
Chapter Thirty: A Dark Secret Revealed!


She rubbed the cream onto my back, her fingers tracing the dragon tattoo with lightning crackling around it. Covering it back up, her arms wrapped around my neck. Playing with my hair, her lips brushed against the nape of my neck.

"Your tattoo makes you so hot, you are just like a bad boy now." She whispered lustfully into my ear, running her hands over my bare chest. "I want to reward you for working hard for me." Leaping around, she landed on my lap. Her hot skin pressed against mine, her hands guiding me to her clit. Wrapping my arm around the small of her waist, moans escaped her lips as my fingers spun just right. Bucking her hips, her hand stroked my thick girth. Gruff groans poured from my lips, her stroking getting faster. Any faster I was going to blow my load.

"Evie, if you don't stop I will blow." I growled huskily, cupping her hand. "I want to fill you with my hot seed, not your hand." Flipping her over, my hands ran up her thigh. Shivering under my touch, my hands cupped her ass. Slapping it roughly, she called out my name. Sliding into her, her walls hugged my thick girth. Her hips ground against me, her fingers gripping the sheet. Sliding my hand to her bump, my other hand slapping her ass. Moving my hips with hers, my back throbbed a bit with every move. Shuddering at the feeling of a single needle stabbing me over and over again, yesterday being the longest day of my life. Although that chunky monkey was the best part of the day, my strong arms placed her on my lap. Sliding onto her lap,her legs wrapping around my waist. Holding her by the small of her back, her arms wrapped around my neck. Her hips danced to her own rhythm, her lips grazing the nape of her neck. Rough groans poured from her lips, her fangs breaking my skin. Goosebumps popped up, one of her hands sliding down to my balls. Cupping them, her delicate fingers twirled them around her hands. Moaning lustfully, her finger traced my cheek. Bouncing up and down, my hand slid down to his ass. The bed creaked, a devious smile dancing across her lips as I pressed him against the wall. The wall cracked slightly, my palm pressing onto the wall. Bucking my hips, her screams grew louder. Small gasps burst from my lips, her arms wrapping around my neck. Spinning her around, her hands cupped my face as I laid her down on the bed. Pulling me close to her body, her lips pressed against mine sensually. Being sure to avoid my back, her other hand played with my hair. This felt so great, every single touch of hers sending my inner wolf into a frenzy. Sitting up, her finger traced my six pack. Tracing my fingers up her thighs, my hands placing her heels on my shoulders. Jamming it in, my hands wrapped around my legs. Thrusting in and out, the white sheet peeked out from in between her fingers. My name flooded from her lips, my wolf swelling with pride. Screaming louder and louder, the whole house must have heard us by now. Sliding her legs down, a crooked grin dancing across her lips as I clutched her close to my chest. Wrapping her legs around my waist, my fangs brushing his neck. Sinking them into her neck, our hips danced to the same song. The sound of her gasps grew more frantic, her climax near. Moving faster, the bed squeaked with every bounce. Kissing me hungrily, a tender blush rose to her cheeks. Refusing to release me, our tongues danced in each other's mouths. My heart fluttered, her beauty stunning me. Holding her hips down, we both cried out as we both climaxed. Melting into my arms, her head rested on my chest. Kissing the top of my head, my fingers intertwined with hers. Her sweet smell wafted up my nose, my inner wolf begging for more. Hopping off my lap, a soft whine escaped my lips. Running into the bathroom, the floorboard creaked as I followed her. Watching her hop into the shower, my arms folded across my broad chest.

"What is the plan for today?" I queried curiously, wishing I could get in. "Hopefully it isn't anything troublesome." Chuckling to herself, she dried herself off. Shrugging her shoulders, it took every ounce of control not to take her right then and there. Brushing past me, her fingers traced the new clothes that Theros had bought her. Selecting a black lace bra and a pink lace bra, a confused look dawned on her face. Scrunching up her nose, my heart skipped a beat at her cuteness.

"Which one should I wear?" She inquired tiredly, a sadness hiding behind the twinkle in her eyes. "I can't decide." This wasn't like her, her concentration all over the place. Pointing to the pink one, she rubbed her eyes. Black bags hollowed out her eyes, the lack of sleep showing on her face. Throwing on her bra, a black sweatshirt dress with gray wolf ears and a tail hung in her arms. Pulling it over her head, her hands went right into her pockets. The strange look reminded me of the day she came down the mountain many years ago, my mind wandering over to the several summers she had been gone for the whole time. Sliding on her black sneakers, a groggy yawn pouring from her lips.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" I asked cautiously, her finger tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "You look like hell." Shrugging her shoulders, she pulled her hood over her head. Sulking down the stairs, it frustrated me that she refused to talk to me. Staring up at the ceiling, the wolf in me wanted me to go back to bed. The tattoo session was a bit more than getting some ink, a spell was performed that linked my wolf to the mark. Throwing on my usual outfit of a black t-shirt and jeans, a commotion exploded down stairs. Sprinting down the stairs, Evie was already gone. Grappy stood in place, unable to move. The tail of her dress was the last thing I saw before she dashed out of the door. Leaping over the wall, the uncomfortable look on Grappy's face told he was hiding something. Guilt ate at him, my cold look getting him to spill it all.

"She told me about her grandmother. That is all I can say on that matter." He offered sincerely, shifting uncomfortably. "Her grave is somewhere on the mountain. Do you remember where they exiled her to?" Shaking my head, a backpack hung in his hand. Bloodsworth passed me a jacket, a map fluttering in his palms. Suspicion raised my brows, wondering how he couldn't just track her down.

"How come you can't just track her?" I questioned tiredly, rubbing my eyes. "I thought you were her guardian angel." Biting his lips, the frustration was clear in his eyes. Scratching at his neck, something was really eating at him. Throwing on the black jacket, hanging the backpack off of my shoulder as he was looking for the right words.

"She ordered me to stay behind. I can't deny her orders. She also gave me orders to prevent anybody but you to go find her." He admitted bitterly, the unease burning on his face." Understanding the situation, he was her guardian angel. Walking out the door, the morning sun blinded me. Leaping over the fence, her scent was faint in the chilly morning air. Clutching the straps of my backpack, the legend of the witch in the woods plaguing my mind. Sharp whispers passed around the town about her, but nothing concrete was ever proven. Hiking up the mountain, my sword bounced off of my leg.

"Why did you hide this from me!" I shouted into the sky, waving my hands around. "Now I have to go find you." Attempting to reach her, our communication was shut down. Growling to myself, this was going to be literal hell. Why was Evie good at hiding away from the world? Walking in a straight line, a fire crackled in the distance. Following the smell of the cedar smoke, relief washed over me. A disheveled stone cabin sat in the distance, Evie poking her head out of the window. Tears streamed from her eyes, a mix of emotion flashing in her face. Leaping down in front of her , she stumbled backwards. Struggling to her feet, the black wooden door swung open.

"I just needed to see my grandmother's grave." She explained sadly, falling into my arms. "There are so many bad memories here. I am here to close a chapter in my life, so I can move on. I killed my grandmother because I had to. I never wanted to tell you because I was afraid you would leave my life. It is okay if you want to leave me." Embracing her warmly, my finger lifted up her chin. Guilt and shame dimmed her eyes, the tears flooding nonstop now.

"I don't care what you did!" I promised lovingly, kissing her lips sweetly. "If you do something it is usually because you had to do it." Chuckling to herself, a white ball glowed in the corner. The stone cabin quaked, the color draining from around me. An unimpressed look darkened her face, almost as if she was expecting this. The crackling sound of a radio poisoned the air, Evie pulling me behind the counter of the mismatched kitchen.

"I have your medicine! I am sorry that I oversle-'' A twelve year old Evie called out happily, stopping in her tracks. Evie trembled next to me, cold sweat dripping off of my brow. The younger version's face paled, her grandmother twitching in the corner. Her white curls bounced around, her bloody fingers clawing at her face. Reaching for her grandmother, a chunk of her skin dropped to the ground. Turning around slowly, Evie began to vomit next to me. Taking a second to see why, everything threatened to fly back up my throat. A shrill shriek exploded from younger Evie's lips, her grandmother missing large chunks of skin.

"Hello sweetie!" She chirped cheerfully, blood dripping onto the dirt floor. "I want to eat you!" Younger Evie reached for the nearby silver blade, her grandmother slamming into her tiny body. Tears welled up in her eyes, the older Evie sitting next to me refusing to look. Clutching her close to my chest, her body shuddered in my arms.

"Grammy, stop please!" Younger Evie begged, the dirt soiling her white summer dress. "I just need to give you your medicine." The two of them rolled around, her grandmother pinning her down. Opening up her mouth, maggots filled Evie's mouth. A bit of vomit came up my throat, choosing to swallow it. Spitting them back out onto her face, the blade was centimeters to her right. Black smoke curled off of her skin, black blood sprayed all over her face as she slammed the blade into her brain. The grandmother wheezed one last time before collapsing on top of her, my heart shattering as she rolled her off. Stumbling to her feet, a shovel dragged behind her. My attention fell on the area behind the house, younger Evie spending hours digging a six foot deep grave. Making a cross on her chest, grunts poured from her lips as she dragged the body to the grave site. Rolling her into the grave, she winced as the body crashed into the bottom of the hole. Sprinkling a herbal mixture over her, strange words flooded from her lips. Filling in the hole, she threw the shovel into the bushes. Tears turned dirt into mud, a wail of bitter loss exploding from her lips. Color flooded the scene, the two of us cowering behind the decaying counter.

"You went through all of that, and hung out with me after!" I blurted out with disbelief dripping in my voice. "You could have told me all of that and I would have held you all night. You looked like hell that night, and you played with me to make me happy. We could have talked about it." Shaking her head, she tended to the fire. Poking it with the poker, a deep sigh flooded from her lips.

"No I couldn't." She retorted coldly, still shaken up from the altered reality. "I would have been banished straight to the crime scene, and never would have seen you again. I would have killed myself if I was stuck up here with no one by my side. Today is the day that I always see her spirit, and Gabrielle freed her soul today." Sobs wracked her body, her point was valid. Clutching her close to my chest, her heart beating out of her chest. My father was a bit of a tyrant when it came to crimes, it would have guaranteed her death.

"You don't have to worry about that now." I comforted her gently, refusing to let her go. "You don't have any other skeletons in your closet do you?" A fit of laughter erupted from her lips, her loving eyes gazing up at me. Flashing me her real smile, she leapt to her feet. Offering me her hand, she dragged me to the barely marked grave. Pulling me to my knees with her, pressing her shaking hands together.

"Please rest in peace, Grammy. I love you with all of my heart. I grant you the final wish of your favorite flowers." She wept softly, pressing her palms onto the grave. A sea of yellow daffodils bloomed from the grave, a gentle smile brightening her face. An elderly lady waved in the distance, a wholesome version of her grandmother floating into the sky. The smile on Evie's face told me that she was going to be okay, the two of us sitting in the moonlight. Only time can heal such hard wounds, my fingers wrapping around hers. Moments like these were the ones that I wished would never end.

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