
Chapter 31

" Well, aboush shat I can explain Okay." Shit, Think Ekko Think.' But from his experience, this was a question without a right answer, no matter how I answer she will probably still be mad.

'Sigh Why do women have to be such troublesome creatures.' Ekko tried to defuse Rangiku but it would seem she wasn't having any of it.

While the two were in their own little bubble Ekko had not even noticed Gin right behind them. From Gin's perspective, it just looked like Ekko and his sister were Flirting, he felt kind of Sad as he's never even had a love life.

'I'm still here you know.'

"OK I'm sorry, I just had things to do...Huh, fox face your here as well, now that I think about it, why are you both here? I mean if you wanted to talk to me you could have just texted." Ekko asked, confused about their arrival, he also noticed two Pink Suitcases right next to Gin.

"Are you moving, do you need any help." Ekko asked and Gin scratched his head in slight embarrassment.

Gin put the bags down and said." Not exactly, you see since our situation had been taken care of, thanks again by the way. Sis really wanted me to go back to school and Restart my degree so I agreed, Ruben was kind enough to get me a spot in a good college so I'll be living there from now on."

Ekko nodded in understanding" I see so you came to say goodbye, congrats man, And good luck, so when are the two of you leaving..." To that question, Rangikus previous annoyed face beamed with Happiness while Gin's Awkward face morphed into shame.

" Well you see, I'll be living In a shared dorm and sis still has her modeling to do soooo..." but before Gin could finish Rangiku did it for him.

"And thats Why I'll be living With you from now on Ekko. Aren't you happy you'll be living with a bombshell beauty like me?"

"DENIED!!" Ekko crushed her hopes and perverted dreams right away.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhg??? Why you have so many empty rooms? So why not, what if I..."She grabbed her top to unbutton her shirt but Ekko shook his head.

" Then how About.." she lifted her skirt intending to show her underwear but Ekko Chopped her on the head. ( No horny)

"Ow!" Rangiku rubbed her steaming head.

" One, I like my Peace and two, why can't you just go and rent a better apartment or something I'm sure there are some good ones in Tokyo."

"It's more expensive in Tokyo plus I've Grown to like this area, pleeeeeeeeas Ekko, ill even Pay Rent...For me." Rangiku asked Ekko in a cute and vulnerable tone. She grabbed his arm and squished them between her bountiful chest.

"No means n..." Ekko was going to refuse her but her eyes started to water and her Pupils enlarged, hell he might have been Imaging it but he thought he even saw stars in her eyes.

"No, mean n...Ghaaaaa, fine you win you can live here from now on." Dammit, he succumbed to her cuteness.

"Yay~Thanks for having me." Rangiku let go of Ekko and grabbed her suitcases before running inside." Mhhh this place really needs a feminine touch."

"I might come to regret this decision." Ekko said looking at Rangiku's Disappearing image and he might have taken a glance at her behind, it looks like she's gained some mass.

" Again sorry about Her, I know she can be a handful but I hope you can take care of her." Gin said bowing his head but Ekko just waved it off.

"Don't mention it, and don't worry while she's under my roof No one will hurt her." He said and thought.' If anyone even had the thought of it, well a trip to Mars would be in their future.

While Ekko and Gin were talking, A black cat with golden eyes in the distance looked at the two before entering The compound sneakily. Of course, Ekko sensed The cat but seeing it was just a cat he ignored it.

And now that he was thinking about cats it reminded him of that Mr chubbers he rescued right after eating Ramen with Gin. That Cat was fatter than in the pictures, and definitely not a normal cat. It could even understand human speech, though it couldn't talk.

The owner of the cat was really hot, plus she seemed like she was my Age. What was her name again, oh that's right her name was Saya Takagi. A cute girl though for some reason when he met her it looked like she recognized him.

But Ekko was sure he would have remembered meeting such a cute Twin tailed girl. Maybe she thought he was someone she knew and had mistaken them for him.

" So you'll be leaving Today, doesn't school start in 3 weeks, why are you heading out so early." Ekko asked Gin as he Was putting his bag back on.

" I just want to know my living area better plus I'll be looking for some part-time work while studying." Gin said and Ekko nodded.

" Do you need a ride, I can take you there if you want, I'm not doing anything today so it wouldn't be a bother."

" Thanks but it's Okay, I Already bought the train tickets, and my train will be arriving in 30 minutes so I best get going. Thank you again for everything Ekko, you don't know how much I Appreciate you stopping me that day, and also for saving sis, I dont think I can ever repay you."

" Just don't slack off in school and make some friends, that will be Repayment enough...Fox face" Ekko Smilled and bumped Gin's shoulder.

Gin also chuckled at his nickname and thought.' Yes, I can be rest assured with a guy like this my sister will be happy.'

"I'll be seeing you around then Afia-San, tell my sister I said bye." Gin said before walking away while Ekko just waved him off.

"Will do, Good luck." Once Ekko saw that Gin disappeared from his sight Ekko Closed the gates Completely.

"Hey Ekko what the hell, you never told me you had a freaking Hotsprings do you know how rare those...huh, where's Gin." Rangiku came out again to tell him about the hot springs she stumbled across but noticed her brother's lack of presence.

" He had a train to catch so he already set Off. And ye I have a Hotsprings, though I've only Used them once."

"What I didn't even get To say my sisterly goodbye. I guess I'll just scold him when I Go visit him." Rangiku said with her arms crossed under her bussom making them jiggle all over.

And Ekko took around 20 screenshots of the moment with his eyes. 'Dammit, where's the Sharingan when you need it.'

'Sigh, in any case now that I think about it I'll be living with Ekko all by Myself from now on. So this is technically our home." Rangiku looked at Ekko and Smirked.

"Hey, Ekko," Rangiku said as she got into Ekko's personal space.

"What is it." Ekko asked Unsurley, he dident know what she was going to say next.

"...I'm Home. D.A.R.L.I.N.G~~" Rangiku said Enunciating Every letter of that last word.

Though Unexpectedly it seemed to have some kind of Effect on Ekko as he froze for a second.

Though the next second a smile Rangiku had never seen Ekko make appeared on his lips." Welcome Back...M.A.T.S.U.M.O.T.O-San~~."

Rangikus Cheeks Flushed before she pouted" Whats with Using my second Name, Ran. gi. Ku, say Rangiku, oh, and let me record it while you say it." She said trying to get her phone out but Ekko ignored her request And headed back inside.

" Wait, Ekko Just one more time, you just have to say it once, ill be satisfied, I'll even let you Grope my breasts for 5 seconds." Though Her Request fell on Deaf ears.

Meanwhile, A certain Golden eyed cat Watched the duo's Interaction and Smiled.

"Rangiku Matsumoto, a good seedling and warrior just waiting to bloom, and her brother isent bad either.

Then theres that Ekko fellow, he seems Normal enough yet My Instincts Are telling me he's something special. Looks like I'll have to make contact Sooner rather than later."

Yoruichi thought as she disappeared once again in a flash.


{New scenario in progress, New choices have been generated, Choices...}

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