
June 21st, 2032 | Contagion | 1 Day Remaining


The Emperor's Cultivation Technique; First 2500 People To Prove It On Video Are Guaranteed Entrance to Immortal Skye Faction.

Views: 931,382,178 | +199,283,178

Date: June 21st, 2032


[Deleted]: I got it! It's a cultivation technique. The normal kind fyi >.< | +198,283,878

— Retromingent: Figures it'd be a girl. | +101,101,102

— Woningmey_: Teach me! | +99,281,377

—— Chuckwalla: Lol, she deleted her account. | +73,283,183

——— Yoniquiddy72: She got 98 million replies. I bet her phone sounded like a machine gun XD | +88,282,554

Erythraean: I can't wait until Scrawn Fu posts his video. It's going to break Yanko. | +123,823,187

— Katabothron: Scrawn Fu = Lost Emperor = Emperor. There can't be a coincidence. | +39,283,117

—— Bionergy: it would be better if they were two people so he could mentor him | +44,283,199

——— Oligomania: I'd love it if Scrawn Fu mentored me too. | +78,938,188

——— Clodhopper: The fact that people are fighting over who would mentor who shows Scrawn Fu's the GOAT. | +58,938,188

Razzmatazz: 108 million views? He posted this 5 minutes ago. Wtf. | +83,283,993

— Pravity: Update from one minute later: 155 million views. | +95,981,812

—— Kazz_Rompkin: 20 minutes, and it's already at 300 million. This is crazy. XD | +39,283,123

Quantulum: No exceptions? Lulz. | +66,837,211

— Lasco_Treatz: He said he's posting a video of every person in the faction cultivating the technique. There's no hired help. It's just faction members there. | +92,831,839

—— Raticide: If that's true, then the emperor proves he's a legend yet again! | +38,182,222


Evalyn put her phone down and took a deep breath, waiting for her uncle to arrive.

It was early in the morning, and her foot was tapping. She didn't want to meet with her uncle about Kaze's case when the world was going to hell.

Daniel walked into the kitchen and accepted a cup of coffee from a housekeeper before heading to the table. "Good morning."

Evalyn gave him a wry smile. "Good morning, uncle."

He motioned for the housekeepers to leave the room and then turned to Evalyn with his crystal blue eyes.

"Why haven't you messaged me?" Daniel asked with a sharp smile, "Is it because you've spent time with Kaze, I wonder?"

"Did your preparations to scold me prevent you from paying attention to traffic or reading the news?" Evalyn asked with a mocking smile.

Daniel frowned. "What do you mean?"

She turned on the TV to the new station. "I'll just leave this here to remind [you] that I said it wouldn't matter."

"Evalyn, what are you talking about? Kaze?" He asked dryly.

"The world's going to hell, uncle." She replied, "We need to stop playing games, help Kaze all our resources, and teach this cultivation technique to everyone."

Daniel laughed in bewilderment. "Investigators showed up at my house yesterday. And you're telling me that I should just stop talking about it and put my job, reputation, and life on the line?"

"Uncle, if you don't, you won't have a job." Evalyn replied, "Everyone's getting Qi Sickness right now, and you're ignoring it."

"Qi sickness?" He laughed, "The government already debunked it as a hoax. Now, you're asking me to help your murderous boyfriend with his faction? Are you mad?"

"I should have asked you to show up after the broadcast." She scoffed while rolling her eyes.

"What broadcast?" Daniel frowned.

Every phone in the house blared with an emergency alarm, sending messages to everyone. The TV switched to another broadcast as well.


[Breaking News! The government is asking all non-essential work citizens to remain in their homes for the rest of the day.

A mandatory curfew of 10 pm is being placed on the city.

If you or your loved ones are experiencing Qi Sickness symptoms, stay indoors to prevent further exposure, and….]


"Send your address to the YHA, and we'll contact you." Evalyn smacked, completing the person's words verbatim, showcasing the power play preparations she had made with Kaze the night before.

Daniel stared at her in shock, simultaneously embarrassed, terrified, and confused.

"Uncle. This sickness is caused by people being incapable of circulating Qi." She explained.

"The military has already figured that out, so they'll be searching for Kaze for professional, not criminal, reasons.

So it's okay to support him, but don't release his identity under any circumstances."

He awkwardly laughed and stared at her in disbelief.

"You're telling me that an epidemic is breaking out, Kaze is being sought after [more] aggressively, and I'm supposed to openly support him while kicking the military to the curb?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying, Uncle," Evalyn replied mockingly.

"If you don't, Kaze will disappear, and you and your family won't get into Immortal Skye.

The military is searching for him because he can combat this sickness; don't you think that being near him is important for your family?

It's bad enough he won't let our families in by default."

Daniel's eyes trembled, and then he snapped back to focus. "We can't get into Immortal Skye by default? Hah. I have everything set up for Immortal Skye in my name!"

"It's been thirty minutes, and there are half a billion views on one post he made. Do you think he needs [you] to set up a faction?" Evalyn laughed sharply.

"You're also missing the point. Being in Immortal Sky is irrelevant without Kaze.

Otherwise, it's just a glorified set of mansions with dangerous people, angry that you swindled them into thinking he'd be there."

He turned away with a bitter expression.

"You're talented, but Kaze chose you because you're my uncle. That's it." She said, "So don't feel entitled because of it or you'll get burned."

"Heh. So it's true." Daniel laughed bitterly.

"Yes, it's true." Evalyn confirmed, "But he's not letting me, mom, or dad into the faction unless we learn the cultivation technique."

"Wait, what?" Daniel asked in confusion.

"There are no exceptions, uncle." She replied, "For this reason. Everyone would demand he give people cultivation techniques and help them and their families otherwise."

He rubbed his temples with his thumbs. "I see the issue."

"Now go home now. There's an hour before a riot breaks out in Walterwood." Evalyn warned.

"It won't be serious, but you'll get stuck there for hours, and right now, you need to start teaching your family that cultivation technique so they'll get into the faction."

"Why do you know that?" Daniel asked.

"Kaze is a lot more connected than you think." She replied mockingly, "While you're staring at falsified news and claiming it to be truth, he has real information."

Daniel's eyes widened, and then he gave her a wry smile. "Okay, I'm off. I'll try to convince your stubborn father to take your warnings seriously, crazy girl."

Evalyn gave him a wry smile. "Thanks. I could use that. Let me know if you hear from my mom."

"She's missing?" He asked in shock.

"No, but she got up feeling sick and went to work. I haven't heard from her since." Evalyn replied.

Daniel took a deep breath. "Okay. Will you tell me when you talk to Kaze [next time]?"

"I'll be talking to him tomorrow." She replied with a wry smile, being reminded of the video of them together.

"Good. Tell him that I'm still backing him will my full support." Her uncle said while walking out of the room hesitantly.

Evalyn looked down at her phone, and her eyes filled with annoyance.

Kaze Lexicon to (99+): See you all at the apocalypse party, you naughty curfew breakers. ;)

"Only he would be focusing on this when dozens of articles are being posted online about Qi Sickness every minute." She scoffed, "Whatever."

Kaze Lexicon to (99+): See you all at the apocalypse party, you naughty curfew breakers. ;)

Matty Wright: Lol. If Emperor Scrawn dgaf, I don't.

Mary Lister: I'm still on the list right?

Jenna Mire: I wouldn't miss it for the world ;)

Dozens of replies flooded in instantly. Evalyn gave her phone a wry smile before putting it on silent. She already knew how that song and dance went.

You: Mom, I need to talk to you. I'll come to you, wherever you are. Just let me know asap.

Evalyn took a deep breath while staring at the screen and then pressed send.

Detail note: The government is suppressing information about the contagion, including the riots. Everyone's ordered to stay inside, as well. So the students aren't aware unless they see it. These details are difficult to showcase unless I double the time until the apocalypse.

Margravecreators' thoughts
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