
Day One | Lethal Acceptance

Doctor Lock looked at Evalyn in confusion. "Communication error? I'm confused about what's happening."

"The soldiers [protecting] my mom, while I'm helping clear these wards, are awaiting a hospital official to release my mother.

However, with a discharge, no one is coming. So the soldiers won't release her, and I need a hospital management member to get her released."

The doctor looked at the soldiers and then back to Evalyn with trembling eyes. "Y-You want me to give an order to soldiers?"

"Correct." Evalyn replied without blinking.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want to get involved with soldiers." Doctor Lock said nervously.

"A doctor gave them the order to hold my mother captive to make me fight here under government orders." The blonde said coldly.

"Trust me, Doctor Lock. I don't want to deal with them, either.

However, the soldiers are awaiting a doctor now that my eight hours have passed, so they'll expect you.

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