. "That was my i-..."


"Tch-!" said Salvi.

"What is it?" asked DIO.

"Look at us, my dear variant! We are being told what to do... Just as our fathers did!" scoffed Salvi.

"I have spent twenty years in Hell, Salvi... That means I was there for nearly 7,000 years. It is not pretty, that place is..." said DIO. "I've learned one thing, Salvi... The world is a place for us to rule. Those three birthmarks behind your ear."

Salvi touches it.

"Remember our destiny..." sneered DIO.

"Yes..." said Salvi. "Our destiny..."

Meanwhile... with her legs crossed as she drinks some white wine while sitting on her throne... She watched DIO and Salvi snicker at each other... She sighs...

"Cat Eye? Please tell Daddy and Grandfather that I will be finally bringing anarchy to Maharlica... With these buffoons..." she is a black-haired beautiful girl with a curvy body. She is incredibly short for her age. Nonetheless, the woman has an incredibly beautiful, elegant, yet terrifying sneer. She speaks in a thick British accent.

"But of course..." said Cat Eye, as she forms a diamond shape with her hands and she bows. "...My Diamond."


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