
267. Goldilocks ~The Mystery Unfolds~

Gabrielle took out Stone Free, who scans around the area. Gabrielle is in an abandoned warehouse. It was dark, damp, and barren, except for a few boxes laying about. It was quiet except for a soft dripping in the distance.

*drip... drip... drip... drip...*

Gabrielle sighs as her face and body begin to shift. She gains dark-blue fur, black eyes, black claws, bat-like wings, a cat-like tail, a black nose, needle-like teeth, and a fit build. Unlike male Aswangs, she is much more slender and upright.

"Wrry..." she whispered, as she sniffed around.

She then begins wall-crawling as she hears growling in the distance.

She stops ticking her wings and hides in the darkness by crawling up to the ceiling. She then powders herself with some sort of dry potion made of red powder.

Growling could be heard as several men led by a muscular Russian blonde woman walk into the warehouse.

Gabrielle's eyes squint.

"What's wrong?" asked one of the men.

The blonde woman sniffs the area. "I thought I smelled an Aswang here."

"Those creatures are dangerous, Miss Maria... Be glad that you've only been imagining things."

"Yeah..." said Maria.

Gabrielle and Mercuria have tea on the table while Narcos plays with Gabrielle's Nintendo Switch.

"A hideout?" asked Mercuria.

"Some criminals were spotted to have the same tattoo Narcos has," said Gabrielle.

"Narcos has the tattoo!?"

"Yep. Yeah, forgot to tell you or whatever... It was on his left cheek for some reason."

"There was nothing there."

"Not that kind of cheek."

"Oh! A bit gross... But, dude!"

"Come on! I can't tell you everything! It's tiring!I'ma nap after this..." Gabrielle slams her head on the table.

Mercuria tosses a candy wrapper on the ground.

"Dude!" yelled Gabrielle.

"What?" asked Mercuria.

"Why'd you... do that!?"


"You threw a candy wrapper on the ground!" yelled Gabrielle as she softly slammed the table.

"Yeah? So?"

"Don't you pocket your trash or whatever!?"

"No pockets." Mercuria shrugged.

"Ugh!" Gabrielle picks up the litter and goes to the trash bin, tossing the plastic wrapper into it. She walked back to the table and put her hair behind her ears.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because my dad used to say that littering is very, very wrong and that those who litter deserve to go to hell."


"Hey! Dad was right! Littering is awful."

"Why should that matter?" asked Mercuria.

The entire sidewalk has plastic wrappers and wet paper all over the ground. They have posters of electoral officials to vote for all over and vandalism on them. There's also vandalism in the walls that says, "TITI KO" or whatever stupid shit they write there. There are also dead leaves all over the ground. A monitor lizard is even on the ground eating a giant dead rat next to them.

"What the hell do you think, Merci?" sighed Gabrielle.


Gabrielle crawls on the ceiling very, very quietly. Her men walk around and discuss matters.

A string tentacle emerges from her finger and attaches itself to the ground before them.

"...yes! The Improbable Man wishes to talk with us in the hotel next week..."

Gabrielle spies their tattoos. The woman has the Dark Gem tattoo on her chest. Gabrielle squints her eyes.

"Mercuria... Her breast has the Gem..." Gabrielle whispered to the transmitter.

"Jesus Christ, Gabrielle," said Mercuria. "Keep it in your pants."

"What!? That's not what I meant nor said!"

"Oh... Are you compensatin'? Because I gotta say that you don't need to compensate, girl. Live in content, Gabe by staying stoic..."

"I AM-!!!"

The group looks above them, but no one is there. All they see is a blue net of some sort that resembles a spider web above their heads.

"Hm," said Maria. "Anyway-..."

Gabrielle had turned into the net. She is the net above them.

"Gabrielle?" whispered Mercuria through Gabrielle's Bluetooth Earphone.

"I'm fine!" whispered Gabrielle. "I turned myself into a net..."

"How did you-?"

"Oh... Right! I'm a Stand-User..."

"Wait, what!? Oh... Well... your dad was a Stand-User as well..."


"Wait... Uh... Okay! Just be careful and make sure you get the information we need!"

"...Sunflower Street Hotel next week at 8 PM. Got it!?"

Everyone else nods at Maria.

"Sunflower Street Hotel next week at 8 PM," whispered Gabrielle.

"Good! Get out of there!"

Gabrielle slowly crawls away like some sort of bundle of worms as she lands on a platform above the men and Maria.

"What the hell is this thing?" asked one man, who pulls Gabrielle's string tentacle that she used to eavesdrop on them, still attached on the ground.

"Eep!" she whispered as she turned red. She growls yet softly, steaming with rage as she angrily decapitated the string attached to her finger. Her finger now has a wound, but it regenerates and heals itself.

Gabrielle slowly crawled away and hopped to the window.

However, the wind blows her hair right at that moment.

*sniff... sniff...*

"Cherry blossom perfume," said Maria. "Men..." She woges into a much taller white Jagerbar resembling a polar bear. "Someone is here..."

Gabrielle's eyes widen. "Shit!"

Gabrielle woges wings but they immediately shot at one of her wings that somehow melt her skin flaps.

She grunts as she falls to the ground.

"Kill her," said Maria.

The men turn into much smaller brown Jagerbars as they charge at Gabrielle.

Gabrielle stands up and takes out her Stand, Stone Free, which they can't seem to see.

Two Jagerbars take out their guns and shoot at her as Stone Free makes a tightly knit net that surrounds her and blocks their bullets.


"Our bullets are not reaching her for some reason!" yelled one of the Jagerbars in a thick Siberian accent.

"Claw at her then!" yelled Maria.

The men pocket their guns as they growl and charge at Gabrielle.

"STONE FREE!!!" yelled Gabrielle, as Stone Free pummeled their faces. However, her fists weren't strong enough to damage them severely.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!" yelled Stone Free, blasting toward each of the Jagerbars, but not enough to shatter their bones.

"Gah!" Gabrielle backs away as her hands bleed from the attack. "Shit! God!I've been trained to break Jagerbar bones... Why isn't it-?" Gabrielle asks herself as Maria snickers.

"It's not our bones you should worry about. Our body fat is the one stopping your punches from injuring us severely," said Maria. "You foolish Aswangs know nothing... No... I see that your eyes are black and reflect our true forms... You must be one of those Black-Eyes, yes? Foolish Black-Eyes... Too lazy to read about the Jagerbars in the Diaries?"

"I am not lazy!" yelled Gabrielle. "I just burn out easily!"

Maria cackles as she approaches Gabrielle.

"Well, Grimm... The clock is ticking before you figure out how to beat us."

"Miss Maria. Why do you encourage her?" asked one soldier.

"Shut the fuck up, Jovanovich," she replied.

"Yes, Ma'am."

Gabrielle has an idea.


Gabrielle points at one of the men as Stone Free grabs their ears and tried to decapitate their ears by thinning her string to the point that it's as sharp as a blade.

This doesn't work.

"Look at you... Searching for easier options..." cackled Maria. "Typical Filipino."

"Why are you even here?" asked Gabrielle. 

"I'm actually half Russian. I was raised in Russia but since 12, I have lived here in the Philippines. What I learned is that your father cared more about Maharlica than the Philippines itself. I was taught one thing. To help destroy Maharlica."

"What!? Why!?"

"For me, because it destroys our Filipino identity. For the Boss? I'm not so sure. Besides... What can a full-blood Filipino girl like you do to try and stop us?"

Gabrielle sighs. "You plan to divide the eight worlds again?"

"Yes. After that, I'll let this rotten country go down the drain into its own pathetic self-indulgence... I'll move back to Russia with a considerable amount... and I'll forget about this place...Filipinos are... in the end... absolutely stupid."

Gabrielle sighs. "Hay Naku...Filipinos typically look down on each other and are looked down on by other people... Why do they do it? Because Filipinos are naive... not stupid," sighed Gabrielle."They're naive greedy people with no discipline and filled with crab mentality. They hate gays. They believe in their own stereotypes. They pull down those more successful than them, like that bitch Sarah from work who spread rumors that I have a penis and I'm a shemale. They're so bad at discipline that even a mastigophobe is better than them in keeping quiet in the flag ceremony. They lack the ability to agree on one thing. They fight for tyrants and others fight for corrupt douches. Without Maharlica, Filipinos would destroy each other and become a third-world country again...Why should I stand proud of them?Why should I keep them on top?I'll tell you why..."

(theme begins)

Gabrielle poses as she pushes her hips out, curves her waist, and points to Maria. "Because I'm a Goddamned Filipino. My father may have created Maharlica, and I honor that. I hate the people in my country, but no one should dare insult Filipinos, my people, that way...Fuck you for that. Fuck you for insulting my people."

(theme begins at 0:24)

The Jagerbars charge at Gabrielle as Gabrielle used her strings to enter the holes in their faces.

"There are still ways to the brain..." said Gabrielle, as her strings entered their brains.

"MMPH!!!" growled one man as his eyes go outward and his brains explode from within.

The man drops dead immediately.


"Take out your knives and cut off the strings!" yelled Maria.

The men struggle to cut off the invisible strings, but they can't, since only Stands can touch Stands.

Worriedly and desperately, they try to slash off the strings from Gabrielle's strings as Maria backed 50 meters away in the grass field.


"OH, GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!!"




All twelve men drop dead on the ground.

Maria, their leader, squints her eyes as she prepared to attack Gabrielle.

"Tch-..." scoffed Maria. 

"What's wrong? Scared, are you now?" snickered Gabrielle.

(theme stops at 1:13)

Maria charged at Gabrielle as her strings charge at Maria.

Right foot. Left foot. Right foot. Left foot. She marched toward her in fearsome speed.

Gabrielle realizes that Maria is getting too close. She perspires for a slight second.

She squints her eyes.



Maria trips on a string Gabrielle places a few meters away from her.

"Tch-!" said Maria, as the string tentacles begin wrapping around Maria. However, Maria covers her face with a motorcycle helmet as she takes out and lights a match and burns the string around her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" yelled Gabrielle, as her string began to burn, but does not get destroyed as it is non-flammable.

"My strings are non-flammable! That doesn't make any-!*gasp*My sweat!" yelled Gabrielle. "They're acting like fuel for the flames on the strings...Tch-! It hurts!"

Stone Free detaches its burning string tentacles from its body.

She woges into a slender yet large Jagerbar once more as she charged at Gabrielle once more. She keeps her leather jacket and pants on as the fire acts as a protective barrier around her body.

Maria sighs. "Whatever those invisible strings were are gone... COME AT ME, ASWANG BLACK-EYES!!!"

Gabrielle backs away as Maria shot at her.

Gabrielle begins to scream in her head, "OH, FUCK!!! OH, FUCK!!! OH, FUCK!!!"

Gabrielle sighs. "ORA!!!"


The Jagerbar's helmet breaks.

The strings try to reach her nostrils, ears, eyes, and mouth, but she charged too quickly as she tackles Gabrielle, mauling her, biting her, and stabbing her with her teeth and claws. Gabrielle growls as she woges as well and ends up biting Maria's neck, but her teeth don't go deep enough.

Gabrielle is then pummeled on the ground over and over again.

Gabrielle has an idea.

"Do you know... *cough...* What justice is?" she wheezed.

"Huh!?" asked Maria.

"Justice prevails... It always does... I needed you alive... But... I guess I have no choice..."


Stone Free grabs Maria's heart.

Maria's eyes quiver. "Tch-..."

"Stand down..." said Gabrielle. "Or I'll kill you."

"I spent..." whispered Maria.


"I spent my whole life trying to fight against stereotypes... I remember... my classmates... who looked down on me for being only half Filipino... I spent my life becoming an activist... But no one listened... The only way to stop this is to destroy Maharlica... and let the Philippines start from square one... I don't care how many innocent men and women... even children... that I'll kill to save this world from destroying itself."

"Why does your boss want to destroy Maharlica?"

"Because..." she coughed. "They are coming..." she sneered. "That's why... I WON'T STOP UNTIL I KILL YOU!!!BECAUSE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN MY WAY... IS WHAT I CONSIDER AS EVIL!!!"

"I... am Gabrielle JoJo... and I can tell you that you're wrong...Evil is when you do something so disgusting... so terrible... as to using the weak for your own personal gain, regardless of the consequences they injure," said Gabrielle, as she points to Maria with two of her fingers. "THAT IS EVIL!!!Killing men, women, and children is truly... evil!!!"

"Evil is for losers... Justice is for winners..." said Maria. "That is the rule of war..."

"Evil is for losers, right?" asked Gabrielle. "I'll show you... WHO IS EVIL!!!"

(theme begins at 1:14)


Maria gags blood as her heart starts to get crushed by  Stone Free's fist.

"I don't give a fuck about anything you have to say..." said Gabrielle. "I'll kill you without a second thought. Why? Because you're planning to kill innocent people... And I can't let any of you have that!"

Maria trembled as she yells. Gabrielle then tears out Maria's heart, as Maria woges back into a human and drops on Gabrielle.

(theme ends at 1:47)

Gabrielle tries to stand up. "UGH!!! RAUGH!!! RAUGH!!! RAAAAAAAUGH!!!" She sighs. "Hey, Merci?" asked Gabrielle.

"Yeah? You wanna add more on that dramatic speech of yours."

"Shut up! Can you help me up, please?"

 A short pause happens.

"Okay... I'll just get my keys."



"Did you just litter in my house!?" asked Gabrielle.

"N-... No?"




"Hay Naku..."


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