

In the week that had passed since that… ah… fortunate day, Louella had gotten much better and resumed her duties as Kappa. She forgave everyone with her whole heart, but couldn't help but harbor a little resentment towards them. They all understood how she felt and tried to make it better.

Louella, being, you know… Louella, assured them that they didn't need to do any of that. But unfortunately, Lou and Marco's date that day, her suspected betrayal and the hot slap she gave Jessi later on, resulted in the birth of the feud between the two ladies.

Since Jessi was absolutely positive that Marco- poor clueless Marco- was meant to be hers and hers alone, and it was painfully obvious to everyone including her that Louella was the object of his desire, the fruit of his passion! And all the other romantic, gibberish, Jessi, had decided that she hated Louella.

"Good morning Ladies. What would you like to eat?", Jane asked cheerfully as Louella and Jessi walked in.

Louella opened her mouth to speak when Jessi cut her short, "Oh great! Just get the little attention seeker all she wants"

"Jane asked both of us Jessi." Lou pointed out, "I'd like anything Jane. Ooo, do I smell waffles?"

And so, they ignored her.

However, the petty squabbles were the least of their problems.

A mafia like theirs, which already has a hierarchy isn't so difficult to understand. Right? Yes. Because apart from the ten at the top all the other members of the mafia- all the thugs, doctors, security- they all fall under subordinates and by joining the mafia their lives can be ended in an instant; if any of the ten at the top or the boss himself sees it worth ending.

And this was part of the reason Marco was in a tight spot.

He legit had a lot on his mind. Because yesterday night, the traitor had made themselves obvious to every single living soul. By setting the cell on fire; in other words, arson.

Marco wanted to believe that for this reason the traitor was definitely a lower member and not one of the ten. Because the ten of them swore an oath to not kill without reason, and since they are always going out on missions the oath helps them keep their sanity.

So only a lower member would set the cell on fire, not knowing if anyone was in it or not. Not being qualified to know actually. For that reason alone, he wanted badly to believe that it wasn't a member of his family.

Family. He grinned.

Everything had returned to almost normal back in the den. The only thing out of place was Jessi. And he almost wanted to laugh about that little pink problem. He would only intervene when it started to upset Louella.

Louella. And he grinned again.

She had gone back to her old self, except perhaps more reserved and less prone to laughing out loud and doing something spontaneous. Marco wanted to believe it was the after effects of her illness but he couldn't help but worry. Especially when he saw her awake at odd hours by herself in the kitchen or the living room. Always with the same mug. Odd.

Acting on impulse, he stood up from the office built into his room, stretched once for good measure and headed to the door. As he opened it, he only needed to glance down once to see Louella standing there with her hand raised as if to knock. The rest was all staring.

"Lou? What are you doing here?"

She blushed and looked down at her hands, he looked too trying to avoid gazing at the scar on her arm. In her hands was a file, "poppy wanted me to give you this. She said I should try to get a pin on their location, but to show you first", she said quickly.

She was shoving it into his arms and walking away when he called out to her.

"Hang on, Lou. Come in for a minute"

She looked down and walked in ahead of him. He pursed his lips. Something was definitely wrong. He led her to his bed and watched as she sat on the edge.

"Is there a problem Lou?", he asked carefully

She looked up at him and smiled, "I guess you could say that, yea"

He nodded, "I thought so. Care to share?", he asked slowly.

Jeez, how is she supposed to answer to this? He was looking at her with so much concern, she wanted to spill her guts but knew that she shouldn't. what would he think of what she was thinking? Probably hate her forever. Ugh, why is life so hard? And why on earth was she looking at him and smiling like she wasn't completely pissed off inside? Well, she had already started might as well continue.

"Lou? You… uh, you can tell me… I mean, if you want to! I'm not forcing you or anything… if it bothering you… I may be able to… I mean- "

Oh wow, what was the matter with him? Whatever it was, was hilarious! She was laughing before she knew it.

"It's not much of a big deal. I was um… thinking"


She looked away then, no longer laughing, "My father"

She heard him breathe deeply and go silent. Regretfully she stood up, "Forget it. Um, I'll get you those people's location in about two hours"

She was walking away when she was dragged back and turned around. She only got a short glimpse of his face before he pulled much closer and then they were hugging. How sweet.

"I don't feel like I've apologized enough Lou. I'm so sorry. I wish none of us knew. You don't have to be a part of the mission. In fact,", he heaved a deep breath and pulled back slightly looking down at her, "You don't need to be here anymore. I- I can make arrangement, for you, too- to go back home"

Talk about stunning.

He watched carefully as her expression turned stunned. Then the stun faded and she looked confused then bewildered.

"Lou?", he asked tentatively

"Yea?", she whispered back

"Is that what you need?"

She shook her head, "Marco, I don't want to leave here"

His turn to look surprised, "You don't?"

"Of course not! You guys are better than the family I actually had, that's because one was never around and the other was lying to me about where the other was. That's what I was going to say", she added almost as an afterthought.

"Guess I was completely off the point, right?", he said, hoping the relief he felt wasn't obvious in his voice. She was staying!!!!!

"Well, it was really sweet of you to ask. Did you think I wanted to leave?", she asked coyly

He blushed and looked away. Damnit, now he wished he had let her talk. Why had he jumped in anyway?

But she was grinning at him with warmth in her eyes so he felt safe to assume he hadn't screwed up so badly. Then he remembered.

"Our bet", he said far too loudly. She looked up at him with wide eyes. Then her skin assumed a red undertone and she looked away quickly.

"We… we ugh… we both won", she mumbled.

He suddenly felt a rush of adrenaline and he grinned down at her, "Are you blushing Louella?"

She glanced at him; her eyes grew wide again. Then she looked down again. Or rather tried to. What was wrong with our boy? He put his hands on either side of her face and MADE her look at him. He could feel the heat in her face. The adrenaline was still pumping through him. You and I know he is going to either regret this or… worse later.

"M- maybe", she said slowly.

He grinned and moved his head impossibly closer to hers, "You've been thinking about this haven't you?", he teased

If possible, her eyes grew wider, "Y- you owe me a girl's night, w- with Bella", she stuttered.

"Of course, but what of the other thing?", he asked

"I- I, um… ah", she wasn't making sense anymore.

"You were the one who said we should both get what we bet on", he said, lowering his voice and leaning in a fraction closer.

He felt her shiver slightly and he smiled, "I-I said that?"

He nodded, "I've been thinking about it too", he mumbled.

He couldn't wait any longer. He had waited for weeks now. Was it up to a month yet? Had it been a month? Had it passed a month? He didn't know any more than he cared at that point in time. He stopped beating about the bush and finally closed what little distance was left between them. It was perfect, just how he had imagined it. Slow, sweet and just perfect. She was perfect. It took him a little longer to figure that out. Long enough for him to feel her body relax just slightly, and he took the opportunity to pull her all but closer. Yes, he had finally figured it out. He loved her.

Reluctantly he pulled away and waited patiently while her eyes fluttered open and she gapped at him. He hadn't yet let go of her face, and honest to Gawd, he wasn't exactly sure he wanted to. The moment was perfect and he was about to say something when a loud obnoxious knocking on his door. They both turned to look at the door.

"Y- you should get that", she mumbled. He hoped that it was reluctance he heard in her voice.

"In a minute", he mumbled turning back to her. How was it that her beauty struck him each and every time? "You and Bella can have your girl's night this evening. The guys and I will be gone, like we never existed. Till the next morning anyways", he said and grinned.

She smiled, "Thank you, Marco"

He couldn't seem to stop himself from peeking her forehead quickly, "Your most welcome"

Then he straightened up and waltzed to the door, opening it he saw the last woman in this house he wanted to see, "Hi, Jessi"

"Hey, Marco", she purred, "Poppy sent me to ask if you'd looked at the…", she stopped then her gaze turning bitter. He nearly let a smile escape when he saw Louella squeeze past him and Jessi.

"You little… argh!", Jessi complained.

All Louella could muster her strength to do was throw the finger over her shoulder and keep on walking. He couldn't hold it in then, he laughed, loudly. Jessi squealed in anger and marched down the hall. He chuckled and went back into his room to deal with his new realization. And take a cold shower, a much-needed cold shower.

Louella got to her room and almost feel over. Jeezuz, what had possessed him to act like that! She hadn't been ready, talk less of expecting it. Slowly, her arm shacking she touched her fingers to her lips. And the next moment she was grinning lick an idiot. Then came the laughing.

After a few moments of uncontrollable mirth, she picked herself up and walked across the hall to Bella room, she didn't bother to knock, just walked in. like Bella had told her too, she stood in shock in the door way. And stared.

"Oh, hey Lou", Carl said.

Carl said.

Carl said?

Carl said?!


"Uh, hey Carl. Am I interrupting something?", she asked

He laughed, "Ah, no. I was just talking to Bella about something. Bye Bella"

Bella gave no response as Carl walked away. Of course, Louella was extremely curious now, especially as Bella looked really angry about something. Hmm, wonder what?

"Hi Bella", Louella said coming in and sitting beside her on the bed beside Bella.

"Hey, Lou. What's up?"

"Forget that! What's wrong with you? And why was Carl here?"

"It's complicated"

"I have time"

"You don't want to hear it"

"Then I wouldn't have asked"

"Fine then. It's embarrassing"

"I won't laugh I swear"



"Promise not to tell my brother!"

"I won't tell, Marco. I promise"

"I'm only telling you because you are my best friend okay?"

"I understand that. Go ahead, feel free"

Bella took a deep breath, "I just asked Carl out again", she said miserably.

"Again?", Louella repeated shocked.

Bella nodded sadly, "Yea again. I've had this crazy crush on him for years now. Ever since he joined. But he doesn't want to date me cause he's my brothers' best friend. He feels that would be betraying Marco!"

"Of all the stupid male ideologies!", Louella nearly yelled.

"I know right? I told him Marco won't care", Bella said sadly.

Louella was thinking. She couldn't lie, she had suspected something going on between them, just hadn't expected it to be like this. She didn't think Carl was particularly afraid of Marco. But if he put it like that… he could be scared of what Marco would do if he hurt his sister. They all saw the fierce protectiveness Marco had for Bella. Or maybe- and Louella though this was it- he was simply afraid of Hurting her. Ah, that must be it.

Wow, what's with all the love drama flying around today? First Marco, Now Carl and Bella! Jeez.

"So, what's up with you?", Bella asked.

"It's also embarrassing"

"But you're going to tell me, aren't you?"


"You're working up the courage"

"Something like that"

"Trying to wrap your head around it"

"Yea, more like"

They both cracked up laughing.

"Okay, I'm ready", Lou said

"Go ahead", Bella said warmly.

"Okay… your brother, well… he kissed me", Louella said slowly. She blushed and looked away.

Bella was ecstatic! "At least one male in this home has a working brain cell! Did you like it, how did it happen? What where you guys even doing that led you to kiss? Ooh, tell me everything!"

And so, Louella launched into the story of the document, the kiss and the Jessi. By the time she finished both of them were rolling around on her bed, helpless with laughter. Mostly at Jessi's expense.

"Hold up! So, he actually told you he was going to let us have a girl's night! Just the girls! Nothing more?!", Bella asked excitedly.

"Yup. No strings attached. All the other girls are invited", Louella said smiling

"No way, even Jessi?", Bella asked her nose wrinkled.

"Yea, we shouldn't cut her out just cause both of us like the same guy and she chooses to be bitter over it", Louella said, hardly aware of what she was saying.

"GASP, major plot twist! Did you just confess you actually have feelings for Marco?", Bella asked, not missing anything.

Louella blushed again and didn't say anything. Of course, she liked him! How couldn't she like him? The man was tall and incredibly handsome! He was dangerous in his own way but also incredibly sweet, also in his own way. How can a girl keep from falling for a guy like that? Is it even possible? Or was it just her? Ugh, why is romance stuff so hard?!

She didn't know and she had a bad feeling that if she did find out she wouldn't like it.

They decided to start the girl's night at nine PM. It was just six, so Louella decided to use the extra time to finish up what Poppy had asked her to do. It wasn't a hard job; they were trying to find out the names and location of two people who they think had helped the murderer escape that night. Based on her surveillance on the man- her father, weird- only two people had gone to the house that day. One of them was a delivery man, the other was a post officer.

They had been at the house exactly two hours apart. Was that interesting or what? More like suspicious.

The first guy was tall, lean and hardly masculine. From his posture- slightly hunched and limping- Louella was going to guess that he was either extremely uncomfortable or badly injured. Looking at the bits of exposed skin on the man, which was uninjured, she was willing to bet he was uncomfortable.

She watched the footage again- no audio, which would have been really useful- his reactions were fast, and uncontrolled. Hmmm, this man or boy seems new to the job, maybe that's why he looks uncomfortable. He had a gun where he never knew guns could be. Ha, amateur.

The second man was clearly much more experienced. He wasn't as tall as the first guy, or at all gangly. He was incredibly buff. But he wasn't exactly a pro either, his movements were sloppy.

The murderer seemed to know them, because they spoke on the front step for about ten minutes each, before each man disappeared into identical white vans and speed off up the highway.

Ah! The highway!

Louella was sure she had them now. Quick as her fingers would let her, she keyed into the highway's security cameras and downloaded footage from each time. Bingo. Two pictures of two suspects, secured and processing.

Louella got up and stretched. Should she give these to Poppy, before, after or during the girl's night? She decided on during.

Now, what pair of pj's should she pick for the evening?

These days, the room were always filled with the sound of screaming. Reluctant hostages, who wouldn't want to talk- probably thought they were in some stupid action film, tch.

That was their problem anyways, he had given his orders. Question them, if they know anything get it out and kill them. If they don't, kill them. He had things to do and places to be, he really didn't like the sounds of screaming in his mansion.

Ah, nine PM. The CEO would be here by now. He stood up slowly from his desk and slipped on the jacket made or expensive Italian leather. Buttoning it up, he stepped out of the room- locking the door carefully behind him and strode down the hall, and into a large room.

The room was deserted, save for two people. One dressed like a wealthy socialite, and smiling like one too, and the other silent and standing in the corner- security.

The man smiled, "Mr. Rhode. How lovely to see you again"

"I could say the same for you. What a lovely room"

"I take it you like the furniture?"

"What's not to like? Romanian leather?"


"Fourteenth century?"


"Exquisite", the man addressed as Mr. Rhode muttered touching the beautiful furniture with his fingertips.

"Would you like some wine, sir?"

Mr. Rhode looked up, "Yes of course. Thank you"

They went into a side room which was just as beautiful as the first. The man didn't waste any time in getting to the point. He turned around to look at the business man with a look of pure contempt.

"You helped him hide, Rhode"

"The man came to me for protection, what was I to do?"

"Honor our agreement that's what. We have a marker"

"Be reasonable"

"You violated the terms of our agreement. Thereby dishonoring the marker"

"Ho- honestly!"

"You know what that means Rhode"

"Please! I'll do anything! I can get him back her for you!"

"And the Black Cross? What will you do about them?"

"I'll- I'll get rid of them! And when I do all these our marker will be complete!"

"Until then, Rhode. Until then"

"Th- th- thank you, sir"

"Let this not happen again Rhode"

"Of course,"

Sensing this as a dismissal, Rhode turned around and began going back out to the larger room, when the man called out to him.

"Your boys will die soon, Rhode. Don't let their blood be traced to me"

"Understood sir"

"Oh, and Rhode?"


"If I hear anything concerning you, and the murderer that doesn't come from your own mouth, then rest assured I will kill you"

He gulped, "Yes, sir"

"Have a good day"

Chapitre suivant