
Let her sleep in the cold

Happy Republic Day to everyone in India! 

Zhai Tianyu sensed that she was looking at the sword that he was holding in his hands, he looked at her panicked expression and then hesitated for a while, he did not want to let go of the sword. After all, what will he do if she was to jump up and attack him again? 

However, Liu Hui Ying did not move from the floor, she simply stared at the sword. What Zhai Tianyu did not know was that Liu Hui Ying has been long unconscious, and the soul that was looking at him was of Liu Yue, the eldest sister of Liu Hui Ying who has been killed by a man. She has been trapped inside Liu Hui Ying's body because every time she saw a man in her surroundings she would go crazy and then try to kill them. 

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