

  Earnestine was about to leave Erin's shop, she recalled that they had planned the previous night to travel to Irvine. Her phone beeped and she discovered that she was an hour late. She knew Janeka would be pissed off when she got there and she had only one option since she trekked down the ice box.

  “I forgot to tell you that I met your sister. Hayley.” Erin said.

  “Hayley. Wait, what?” Earnestine said when she realized that Erin was talking about the devil's incarnate.

  “She said a lot of things about you. How good and caring you are. She said that she'd never forget you.” Erin uttered, a smile forming on her lips.

  “Tell her I said that I wouldn't forget her too,” Earnestine said, getting up.

  “Why don't you do that?” Erin said turning away from her, when she turned back she couldn't see her anymore. She only saw the door moving, exhaling deeply she realized that what Hayley told her might be true because she didn't see her walking away.

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