
C33: Evangeline

Cooking anything fancy isn't exactly my thing – or more like, something with ingredients like red wine. It's not like I'm too unfamiliar, but to put it simply, I don't. The last time I made this was when Justin and I were together and somehow, I miss it. The dish, not the person.

"Keep telling yourself that, Hana Evangeline. You don't miss the guy, and you clearly should move on from someone who broke your heart! He's not even worth the tears!" I beat my chest and said those aloud with conviction, and saying it makes me proud of myself. I can move on over time. I know I can!

"Do you often talk to yourself like that whenever you're alone?" I looked to the direction where the familiar voice was from, and it was Victor, giving me the 'You idiot, I can't believe I'll see you like this' message from his eyes.

"Do you often to enter other people's houses without their permission? You didn't even bother to ring the doorbell," I fired back, ignoring what he said. "That's trespassing."

"You left the door open," again? Oh yeah, I must've missed that part when I went to the grocery store – I was carrying a lot of bags earlier when I went out of the car, brought the bags

inside, and yes, I seem to have forgotten to close the gate. "Well? I guess that's one way to say that you're guilty as charged?"

"Fine," I scratched my head in embarrassment. "I kinda missed that one since I was carrying grocery bags earlier."

"Just remember to close the gate next time, okay? You're putting your life at risk that way. It's not like nobody won't give interest to your house. You've got a nice one."

I nodded and raised my hands in surrender. "Right, I'll keep that in mind. Oh and, the dinner for tonight is steak with red wine-shallot sauce." I hope changing the topic would remove the embarrassing mood.

He crossed his arms as he looked at me intently, trying to read my motives. "Ah, so you invited me so that I can critique your cooking?"

"That's secondary. It's Wednesdate, right? I'd appreciate some company. I didn't disturb you, didn't I?"

"Honestly, I'm grateful that you invited me over. This day's been stressful for me, so talking to someone would be perfect."

I put the steak on the table and prepared the rice, and poured our glasses with some wine. We both sat across each other, I prayed for the food and told Victor to spill the details.

"Earlier today I visited the people who raised me. I wouldn't call them as parents, because they never treated me like one. For many years, all I felt like I was their servant, not exactly son. The main reason why I went there wasn't to check on them but gather pieces of evidence. Of course, they don't know that, but I need to gather it so that their wrongdoings would be put to an end," he began, his facial expression grim and loneliness can be sensed from his low voice – a voice lower than his usual.

"Like … crimes? If they're criminals, then why are you telling me this? Isn't that supposed to be confidential?"

"It is, but I trust you. You see, they're drug pushers, and they accept orders for an assassination. Aside from gathering evidence, I also went there to know if they're planning something to the person that I want to protect, and my guts are right." He sliced the steak, matched it with rice, and put a spoonful in his mouth. He paused from talking and did nothing else but chew as if thinking of what to say when he critiques it.

"So? How is it?" I asked, my stomach suddenly got filled with butterflies in excitement on what he has to say.

"Not bad, it's edible," he commented, as he raised the glass of wine onto his lips. His expression is blank as usual, and I couldn't guess what he's thinking.

"Seriously? Isn't it impressive? Simply 'not bad, it's edible?' Why are you so hard to please?"

"Why, you're trying too hard all this time to please me? Eve, there's no need," I raised an eyebrow upon hearing his words, which left a big question mark on my head. "You're fine the way you are. Your dish is great. I'm simply not used to complimenting people."

"That's the Victor trivia today, then." I giggled as I took a sip of my glass of wine. "About the people who raised you. What are you planning? Also, who's the person that you want to protect?"

He averted his gaze as if avoiding the question. Was it something personal?

"You … you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"That person," he continued. "In order for me to know if I'm right, I said that I'm volunteering to do the job. Of course, it's a lie. That means they'll give me the information on who that is and everything that I need to know. When those papers are handed to me, I'll let the authorities do their job. If my guts are right that it's the person I want to protect, I don't think I can still forgive them."

"Sounds like that person is really important to you, protecting him or her as if he or she is your greatest treasure. What you did is a big risk. Funny, you look cold from the outside and all that, and yet, you do have a heart, after all."

He raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. "You think I'm that cold-hearted?"

"No, it's not that. I wasn't expecting that it'll reach the point where you'll lie to someone to gather information. Moreover, how much you want to protect that person, whoever that is."

The corners of his mouth curved downwards and he let out a sigh. "What do you call the things that I promised you? I mean, I didn't exactly say it, but I kept on giving you the assurance that I'll keep you safe, right? That if anything happens, text or call me? Doesn't that count?"

"Are you angry? Sorry, it's just that … I almost forgot about that. I wasn't even thinking that it also means all the time. I thought it was only when I visited my uncle. But still, thanks. Why are you doing this?"

He avoided my eyes once again and didn't say any word.

"Aren't we friends? That's what friends do, right?" he answered. His answer felt like an excuse as if I'm missing something here. Oh c'mon, Eve. Don't put special meanings on everything. He's just being nice, right? Of course, I'm his boss, and a friend too. That should be it.

"Right, of course. But see, it's unhealthy to keep anger in your heart. Don't let violence rule over you, but peace. Listen to me carefully, Victor," our eyes finally met as I took his attention by calling his name. "Forgiveness is the first step to begin healing. Sure, you may be angry with the people who raised you, and what they're doing is illegal and unforgivable, but if you'll choose to forgive and do the right thing by reporting them, it'll give you peace. Peace because you're free from anger and because there's the assurance that the person you want to protect would be kept safe. If you see them as enemies, then pray for them. You're not alone in this battle."

"That … makes a lot of sense. However, it takes time to forgive. It's not easy. What more if they'll lay a finger on that important person in my life?"

"They won't. We can pray for that. Can I know his or her name? I'll include him or her in my prayers. I'll pray for his or her security at all times." Victor finally smiled, but a smile that made me feel uncomfortable – a teasing smile. "And why are you interested?"

"Well? Obviously, he or she is very important to you! Because you're sounding like you'll do everything in your power to keep that person safe. He or she is lucky to have you. If you don't want to tell me, then just tell me if it's a he or she."

"She. That person is a girl, and … I'm trying to figure out what she really is to me."

My jaw dropped in surprise and covered my mouth with my hands. "OMG. YOU'RE IN LOVE. Shocks, I can't believe that, coming from you. If you're planning to court her, then I'll keep on encouraging you." I took a glass of water and drank the entire thing.

He scoffed and put his palm on his face, his expression grimmer than earlier. "If I'm going to court someone else, you'll keep on encouraging me? You'll be happy to see me like that?"

Well, if you put it that way, imagining it feels … gosh, how come I can't find the right words?

It doesn't feel right, though.

I forced a smile as I respond. "If that makes you happy, then I will, too. I'll keep supporting you until you win her heart."

His facial expression falls and shook his head in disappointment. "You're too slow."

"Ugh, what is it now? What made me slow?" I'm more than certain that I'm not. That person is definitely NOT me, because why would his parents want me dead so he'll keep on protecting me from them? I can't imagine any reason. Or …

I gulped as the thought suddenly entered my mind.

What if uncle asked them to kill me? Is it possible that he's related to them? Imagining the very idea of him wanting me gone suffocates me. I'll keep on hoping that I'm wrong.

"You'll understand soon what made you slow all this time," he replied, and I shrugged.

Meanwhile, as we continued eating our dinner, another idea came in my mind.

"Are you ready for the wedding? Do you have something to wear? That'll be two weeks from now." Which also means, dressing up! My favorite part of each event. Maybe I should start checking the malls whenever I'm available. I can't possibly miss it. In every event, dressing up is what I look forward to the most, and not the event itself.

That sounds selfish, isn't it?

"I already have something to wear. How about the dance? Can you dance?"

I smiled triumphantly upon hearing his question.

"Of course! My … Justin and I used to do that together before," my voice weakened at the thought. It's him again. When will that name leave my head?

"I already thought of where we should go on our next Wednesdate. I planned it and I hope you'll like it." Changing the topic out of the blue somehow gave peace in my heart, because thinking about Justin again is the last thing that I want to discuss. One of the things that I somehow like about him is, he's conscious about what will the person he's talking with feels as they interact with him. That … or he's only doing that when it comes to me.

"Where are we going?" he only smiled with my response – another teasing smile.

"I'm not going to spoil you. Just like what you told me before, trust me, you'll like it."

Right, of course. I said that myself the day before we went to the amusement park. Earlier I copied him, now he's copying my lines. What's wrong with us?

"I'm going to spoil you a bit, but not to where we're going, but on Erika's wedding. It's nothing much, but it's a story of some kind. Do you like stories?"

"Yes, I love stories. Now I'm curious what that can be about," when he said the story that is meant to be told during that day makes me wonder … should I tell him about my dream when both of us were supposed to get married? That would be so embarrassing.

Very embarrassing.

Like what? Telling him, 'You know what? I had a dream where you're my fiancé and you said we're going to go to a wedding … our wedding.'

That would be totally idiotic. It's like one way of saying that I have unsaid feelings for him and all that – I think I see him as a friend and what's obvious is, I haven't completely moved on from Justin yet. The thought of him alone stings, and I don't want to use Victor to have myself healed. I'm open for anything if it's the Lord's will for us to be together, but I certainly don't want to make my healing as an excuse. The main reason why I invited him for us to date is because I need some company, and I want to win friends.

"You know what? I'll tell you a story too when I find the right timing. I think you'll laugh out loud, though," I shrugged. "I haven't told anyone that and I won't. You're the only one who'll know the story and you'll understand why when you hear it."

"Hmph," he scoffed, his eyes are again, as cold as ice. He seems to be unamused with what I said, and I don't know what to feel about his reaction. "Let's hear it then, soon. My guts are telling me that it's not funny, though."

"We'll see to that," I answered, wondering if I made the right decision of telling him that … soon.

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