

Words: 1433

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I'm really sorry about the lack of updates. University is really busy and I need time to plan the last saga of the story as well as write it. Will have an update soon, maybe tomorrow about the future. Unlike Revolutionary I am close to finishing this story, and I will finish it.


When Overhaul finally left, Akira finally unclenched his fists. His nails had dug so far hard into his skin that they had begun to bleed. He looked towards All Might, and they shared a look of understanding. Both of them could easily tell that the girl was being abused, but they had managed to restrain themselves from doing anything impulsive.

They needed to get a full understanding of the situation before they did anything.

"I trust you tracked her?" All Might asked. "I spent lots of my career taking out Yakuza gangs. From that man's clothing, his posture, even the way he spoke tells me he is from a Yakuza group, most likely the leader."

Akira stared at All Might with his mouth wide open, how did he manage to figure that out already?

He shook his head, focusing on the question All Might asked him. "Yeah, I managed to track her."

"Good, make sure you keep note of it then. If my intuition is correct, then that man has a whole Yakuza gang backing him. We need to take them out in 1 fell swoop and eliminate all of them. If we rescue that girl, then we need to do it properly."

Akira thought exactly the same.

"The leader looked dangerous, most likely a touch-type quirk based on the gloves on his hands and the way she flinched at his touch. We don't know what numbers or what type of quirks the rest of them have, so we need a proper team if we are going to raid the Yakuza." All Might paused, his eyes suddenly shining as though he figured something out.

"What?" Akira questioned. "What is it?"

"I just remembered something. We're finishing early today young Akira, go home and relax, but make sure to keep your tracking <Order> active and note down where she is."

"Ok, but what will you do?"

All Might took a deep breath. "I'm going to contact someone I haven't in a long time."

For the next couple of days Akira stayed at home, keeping track of the location of Eri. By now he had practically confirmed the location of Eri and the Yakuza's hideout as the majority of her time was spent there, save for small bursts of time where she was allowed outside.

He waited and waited, staring at his phone and outside his apartment in hopes that All Might would finally give them the green light for them to go. He knew All Might was hard at work trying to do everything he could, so he would leave him to it.

Everyday he found himself getting more and more distracted, knowing what was happening to Eri down in that basement. Dammit! He should have just knocked out Overhaul and saved her right there and then.

He shook his head. If they did not eliminate the entire Yakuza, then there was always a chance that they would come back somehow…like a Hydra. There would always be a small part of Eri that would be cautious, afraid that someone would come back to steal her.

It was only a couple of hours later when Akira got that awaited phone call. He was currently in the middle of his exercise, pushing the large weights down to his chest. He set the dumbbells down to the floor and sprinted over to his phone, his chest fluttering with a mix of nerves, excitement and anticipation when he saw All Might was calling.

"Akira, I've managed to sort everything out. Let's destroy this Yakuza bastard."

The grin on his face was one he had never shown before.


(A few days prior, All Might POV)

The boiling anger All Might had felt over the past few hours had only barely began to simmer. He thought back to the event before where his rage reached its apex and found himself getting even more annoyed.

The signs were obviously there, out in the open, but the man still had the gall to just stand there like he was innocent, openly standing there with the victim. All Might hadnt felt this angry since his fight with AFO, and that was saying something.

He needed to distract himself from his anger and get to working on the problem first. First All Might needed to find a team of heroes to be able to help him with the raid. He also should get the green light from the hero commission first, though he could just explain himself after the fact, he had the authority for that now.

He was the number one hero in Japan, so he wouldn't find any shortage of skilled heros willing to help him, but the thing he needed the most was skilled heroes who wouldn't fuck up the job. He took a deep breath and suddenly remembered something.

Back in his old days, he had done his hardest to take down the hundreds of Yakuza gangs festering in Japan, and although he had taken out a good portion of them and forced the rest of them into hiding, they were still lurking in the shadows.

However, one thing he had recently heard was that his old sidekick, Sir Nighteye was trying to finish the job of his mentor by eliminating the rest of them, or as much as he could.

'Heh,' All Might chuckled, 'Looks like despite how we left off, he is still the same old fanboy deep down.'

He took out his phone and called a number he hadn't called in over 5 years.


"No." Nighteye's cold voice cut like a dagger through his absent lung, leaving All Might shocked.


Nighteye pushed his glasses upwards, the light gleaming against it, "I said no, we're not doing it."

All Might was stunned. "But…but why? There is a little girl who needs to be saved. We need to save her!"

"It's too risky. Even if we have their location, we know next to nothing about their numbers and quirks. It's simply way too dangerous." Nighteye replied in the same cold voice.

"Nighteye, are you seriou-"

"Of course I'm serious!" Nighteye snapped. "That vision I saw, seeing the future and your death, what if this is it? What if the reason you die is this raid that you run head first into? All because you're too headstrong and want to save a single girl. You've always been like this All Might!"

"A single girl? This is an innocent child, being tortured and abused by her captor!"

"You don't know that! And so what if it's a little girl? If you die in this raid, how many more little girls will have to go through horrible things because of villains running around, all because All Might is dead."

"If I can't save a single girl, then I am not worthy of the name All Might. If I die knowing I couldnt save this girl, then I will die as a coward, not as the number one hero." He rebutted, a fire in his eyes. "And even if I die, I will die happy knowing I saved that little girl, rather than living the rest of my life to regret it."

"You need to think of the bigger picture!" Nighteye screamed.

"There is no bigger picture! I would never be able to live with myself knowing I couldn't save her."

Nighteye finally seemed to relent, trying to change the topic of discussion, "Fine…If you're so eager to die and risk everything for a little girl, then have you thought about passing on your quirk?"

"What?" All Might asked with a shocked look, "That's all you care about? You don't care about me, or the little girl, only about the quirk and finding a successor?"

"That is the most important thing All Might. There will come a time when you will die and Japan may fall into chaos. So the most important thing right now is having a successor in place. I already have one in mind, his name is Mirio, and ha–"

"Stop." All Might wanted to hear no more of it. Nighteye had changed, All Might was sure of it. If you weren't ready to risk it all for a single person, then were you really a true hero? A true hero was selfless and kind, the opposite to what Nighteye was right now.


"I don't want to hear from you anymore. I'll sort everything out myself. Saving the girl, finding a successor, and making sure Japan is safe when I retire."

And with that, All Might stormed out of the room, drowning out the sounds of Nighteye's pleas.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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