
233. Red Justice and The Hermit Part I

"Rojo..." whispered "The Boss" through a man who wore a red metallic armor with a helmet similar to THE WORLD's head and armor similar to a cyberpunk suited armor. Beside him is a man with a blue suit and a white polo. "Rojo..."

"Yes, Boss?" asked the Underboss, "Rojo."

The pair sat on a train in New York City.

"I want you to take these two out."

"Dark and Hercules, boss? The broken assassin and the fallen hero?"

"I wish to have them killed. They have successfully killed three of our associates. One unconfirmed."

"Oh... How awful, Boss." The man with the blue suit snickered.

"This is no laughing matter, Forethought. Wizardo, Transformia, and The Reflection have all been killed. They are no different from your brothers and sisters...Now... these two? I want them dead..."

"Yes, Boss..." said the pair.

"Now, do know that despite your history with Dark-..."

"Don't worry, Boss..." said Rojo. "I won't let my rage get to me."


Dark slices through the Russian mobsters who stayed in the slums, slicing through them as a band of young children follows him.


Several men and women are electrocuted by Hercules' lightning and explode.

"Damn it, Herc! Some of those are the good guys!" yelled Yuki.

"No... Those are the Russians..." said Hercules.

"Then who am I killing!?" asked Yuki, who is stabbing a guy with a suit in the face.

"That's the mayor that was kidnapped last week," said Hercules.

"Oh! Bloody hell, mate!" Yuki drops the mayor's body. "Bugger! JoJo's goin' to beat the shit outta me after this!"

"HAHAHA!!!" laughed Dark. "Miguel's gonna scold you!" he teased.

Someone then stabs Dark in the back as Dark slices the woman's head off.

"Come, children! The way's out over here! Autographs later!" yelled Dark, leading the children away. "Don't worry, Yuki! Guy's a corrupt asshole, anyway!"

"Stop trying to make me feel better!" yelled Yuki, as she tossed some shurikens and blasted them into a man's face, killing him.

Dark laughs and leads the children to safety.

Meanwhile, Yuki and Hercules battle against several Russian mobsters.

Ten men with machine guns appear from the doors and shoot at Yuki.

Yuki teleports around the shadows and appeared at the wall behind them. She then decapitated all ten men at once.

Yuki then takes out her dagger and stabs an old man in the face.

Hercules, meanwhile, merely flicks all the men and women away with relative ease. He brings out his Stand and tears each of them apart. Each time they splat all over the wall merely as a pile of flesh and blood.

"Hey... Their bodies kinda remind me of Mexican food," said Hercules. "You guys want some Mexican food later?"

"Yeah!" smiled Yuki.

"SURE!!!" yelled Dark.


The trio, with blood all over them, is in Dark's Darkmobile, which is just a black sedan with red spray paint on it to make it look edgy and bloody.

The car stops by a drive-through of Taco Bell.

"Yeah..." said Dark, who is in the driver's seat. "We'd like three orders of Mexican Pizza, ten orders of a steak Quesarito, ten orders of Nachos Supreme, and just give us lots of Cucumber Lemonades."

"We only have Baja Blasts..." said the drive-through guy.

"Goddamnit!" yelled Yuki. "Nothing's going right for me today!"

Dark brushes her shoulder. "It's fine, psychotic wench! We'll just have some water."

"You don't want Baja Blasts?"

"I hate lime!" yelled Yuki.

"You heard the woman. Water."

"What about Iced Tea?"

"I'd like to have Iced Tea!" smiled Hercules.

"Yeah. Five orders of Iced Tea," said Dark.

"MMMMMMMMMMPH!!!" yelled a man in the trunk.

"Fine!" yelled Dark. "And a coffee for the Russian."

The receipt whirrs out of the speaker.

"Thanks!" smiled Dark, as he takes the receipt.

Later... back in the mansion...

"YOU KILLED MAYOR LOUIS!!!?" asked Miguel, facepalming and pacing around in front of them.

"He tapped my shoulder," Yuki shrugged.

"And you killed him before you checked!?"

"It was friendly fire!"


Yuki shrugs.

"Ugh! No gaming for a month!"


"And you two!"

Dark and Hercules quiver in fear.

"Hercules... Stay here because I need your help. Dark, Yuki... I need you to buy something for me..."

"Buy what?" asked Dark.

"An Ibong Adarna!" yelled Miguel.

"You're kidding, right?" asked Dark. "That doesn't exist!"

"Oh, it sure does!" smiled Miguel. "Just find one in any of the forests in the Philippines and you're good to go!"

"Why do you need it, exactly?" asked Yuki.

"Food," said Miguel. "Ritual food... things... yeah!"

Dark sighs. "Sheesh! Fine! Since I'm such an important person to you!"

"Alright! See ya, wankers," sighed Yuki, following after.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! Just go!" smiled Miguel, pushing the pair into a portal he opened. "Just enter and leave!"

Miguel shuts the portal as the pair entered.

"Uh... Mr. JoJo!" smiled Hercules. "Why did you kick them out so suddenly?"

"I need your help, Carl Hees," said Miguel.

"Why'd you make those two leave?"

"Because they'll comment something disgusting."

"Oh, dear... O-On what, Mister Reaper?" smiled Carl Hees.

Miguel sighed. "How do you-...?"

Hercules' eyebrows raise up.

"Okay... My daughter's eight, right?" asked Miguel. "And her friends are about... nine..."

"Oh, no..." said Hercules.

"Now... Now... Now... Okay... *ahem*... How do you...? My daughter is unhappy and insecure about her-..."

"Okay!" yelled Hercules.

"Come on, man! You had a daughter according to legend!" yelled Miguel.

"According to legend! Yes, I had daughters! But they were killed by Hera and I was framed for it! I'm pretty sensitive about having kids, Miguel..."

"But you had kids, Herc!" smiled Miguel. "Gabrielle's not happy and I don't know how to approach her!"

"Anne!?" asked Hercules.

"Anne's working day and night in her new job... And it's up to me, Herc!" Miguel facepalmed. "How... My baby girl? How!?Soon... she's gonna sleep with someone in her room... And I'm gonna catch her..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mr. JoJo! You don't know that!"


"Okay, chill, Mr. Reaper... Chill! It's completely normal for a parent to feel awkward with their child who has opposite sex with them when they're reaching puberty."

"Oh no..." sobbed Miguel. "What if he acts like me? Or worse... what if he looks like me?"

"Mr. JoJo, calm down!"

"Oh, God! She's going to college and I'm going to be alone with Anne! That'd be nice with all the sex and all... But then I'll be forced to retire..."

"Mr. JoJo!"

"Who's going to protect the world when I'm gone? Gabrielle!? She can barely spell 'Flabbergasted!?'"

"Mr. JoJo... You're the one who's panicking and acting flabbergasted..."

"Oh dear God... Gabrielle's going to get pregnant... My grandchild will be conceived in our room..." Miguel hissed. "Oh, sweet Jesus... How am I even going to pay for college?"

"JoJo! Focus on what's happening now!"

"Fine..." hissed Miguel.

Miguel sits down on the couch and Hercules sits beside him. "Now... When did this start?"


"Found it," said Dark, as he caged the Ibong Adarna.

"I don't know what the hell our ancestors were complainin' about. That was pretty easy. All you have to do is talk to a creepy old dude in an alley then chase something shiny in the woods until you catch it."

Dark takes out the Anting-Anting and rattles it. "There, there... You oversized chicken. Soon, we'll eat you for whatever reason."


Yuki hears a blade being pulled out from a sheath.

"Dark! Get down!"

Yuki pushes Dark down to the ground. A blade-like blast of air nearly struck his neck, which passes by above their heads. The air splash cuts several trees in half.


"Are you okay!?" asked Dark.

"Are you okay!?" Yuki growled.

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking!" yelled Dark. Another air-slice is splashed toward them as Yuki pushes Dark down. "That's how you properly reply! Not with a Goddamned smartass retort!"




Dark's hand gets sliced as blood gushes out from his sleeve. Some of the bones in his hand are fractured.

Yuki and Dark run farther.

"Third three to the right."



Dark and Yuki tumble over as Yuki's leg is sliced, but only her bone is fractured.

Dark warps out his katana and sees sir slices toward him.



Dark successfully blocks most of the air -slices but is injured by some, causing him to bleed in multiple places of his body. The blood didn't come from the blades, rather, the bones bruised their muscles and skin.

Yuki limps as Dark carries her.

"Interesting..." Dark panted. "Apparently, the air-slices don't slice soft tissue. Earlier..."


Dark and Yuki hide behind some bushes as the air-slices cut some trees in half...

"Earlier, the air-slice only sliced our bones... But not our skin."

Blood gushes out from Dark's body.

"The bush..."

"How can he tell where we are-...!?" Yuki gasps as the pair ducks down to dodge the air slice. The pair then limps away.

"Yuki! Use your British nature and hail a taxi outta here!"

"Fuck off, face-bugger, and flip out ya katana already!"

"Yes, Ma'am."

Dark slices his katana everywhere toward the red armored samurai.


Rojo, meanwhile, blocked all of Dark's slashes. He then bashes Dark in the face.

"Whoa... That kick's pretty damned familiar."

"Yeah!? Is it now!?" howled the man in the suit.

"Yeah..." Dark squints his eyes.

Dark spins around and slashes his katana. His katana begins to glow.

"Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa!" yelled Dark. Rojo blasts his katana toward Dark over and over again as Dark's katana begins to vibrate and glow with a bright crimson shade."Who are you?" smiled Dark. "Some weird enemy who coincidentally wants vengeance toward me?Because that's pretty funny..." Dark's voice boomed as his eyes became glowing blue.


Dark tumbles backward as Rojo hammers down his katana. Dark blocks Rojo's katana, though, just barely.

"What do you want from me?"

"Yo... You really don't remember? Shit..."

"Left... right... left..." whispered a voice in his helmet.

"Who's talking!?" asked Dark.

Rojo successfully blocks all of Dark's slashes. He went left, right, and left.




Dark vomits blood. This is because the blade is plunged into the right lung.

Dark trembles.

"You don't remember at all... do ya?"

Rojo kicks Dark away, pushing him out of the blade.

Dark grabs his chest as he backs away.

"They call me Rojo the Bone Breaker... You may remember me as Jefferson."

Dark's smile withers away as he facepalms. "Fuck..."

"Fuck yeh..."

"Which... Which one?"

"Ambrose Jefferson..."

"The younger son..." panted Dark. "Fuck... Look... I didn't mean to kill your parents... and your brother..."

"You murdered them for money, you piece of shit."

"It was one job... I couldn't kill you because you were a kid... I killed your father because he was scum... He broke the deal..."

"Didn't have to kill the rest..."

"I was caught... I couldn't risk them knowing about the mission..."

"I was 10... You fucking asshole... No one... I lived in Texas... No one ever helped me... Do you know why?"


"Because of my fucking skin color, man!"

"Fuck... Look... What I did was wrong."

"What's wrong is that you let me live."

"I don't kill children."

"Well, then you sure are lucky that it's 12 years later."

Rojo spins and swings his sword toward Dark's head, as Dark ducks.

"Wait..." whispered Dark. "That's not right... You're supposed to be dead... I tried talking to you again, but I looked you up and you were killed in a traffic accident."

Rojo seemed to not have heard what Dark said.

"You killed my family..."

Dark backs away. "I don't want to kill you, kid..."

"Too bad, fuckface."

Dark tightens his grip on his holder.

"So... So be it..." Dark coughed as he spun and swung his sword toward Rojo's head. Rojo blocks it with his gauntlet.

"Yo... Nice one, man..." said Rojo, as he air-sliced both of Dark's legs. "Bruh, you look like you haven't been trainin' for a while. Haha! You're so fuckin' pathetic... Gettin' clapped and shit."


Dark topples to the ground and pants.

"Fuck!" whispered Dark as his lips trembled. He quivered in pain as he crawls backward.

"I'll say it in your language, Paalam..." Rojo prepared to hammer down his blade.

Chapitre suivant