

"You bring this on yourself, you know," Jandri said, sitting in the corner of the cell with his legs pulled up and hugged close with his arms. His hair was mussed but recently cut, his clothes were plain but freshly laundered, and he didn't have any dirt streaks.

"Do I really?" I asked, catching sight of Vrans down in his cell, sitting with his shoulder propped against the bars, listening. A couple of others edged up closer to their bars as well, mostly quiet except for some rustling of straw or clothes. I was pretty sure my bickering with Jandri, whenever the demons brought him back to "cheer me up," was a source of entertainment.

"If you'd stop talking back to them, they wouldn't have any reason to beat you, or whip you…or whatever it is they do."

"You know what, that right there is why our forced relationship is going to stand the test of time. It's your attention to detail regarding my affairs. I feel like you really listen when I talk, you know? You really pay attention to what's going on in my life."

"Your sarcasm is a little thick."

"Just a little? Huh. I thought I was really laying it on." I contemplated bringing my hand up to scratch my face…but that would hurt. For the moment, I'd take the itch over the pain. The slip of fabric covering me lay in tatters around my body. They only changed it when it was so ruined that it actually fell off. I'd stopped caring about nakedness. There really was no point. "They whip me, Jandri, for the most part. Because I know you care so much—more sarcasm, by the way. And cut me with knives sometimes. You should come by sometime. I really draw a crowd. The officers drink in the power I exude, and then there are the pleasure seekers, who get off when I do, and the emotional turmoil and pain seekers—I'm quite the attraction. And no, it isn't brought on by talking back. They don't talk to me, and I don't talk to them. Unlike the guards, the officers crave power. They create their creatures with it and then celebrate with some sort of drink they tend to constantly. It's quite the party."

"I heard you make fun of them. The officers, I mean."

"Where'd you hear that from?"

"Sorry, Strange Lady," Vrans called. "I thought it was funny, the things you said when we were being whipped together. I didn't know he was going to be a douche about it."

Sometimes they brought multiple people up at once. Vrans had been very confused about the amount of people hanging around for our joint torture sesh, and even more so when I orgasmed at the end. He'd doubled down on calling me "Strange Lady." I couldn't really blame him.

"That's a more recent development," I said, a little drool escaping out of the side of my mouth. I didn't worry about it. It was better than blood. Or hell, maybe it was blood. Really hard to say at this point in the healing process. "They're going to keep bringing me up there regardless of what I do. What's a little banter among friends?"

"My thought exactly," Vrans said.

"Well, if you'd just cooperate, like I do, then you could spend time in the demon court," Jandri said. "I've had dinner with them a couple of nights. I got to dress up and eat real meals and…have a nice night. It really wasn't so bad."

I let the air leak out of me for a moment. He'd used those words—"nice night"—a few times. From what I could gather, the guy was essentially passed around. The orgies here didn't sound as uncontrolled as the ones at Neff's castle, but Jandri would have anywhere from one to multiple partners in one night. He wasn't with more than one at a time, it didn't sound like, but he still dipped his wick in more than one candle.

And he thought it was fucking awesome. Just like in the pub in the village back home, he was happy to participate in the shenanigans. He even boasted about not needing sexy magic.

He'd turned out to be a great favorite. His ego had gone through the roof, especially since I was still down here, dirty and bloody and using a bucket for a toilet.

"We have different interpretations of what constitutes a nice night," I said dryly. "Have you thought about what I've said?"

"What, about making maps and spying on them?" He snorted. "Why, so I can end up like you? The only reason I am sitting in this goddess-ignored cell is to improve your spirits. They want you to attend one of the upcoming parties—without making trouble. I told them it was a fool's errand. All you do is make trouble. You always have."

"Then why do you want me?"

"Everyone wants you. Even the demons want you. Despite your many faults, you're a looker. I intend to have you."

"Fine, but do you intend to stay here forever? Because if you don't make maps and help me find a way out, we're going to die here."

"The demon king will release us once he gets what he wants." Jandri smoothed his hair, though what good he thought that would do, I didn't know.

"Jandri," I said, somewhere between amused and incredibly frustrated. "What is it you think he wants?"

"What he was promised. My firstborn."

Frustration won out. "Are you stupid or something? Let's forget the fact that you are offering your child to a horrible demon. What the fuck would he want with a kid? He just steals whatever he wants. Which are adults, Jandri. Dragon adults. Faerie adults. Shifter adults. He doesn't want a kid, and he's never going to let us go. He's going to try to break me, use me to hurt Neff, then kill me. Neither of us are getting out of here. Eventually you'll be used up, and then you'll be killed. You need to give me information so I can get us out of here."

"And do what?" he scoffed. "Go back to that hovel of a village? That golden dragon's kingdom is faltering. It's gone. He's not even golden anymore, and I heard he can't fly. Some dragon prince. There's nothing to go back to."

"Fine, then go to one of the other shifter kingdoms. Anywhere, Jandri. Go literally anywhere else, where you will be free instead of being stuck in this nasty dungeon."

"I wouldn't be brought down to this nasty dungeon if it wasn't for you."

"Oh goddess help me, I can't—"

"Give up," a woman called. "He does not want to see the truth of his situation. I've known a few like him. All wolves, so maybe he is one." Her tone held disgust. "If his kind see the truth, they'll break. It's nicer for them if they live in their fantasies."

"Too bad he's trapping me in his fantasies with him," I mumbled, trying to think of another way to get through to him. He was in a prime spot to give me information. They didn't fear him. He was allowed to go places I couldn't, with hardly any guards. I needed him to get information.

Just kill him and be done with it, my dragon thought in annoyance. Who knows how long we'll be stuck in this pit of shit? We don't need to make it worse with him. Just, like…blame it on the torturers. I'm sure they've killed a few people.

I somehow doubt anyone will think the torturers killed him when they haven't once looked in his direction. Especially if his blood is all over me.

Some risks are worth taking, she replied.

Boots scraped against the steps, and I sighed and closed my eyes. Damn it all, the guards were coming. Their shoes had a different sound on those steps than the officers' did.

They came to take people for the demons. Shame fucking, basically, but at least Hendra and the others had been allowed to skip the parties.

Though they kept to themselves for the most part, I knew the prisoners weren't happy to go, regardless of what they felt at the actual parties. I wanted to comfort them but didn't know how. It made me nostalgic for Hendra, who had an easy way about him that had made life brighter for everyone at Neff's castle. He'd been my jester, and if anyone in this place would actually talk to me for more than a few moments, I could try to be theirs.

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