
Kit lets go, they’re about to complete the cemetery!

By the time he had finished with the meringue cookies, light steps had worn off. Each of the coloured eggs had produced the exact same recipe only the colour at the start of the title was different.

He had one batch of each cookie sitting on the bench, red, yellow, pink, green and blue. He picked up one of each colour and placed it on a white plate. He didn't know why but he had a feeling combining them might do something.

He watched the plate with bated breath, after a couple of seconds and nothing happened, Kit let out a sigh of disappointment. He turned to start clearing away the mess so he could start another recipe.


[Rainbow crested bouncing steps cookies bundle created]

Quality level: Good

Quality bonus: + 50 to all stats.

A bite sized treat, hard on the outside and soft and sweet in the middle.

Skill bonus: Bouncing steps, feels like you are bouncing on clouds.

Active for 1 hour.

[Unlocked: chef level 70 to unlock for sale.]

Reward: 7,500 EXP, 7,500 culinary EXP, 100 silver crowns, 2,000 culinary points.


[Congratulations, you are now Level 49 Chef]

Kit's head snapped back to the plate almost causing him whiplash with how fast he turned. His eyes felt like they were going to pop out of his head when he once more read a temporary skill in the information in front of him.

He did it again! He wasted no time stuffing all five cookies into his mouth, so he could try the new skill out. When the familiar feeling of standing on air appeared he took a step, this time instead of gliding, he bounced along. It made him even faster in his movements.

He made his way over to the back door then raced off outside. He couldn't wait to see how fast this skill could make him move. Kit could feel the wind blow his hair back with how fast he was running or bouncing to be correct. He was absolutely amazed at how fast he could move with the skill activated.

Laughter spilled from his lips, after a lap of his property he made his way back to the restaurant. He stumbled a little as he slowed down, it would take him a little while to get used to this skill. As he approached the kitchen door, he realised bouncing around the kitchen would be awkward, he wondered if there was a way to remove the skill ahead of the time limit.

He opened his interface and stared at his personal menu.

Kit (Lord of Spartan Fire) Active: Bouncing steps Level: 84

Class: Swordsman

Sub class: Chef (Platinum) Lvl 49 Tier: Advanced Novice Chef

Money: 117 gold, 18 silver, 351 bronze crowns

Free points: 122

Culinary points: 16,027

Health: 9,420/9,420

Stamina: 490/490

Magica: 380/380

Experience: 1,120,000/4,700,000

Attack: 599 (30)

Speed: 1,176 (105)

Intelligence: 1,114

Agility: 1,524 (+5)

Defence: 523 (+10)

Weapon: Beginner Sword

Armour: Basic wrist guard, Swift Feet boots

Clothing: White apron

He looked at the top of the screen to see the skill active. He hovered over the skill with his finger and information he had read earlier when he created the meal appeared. No option to cancel the skill appeared, he frowned in displeasure.

"Ah, maybe this will work! Cancel Bouncing steps!" To Kit's utter delight the skill disappeared off his screen. He had been worried for a moment that he would have to put a warning with the cookies that it couldn't be deactivated.

With his personal screen open Kit had a good look over his stats. His attack and defence were in a sorry state compared to the rest of his stats. He really would have to get to work gaining some new permanent fighting skills to improve combat effectiveness.

A sigh left his lips, it would have to be put on the back burner until after his restaurant promotion. He would be too busy to find time until then.

Mars poked his head out of the kitchen door as he was lost staring at his interface. "KIT!" Kit almost fell backwards at Mars excited greeting.

"Damn it Mars! I'm right in front of you, not so loud next time!" Laughter left Mars lips, Kit scrutinised Mars flushed face. Had he just run all the way here? Was the boarding house already repaired? Before he could ask Mars jumped in first.

"Kit lets go, they're about to complete the cemetery!" Mars was almost bursting with glee at the idea of the cemetery being completed. Kit felt a jolt of adrenaline spiking at the news and a large smile split across his face.

He couldn't wait to see the cemetery completed himself! That would mean that Spartan Fire's promotion would be next! All thoughts of continuing to experiment with his new ingredients flew out the window.

Kit dragged a confused Mars back inside the kitchen. "Kit do you not want to go?"

A devilish smile played on Kit's lips. "Of course, I'm coming. I'm going to give you something to get us there faster!" Kit shoved five cookies into Mars hand. "Eat up my friend." He then quickly made a few bundles of cookie bags for the return trip.

As Kit had been making the bags, Mars was bouncing around the kitchen in glee. "Kit you're a genius! These cookies are amazing!" Kit grinned at Mars then ushered him out the door reactivating his bouncing steps once again, he still had 35 minutes left on the clock.

They arrived at the cemetery in a third of the time it had taken him previously to get there. A large gathering of people was present, Kit guessed that they were all here to watch the cemetery completion.

Kit looked around for Grandpa and Twix, when he spotted them, he rushed over. "Kit, Mars, you boys you made it just in time!" Standing next to Grandpa and Twix where two new faces Kit hadn't seen before. "Let me introduce you to Twix' cousins, this is Olive and Basil."

Olive and Basil had similar features as Twix, he could tell at a glance that they were related. Even the relaxed way that they stood was the same posture as his friend. The pair of siblings had jet black hair and sea green eyes the same as Twix.

Both were attractive, Olive was slim and tall, she looked like a model, her glossy hair was piled on her head in a high ponytail. Basil also had long hair, though it was shaved at the sides, the long locks were contained in a braid that went down his back. He also looked like he had the walk from a catwalk, he was tall and muscular and had a presence that commanded attention.

Kit looked around the small group with a splash of envy. Why did they have to all be so damn attractive, they needed to give a man a break. Kit shuffled closer to Grandpa, standing next to the old man at least would make him look young. Kit chuckled internally at his own actions, then returned his focus to the newcomers.

"Hello, pleasure to meet you both." Mars gave his own greeting after Kit. Now that the introductions were out of the way Kit wanted to see the spiritual bones. "Can we see the spiritual bones before you activate the cemetery?"

Basil grinned at Kit and walked over to a clear space, then a thud was heard, and a large bone appeared. The bone was the size of Kit and shined with a beautiful light blue glow. Kit could feel power radiating out from the bone.

Awe filled Kit, how big was the creature that this bone came from? Starry eyes turned to Basil, how powerful was he that he could kill a creature that radiated power even when it was dead. Basil started to chuckle at Kit's expression. "Ai Twix, your friends are easily impressed."

"Basil, don't tease them, besides you won't want to get on Kit's bad side, or he'll ban you from the restaurant." Twix poked back at his cousin.

Basils eyes rounded as he stared back at Kit. "Oh, it's true then. We really do have a chef in town. When I got the letter to collect the spiritual bones while I was up the mountain, Grandpa had written three pages just about the food he was eating. I thought he was pulling a fast one on Olive and me. If I had known it was true, we would have come back sooner!"

Kit smiled at Basil to let him know he wasn't insulted. It really was easy to make him impressed sometimes. Grandpa started to clap his hands to get everyone's attention. "You can get to know each other after we complete the cemetery. This old man can't take the wait any longer!"

Kit agreed with Grandpa, he felt a thrum of anticipation as he stared at the bone. Basil was chuckling at his grandpa's anxious behaviour. "Ok old man, let me get the rest of the bones out, then young Twix can activate the cemetery."

Three more giant bones appeared, Kit turned his attention toward Twix, waiting to see what he would do. Twix eyes lost focus, Kit guessed he was looking at the cemetery interface. A loud hum started to emerge from the spiritual bones. Kit's gaze snapped back towards the glowing bones.

The bones started to rattle on the ground, Kit could feel small vibrations in his feet from where he was standing. He started to worry that they were too close to the bones when without warning they burst into fine sand like particles.

A wind whipped up out of nowhere and started to carry the glowing particles all over the cemetery. When the wind suddenly stopped it looked like blue glowing rain was falling on the ground. Kit was in awe at the sight.

When the last particle fell a notification rang in Kit's ear.


[Cemetery complete]

Congratulations! Spartan Fire now has a place for its residents to remember their lost loved ones.

Kit blew out a shaky breath, adrenaline flooded his veins and a loud thumping started in his ears. Excitement filled his whole body trying to find a way to burst out. Kit turned round eyes towards his friends.

Mars and Twix wore similar expressions of glee, Kit couldn't control his next actions. He launched himself at his friends and tackled them to the ground. Rich laughter burst from his lips. "Fucken hell we did it!"

Pleasant sounds of laughter started to fill Kit's ears as well as grunts of pain from his two friends he had caught unaware from his tackle. "Damn it Kit, why do you have to resort to violence when you're excited." Mars held laughter in his voice as he spoke.

Twix rolled onto his stomach and started to rub his arse. "You really need to warn us when you do that. I think my butt is broken." More laughter filled the area at Twix complaints. Kit felt a slight pang of guilt for hurting his friend until Twix flicked his head hard, right in the middle of his brows.

"Ouch!" Kit couldn't help gasp.

"Serves you right!" Twix started to laugh at Kit's shocked expression.

Kit couldn't help but to start to laugh again, he was so happy that the cemetery was complete. He wanted to wallow in this glorious feeling of joy setting off fireworks all over his body. He was glad to be sharing this feat with everyone else.

Grandpa came over to them and bent down, then he waggled a finger to get all three of them to come closer. "You boys look mighty pleased right now, bet your feeling like nothing could top this right?"

Kit felt that Grandpa's words were spot on, so he nodded his head. A wide knowing smile played on the old man's lips. "Want me to tell you something that will make today even better?" All three of their heads bobbed in unison.

He wiggled his finger once again to get them to come even closer, then whispered something that cause Kit to freeze. "Why did completing the cemetery make you so happy."

That's right the cemetery was usually not a place for excitement. Kit frowned until it dawned on him what Grandpa was getting at. The reason they were so excited by completing the cemetery was that it meant they could finally promote Spartan Fire!

Kit sucked in a deep breath, then turned shining eyes to Mars and Twix. Mars had the same twinkle in his eyes as Kit, Twix was the only one to wear a frown. Kit didn't prompt Twix, he waited for his friend to cotton on to what Grandpa was saying.

As he waited, he felt anticipation thrum through his body. It felt like ants were crawling under his skin with the need to race back to the town hall. When he felt so uncomfortable from sitting still that he would have to move, a noise came out of Twix mouth, something similar to a squeal and grunt combined.

"Oh, oh!" Twix turned frantically happy eyes to his grandpa. "Grandpa you're a mean old man! Why not just say it straight!" Twix then shot to his feet. "Why are you two still on the ground, let's go!" Without waiting for a reply Twix took off in a run towards the direction of the town hall.

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