
Chapter 15: the nightly hollow

The sun set and coloured the world in it orange hue.

When the orange light covered what her was sin his sights, Zenn could not help but admire the beauty before him. Although the 'mountains' were smaller than from his world, this world's did not seem to be less fairer than his owns'.

Accompanying the setting sun, two very small people could be seen, scaling down the mountain. If it was not because of their contrasting skin colour compared to the ground, he would have not noticed them at all. When the sun fully set, the two were already in front of Zenn.

Without waiting any longer, the two bowed to the one they all god. But although their stance was quiet dignified, they did not bring good news with them.

"We failed lord."

After looking around, they did manage to find a tree, but sadly, the tree was not the kind to bare edible fruit. In fact, it's fruits were even poisonous. As such, the two's mission had one gain failed.

One the bright side though, they had not completely checked everything. There was still one place they had yet to look. So maybe there, luck will grace them and show them what their lord desires.

But for today's, the sun had already set. Any more searching would only serve to tire them further.


Their Lord's booming voice was heard from above. As of current, he was sitting on a large stone away from the sand that feels more like that than anything else to him. Even if the two currently looked up, they without a doubt not be able to properly see his face.

"No my lord, we can take a littel longer without food."

But although they said so, the lord still gave them a piece of fruit for them to eat.

So once again for the third time, their lord, Zenn, felt the terribly sour taste of the fruit flow through his mouth.

With a taste like that, Zenn could not help but cringe his face. The goblins though, were already used to such a taste. It was their daily food after all. But to the modern Zenn who tasted many great foods that modern times have invented, the fruit was far from enough.

Though it's taste was not to his liking, it was all he had, so he munched away to quench his hunger. And quench his hunger it did. All that was left was his tired body, but only a good night's slumber could quench that thirst.


In the early morning, Zenn awoke. He looked around and found that the two goblins have woken up much earlier than him. But without his order, the two did not leave.

With his order, the two went off to find their last place nearby they have yet to look. Although that place is considered as 'nearby' it was quiet far from the beach. As such, the two will have to walk a long distance before they reach it.

In their estimation, they might take the whole day to arrive, search and come back. Hearing that, Zenn gave them some pieces of the fruit against the protest of the two.

In the end, the two left and only Zenn remained to finish his comprehension of the writing on the ground.

Zenn did not know why, but he had this certain feeling. He felt that once his comprehension of the writing reach 10%, something will happen. What it was, Zenn was not sure, but this feeling of his did not disappear.

With only 3% left in order to reach a full 10%, Zenn was very eager to find out.

So without wasting anymore time, he went back to his thoughts.


Later that day, when the sun was at it's peak, the two goblins continued their search. At that point, they have searched everywhere and left no stone unturned, but there was no proper fruit tree on sight.

All that was left for them to do was climb a nearby mountain and look below. Because of how barren the land now was, it was very much easier to spot trees. The only worry would be whether what the tree bared was audible. And since now, they had not seen any luck with that.

But for some reason, the queen had a feeling. She had a feeling that this mountain is where they will find what their lord desires.

So, the queen and her soldier Ena went off towards the mountain. With it's sheer size, they should be able to see all that it hold below. And once they see a silver of green, the two will set off to check on whether it's what they seek.

And indeed it was as the queen thought, the moment she reached the top o the mountain, she was able to see all that was nearby or below. The queen had hoped to see a few greens here and there, but what she saw shocked her.

From the bottom of the mountain towards a far off place, green was all she could see. It was a little overwhelming and truly quite shocking. But in seeing this scene of flushing greenery, the jovial expression one might expect from the queen didn't sprout.

But she could not be blamed. If what she saw was truly tree, she would have truly been happy.

Sadly, the expansive greenery that widened her eyes in shock was not a forest of trees, but instead an army of goblins!

Hundreds to thousands of them covered the land. But it was not only them, weird creatures that seemed like animals all were mixed in between them.

Right in the middle of the large army, a large four legged reptilian creature a slowly stepped fowards. At a glance, one could mistake if for a komodo dragon, but the large horns and jarring spikes made it look like a dinosour. Although the creature looked menacing and quite awfully scary, it was not what drew one's attention.

All the attention would without doubt fall on the green skinned man rode it like a mount. He stood relaxed in the creature with his tight and compact muscles bare. If one were to compare him to the other goblins nearby, from his sheer size alone, you would think he was a whole other species.

One the shoulder of this terrifying man, was his choice of weaponry.

A hammer.

Once the queen saw these, she immediately pulled Ena to the floor and his from the army of goblins. When st e was sure that she was not seen, she and her soldier ran off the mountain as fast as their feet could possible allow.

Little did they know that in the middle of the army, a terrifying being known as komoru raised his head slightly to meet his eye to here the two once appeared.


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