
Chapter 16 Destiny’s Diaries 1

The Destiny password was known to Ayden.

She didn't ever alter that.

He was aware of the password, 0826, but was unaware of the significance of that day.

He never asked her about the password's meaning.

His hands are shaking when he opens the door.

He lets the door open.

He returned and found that the placement had not changed from the first time he had been there.

White clothing covered everything.

Since Beatrice still instructs the maid to visit and clean the flat on average once a year, it is still tidy.

They were under severe orders to leave everything exactly as it is.

Ayden never agreed to the broker's request to sell the apartments.

The things that belonged to Destiny were something he always wanted to keep.

He feels a strong wave of nostalgia when he enters.

He opens the windows and takes the white sheets off the couch, table, bed, and other furniture.

As he sits there, he senses a reconnection with Destiny.

He searches every room for signs of Destiny but was unsuccessful.

Although she had been gone for around 17 years, he still attempts to scent her.

He leans back in bed and strokes the pillow.

He holds it for one full minute.

He enters the study where he discovered her diary.

He starts pulling the journals from the bookshelf after opening it.

He was unaware that she formerly kept a diary.

The journals date back to her first year of college there.

The oldest diary among them there was what he discovered.

He flips open the journal.

On August 26, the first day was written.

This is how it was written.

Dear diary

I have relocated to a new city where I intend to begin fresh chapters in my life.

I'm in my new flat, which is nice and cozy.

I miss my parents, my brother Liam, the white bridge, and my aunt Beatrice.

I hope that in heaven, my parents will be content and together.

I don't want them to be too concerned about me.

Now that I'm an adult, I plan to live happily here.

I'll finish my education here, then I'll return to living in White Bridge.

I didn't think a miracle would occur today, but I did see a guy.

Love had struck at first sight.

I'm not sure whether I'll ever run into him, but I doubt I'll ever forget him. I'm not sure if he noticed me, but I can never forget him because I noticed him in that way.

I couldn't reach the highest shelf in the store when I got there to buy food and other things.

He assisted me in obtaining the merchandise for me.

He offered me help after noticing that I had a lot of things, and even though I declined, he still assisted me.

He handled my belongings and made a taxi request for me.

I have no idea why he assisted me, but when the taxi arrived, he departed.

He wasn't attempting to stalk me or do anything similar, and he wasn't pursuing me or anything like that.

Moreover, he was so gorgeous that he could obtain favors without acting like a gentleman.

I infer from this that he is a sweet, handsome young man who won my heart at first sight and I have no idea if I will ever meet him.

Ayden felt resentful that August 26 had that much significance.

Her university admittance, her new clothing designs, and her parents all occupied the few days that followed.

She expressed her love for her parents and other sentiments in every page, along with a prayer for their eternal peace.

On September's first day, everything related to college orientation was discussed.

She has written about both her primary and secondary interests.

She claimed that she made the decision to pursue literature because she felt good about it.

Her first literature class was discussed in her diary the following day.

The day's pages were embellished, giving the impression that she was joyful or extremely joyful.

The diary reads as follows.

Dear Diary, I've not been this happy in a long time.

Today in my class, I ran into him. Ayden finds himself wanting to be heard.

Who is the man she fell in love with right away? Today, I knew his name.

Ayden is his name.

His name makes him sound enigmatic.

She loving him before he did makes Ayden happy.

He believes in his mind that he was correct—she loved him more than he did or does. She had written about her happiness in her diary; the ornamentation and her words both show how glad she was.

As Ayden hugs the journal, tears begin to fall from his eyes.

He remains still for around thirty minutes.

She remembers how he was there for her.

He was moving so quickly that he missed her.

Although he now regrets it, he is glad that she loved him.

He was aware of what 0826 meant.

Her birthday served as both his password and every other code or pin he used.

He makes the decision to relocate there because he is sorely missing her.

He makes a maid call and requests that she pack his clothes.

"Mom, remember how you used to advise me to go to the apartment," he says as he enters the home and approaches Beatrice.

I'll be residing there for a while now.

Please don't refuse.

Then she turns to face him and says, "Okay, but you have to return home on weekends.

If not, Akshara and I will move in with you.

And I have no idea what you're going to tell Akshara.

He smiles and hugs her. At dinner, he tells Akshara, "I'm going to live in the city for a while.

You'll be driven both to and from the institution by the driver.

I'll return soon.

Are you staying for a while? she asks as she turns to face him.

I will certainly miss you.

You cannot be gone for longer than a month, I am suggesting.

"All right, my princess," he says.

Beatrice is thrilled because Ayden is so content.

She visits his room at night and inquires as to why he had just decided to go and stay there. She was the one who experienced love at first sight with him, he responds, "You know what, I always thought I only had love at first sight.

She remembered me from our initial encounter in the grocery store.

I once asked you what 0826 meant, and you too had no idea.

She started to fall in love with me on that particular day.

I intend to spend some time there with her memories.

I'll look after myself.

Take good care of yourself, too, mum; you're getting older.

I'll visit on the weekends.

When you eventually visit her flat, you'll find it exactly as she left it.

I still believe that she is there.

You'll adore it.

She gives him a hug, bids him evening, and returns to her room.

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