
C6 Total Operation Time

[ System AI shutting down... ]


[ (White): ...seems like administrators can get angry too. Nai wa. ]

[ (Girly Mecha Fanatic): ...my nickname is wrong. I'm a boy. ]

[ (Edgy White Haired Chuunibyou): What kind of shitty nickname is this?! ]

That fucking shitty system. I am furious. It didn't explain why it took three thousand years to activate, nor did it say what the purpose of the chat group was. Unreasonable!

[ (Sega Cultist): Oh hello? I see this is how to send a message. Also, Sega is not a cult. It's a game company. ]


[ (White): A war criminal and a Sega cultist. This chat group has quite the diverse members. ]

[ (Sega Cultist): Ah, I'm being ignored again... ]

[ (Edgy White Haired Chuunibyou): Can I change my nickname? This is ridiculous. ]

[ (White): I think you can. That's a feature of every chat group if I remember co— oh... my web just lit up on fire. Nai wa. ]

Looking at the continuous stream of messages, I felt a headache coming in. Although I'm petrified. It seemed like I can access the chat group even with just my mind. Looking through all of its features, it seems like only the chat group, storage and gacha was open. The mission panel itself was still locked and won't be unlocked until we finished the initial mission posted.

[ Initial Mission (Administrator only): You must change a member of the chat group's fate.

Reward: Additional Member, Mission Panel Unlocked ]

[ (White): Wawawawa. A human entered my house and took my egg!! Ahhh! My house is on fire! No! Wait I'll log off first I need to flee! ]

Oh that group member named White, based on their words it implies that they're a monster or demon. This chat group also said that only isekai'd people can join. It's probably Shiraori, that cute spider.

[ (Edgy White Haired Chuunibyou) has changed his nickname to (Hajime) ]

[ (Hajime): I saw the change button, thanks. What happened, White? ]

[ (N): A human probably trespassed on her nest and took her dragon egg after burning her webs. Quite a predicament she's in. ]

[ (White): Don't say "probably"! Be more certain! You're an administrator like D, right?! Are you watching me? ]

I was quite confused. Her words imply that she has already known D, which is much earlier than what I remember from my past life.

[ (N): You already met D? That's not right. Aren't you supposed to meet her later? ]

[ White: I met her earlier today. She suddenly threw a phone at me then vanished after saying she's Administrator D. ]

What the hell? Is that D the one behind this chat group? Or maybe she's one of the founders? Either way Shiraori's fate is already changed so why haven't my mission completed yet.

I once again looked at the mission and saw a word that said "You", indicating that I have to make a move and change someone elses fate to receive the reward. Oh well, that's quite easy.

[ (N): Try to snatch back the egg, White. That's one of your classmates. ]

[ (White): What?! Who? Wait I'll go back and snatch that egg! ]

[ (N): Oh, I thought you'd dismiss it and run away like a coward. ]

[ (White): I will! But not before I snatch that egg back! That egg will help me survive! Nai wa. ]

[ (War Criminal): ...I don't follow through all these talk. Is this not Being X's doing? ]

[ (Girly Mecha Fanatic): Me too, but who's Being X? ]

[ (N): A god I guess. Oi war criminal, are you Silver Wings Assault Medal Recipient "Argent" Tanya Von Degurechaff? ]

[ (War Criminal): First of all, I am not a war criminal! And secondly, I am not dead! ]

[ (N): Oh... So you haven't went to Norden War Theatre yet? ]

- - - - - - - - - - -

In the airspace above the Norden War Theatre

'What the fuck?! How does he know that I'm in Norden right now?! Is he one of those so called gods?'

Currently, Tanya was assigned for Border Patrol Duty here at Norden. She expected her job to be smooth sailing due to the absence of enemy artilleries or mages here at the read. She only have to look out for shells targeting their arties and shoot them down.

That was until she suddenly saw this screen appear in front of her abruptly.

'Curse you Being X! I bet this is another one of your schemes!'

- - - - - - - - - - -

She's not answering? Seeing that Tanya did not respond to his question, she assumed that she is probably doing her work patrolling the Norden airspace or is currently about to lobotomize a classmate in war college.

Anyhow, the chat stopped and quietened down.

[ (N): Oh well everyone, I will log off for a bit. I need to check out something. ]

[ (Girly Mecha Fanatic): Okay N-san. I need to continue designing my mage gun-sword too. ]

[ (Sega Cultist): I have been ignored since earlier, can someone explain to me— ]

I closed the chat group and went to look at the system stat. It displayed my stats and some other system functions.

><><><><><><><><><><>< ( ! )

|| Nanami Yukihime (Nathalia) ||

Race: Human

Age: 3018

Status Ailment: Petrified

Skill/s: [ Manifestation (A) ] [Internet God (S) ]

[ Martial Art—Kyokushin (B) ]

|| Storage ||

|| Chat Group ||


All I can say is... God dam. Even my hacking skills is in the panel breh. It's even rated as an S class skill! I am such a fucking genius.

What about the [ Manifestation (A) ] skill? What does it do? I clicked the skill to see its effects and my shock is an understatement.

[ Manifestation (A): The user can project their consciousness and thought within 5 meter radius. It may be material or illusionary. //Due to the user's proficiency being low, there is a high chance of slumber to deal with mental fatigue. It varies depending on what was conjured.// ]

That's it? I can manifest my thoughts and consciousness within five meters of me... that is great. But what the hell is with the slumber! How much time would I spend sleeping if I manifested mansion? Indefinite amount of time is absurd!

So what if I can fucking summon my waif— oh yeah... I can do that. But still, indefinite years of sleep is absurd. Even if I do summon waifus, I guess I'd spend another 3000 years sleeping. With those times I spend sleeping, so many things could happen.

While I was grumbling about how useless the skill was to me currently, I went and looked at the details of the rest of my skills. It was as expected. Though my [ Internet God (S) ] skill only has a brief introduction, as they say, the simpler it is the better.

It was then that I noticed a gleaming exclamation mark above my system status. She clicked on it and it expanded into a system notice.

[ Notice! The current system can't operate for long periods of time. To mitigate this issue, || ZetC0DE: Y || has been implemented. ]

[ || ZetC0DE: Y || accelerates the current host's universe's time nigh infinitely whenever the chat group is off. This makes it so that it will seem like no time has passed to other group members. ]

[ Alert! This will be deactivated automatically as soon as appropriate amount of Karma Points has been obtained. ]

[ Current Total Operational Time Left: 3 hours, 46 minutes, 29 seconds... 28... 27... ]

This is nonsense...

A twist where the system only has 4 hours total lifespan! Hehehe, is it a good one? No? Well I think it is a good one :3

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