
chapter 2

As hunter march majestically swam in the lake, he's blue jeans are on but of course He's shirtless, the moon light shinning on him, the fireflies, butterflies and flowers all around him, he looked like a prince in a fairytale, then he noticed a girl,

a pretty girl, he looks straight at her with his ocean blue eyes, when he noticed she's staring at his broad shoulders and six pack abbs, with her round honey brown eyes, her face showing all kinds of emotions, alert, surprised, panicked, staring and then drooling, she looks beautiful, like a princess out of a fairytale, he smiled, he then started towards her, when he's standing right in front of her, he says to her in his deep melodic voice, * Hi * 

Safia yelp and turned around, that made him chuckled * I'm right in front of you, don't stop staring, and don't worry, I'm not a threat * he says, when safia turned, she almost bump into him, she quickly gave them a quick five foot space.

* who are you and what are you doing in my lake and outside the kingdom walls at this hour?* safia asked suspiciously, hunter was surprised, I mean he's every girls dream boy, even the wolvefys(girls wolve shipter) with there strong mind are attracted to him, he never pays any attention to them thought, but for some reason he found himself wanting to know this girl, to talk to her, to give her all his attention. 

 "this guy is creepy" safia thought "handsome but creepy", first he swam in HER lake, and asked her not to stop staring at him, and now that she asked him something he looked surprised, what the hell. And thats it, safia can't take it anymore, so she flicked her fingers in front of him, saying

* hey mister*  hunter then shakes his head like he's trying to clear something and says *um, okay first, I'm hunter, second, this is not your lake and last but not least why do you care what I'm doing outside the kingdom walls, and what are YOU doing outside the kingdom walls at this hour and also who are you* 

 Okay, safia was trying to register this, he's hunter and he's shirtless, and he's asking her who she is, that means he doesn't know she's the princess, which means she can talk to him like any other normal person, ( as soon as she gets past the part where he's shirtless) and she doesn't have to be formal, she hates being formal, and most importantly, her secret about sneeking out at night to the forest can remain hidden, so okay, here she goes,

* okay hunter, I'm safia, what I'm doing outside is non of your business, and that lake is definitely mine, and put on your shirt now* so hunter walked towards his shirt and put on a very transparent blue half sleeve button down shirt, and kept it unturked, he's long brown hair all wet and messy, he's saying

* nice to meet you safia, and i hate to say but the lakes not yours, it belongs to the forest, to nature, and safia like, princess safia, king Travis daughter*

 Safia let's out a nervous laugh upon hearing her fathers name, * hhhhh... no I'm not the princess we just happen to have the same name, I'm just safia ....traamish* she dragged the name * OK safia traamish, I'm hunter ...mishra* he says, ( safia can't help but noticed they both have mish in their fathers names, not that she can call traamish her fathers name, hehe)

he doesn't want her to know he's hunter march, the werewolf threatening and terrorizing their kingdom, he then sat at the grass near the flowers over looking the lake, dropping her hood safia fellow suit, he says

* so anyway, I heard that today's the princess birthday, she turns 18*    * yeah, I heard so too* safia says * and its my birthday too, just turned 18 *  hunter looks at safia and says * are you sure your not the princess* with a short laugh she says *No I'm sure* hunter says * too bad you're not the princess, I would've really wanted to talk to her, don't take offence thought, I didn't mean it like that*

 She says * non taken, but why do you want to talk to the princess * hunter says * don't we all* and they both smiled *but actually I wanted to talk to her because I heard that she wants to break peace between the werewolves and humans* safia reply *yeah thats true* hunter then turned to her with a big smile on his face and says * really *

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