

The days kept on going one after the other without much happening. Kiran couldn't hold back his happiness as his sixteen years birthday was finally at hand.

As promised, the first person to wish him was Layla as she didn't even care to look at the time before calling him. The sound of his phone ringing was what woke him up around one in the morning.

Being at home with his parents, they were the second to wish him as they take a day off from work so they can throw a party for him the moment he was back from school.

Abigail was third to call as she wish him through the phone. Kiran was surprised to see that neither Caleb nor Mikey have called to wish him.

Reaching school and walking towards his class, he was surprised to see that the door was closed. Usually the door was always opened, making it expose for other's to walk in or see what was happening in the class.

Turning the handle of the door and walking inside, he was surprised by the sight that welcome him.

"Surprise!!!" shouted the whole of the class the moment he walked inside. They didn't waste time before singing him a birthday song.

"Wow, how come" was the only words that was able to come out from his mouth as he look at all the birthday decorations that have been put in place.

Although he wasn't keeping enmity with anyone in school, but he was surprise to how they were able to throw a party for him.

Still singing the birthday song, they quickly leave him over to the front of the class where the birthday cake was place.

"You better make a wish and quickly blow out the candles before a teacher gets here" whisper Mikey.

Kiran did as he was told as he make a wish and blow out the candles before cutting the cake.

The moment Kiran finished blowing out the candles, Mikey and Caleb quickly start removing all the decorations they put in the class.

Seeing as how his friends were eagerly removing the decorations, Kiran couldn't help himself as he shake his head because he knew they definitely didn't take permission from a teacher before doing it, that's why they were now removing everything quickly.

Even after sharing the cake with the whole class, almost half the size was still remaining. The size of the cake was just too big for them to finish it at once.

Even though the party was a short one, Kiran didn't feel bad as it was more than he could imagine, not that he even imagine something like this to happen, but he was more than grateful for it.

After making sure that the class was clean and seeing no sign of throwing a party, they all walked back to their seat after giving Kiran their gifts.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to open them now as he was still in school, he put all of them in his locker with the sole aim of taking them home after school.

"Thanks everyone, words wouldn't be able to fully express how happy I am to receive this gifts, I just want you all to know I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart" said Kiran. "I will be celebrating a second birthday at home, you're all invited, but if you wouldn't be able to attend, then it's okay as I have already received one of the best gifts from you guys".

After his speech the whole class gave him a standing ovation as they cheer and clap for him, with his two friend being the first to do so.

"How come?, how were you guys able to do it, having the whole class throw a party for me?" asked Kiran as he walked to his friends.

They were the only ones he could asked as he Know full well that no one knew today is his birthday apart from their two.

"With a little bit of force, everything is possible. Caleb and I came to school early so we can decorate the class before they start coming" said Mikey.

"Did they just agree with it after putting everything in place?" asked Kiran as he knew that possible can't be everything.

"Not really, that's why I said with a little bit of force. With me and Caleb, they couldn't outright voice out their opinion, so we gave them two option, either they join the party or they move to the back of the class and stay in silence, because we can't possibly let them out of the class, they will just go and report" replied Mikey.

"So they all agree" said Kiran.

"Not all, pretty sure Lydia didn't participate as she was just quiet throughout" said Caleb.

"Wait!!, so if they don't know about the party, then how were they able to present gifts to me?" asked Kiran.

"We are the host, so we bought a lot of gifts, we just distributed them around" said Mikey with a shrugged.

"So in other words, all those gifts are from the both of you" said Kiran.

"Maybe, but it isn't about who bought the gifts, it's about the joy when being presented" replied Caleb.

"Don't you think you forgot something when inviting them to your party, you didn't give them your address" said Mikey.

"Can't believe I forgot about that, you know that all my friends do know where I live, so I kind of forgot not everyone knows" replied Kiran.

"The original birthday party would be held around 5:00 in evening at the Lopez mansion, pretty sure you all know it, so see you all there" announced Mikey before sitting down.

The moment he just finished his announcement, a teacher walked into the class as it was now time for their lessons.

Knowing full well that today is Kiran birthday according to the register, the teacher did a little wishing before he start the lesson for the day.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it.

This is the name of the novel, PATHWAY OF DEATH. Please do support me ♥️

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