
Chapter- 2


( Sirius POV)

I got up from the bench and started heading towards my house or you can say a room, Grandpa didn't have that much money saved up to buy any accommodation after paying for my school fees and our basic necessities leaving the fact that even doing this much was very difficult for him considering his low paid job, courtesy of the league therefore forcing us to live in a rented apartment.

okay maybe i should cool down a bit there is no point to keep on cursing them for all mishaps happening in my life.

I speed up my pace as the sky is getting darker by minutes and it's not safe to wander around Lavender Town alone in night without Pokemon protection, No not due to petty muggers or criminals but because ghost pokemon activities starts up after losing daylights and you definitely don't want to play around with them in their element, atleast without any Pokemon and this is the reason why the population of Lavender Town is low and thier roads are empty in night contrary to other towns where life starts blooming in night.

Who wants to wander in dark night where a ghost can creep up to you and give you a heartattack.

While walking in the empty road i was able to view my apartment from a distance it was not much, a simple old building eating moss, with some patches of paint torn around its sides consisting of three floor with ground floor, each floor having four flats with each flat made up like a studio apartment.


As I close the door behind and switched on the lights we can see a fairly clean large room with dining and living room combined and a seperate area present with two single bed in a corner alongside a study table, and right next there is a door beside the wornout sofa which leads us to the bathroom.

It's pretty livable if you ask me ignoring the fact that it's cramped up in a single room. still better than living on footpath, look like Gramps cleaned it before heading to work.....

' I should stop thinking dark stuff ' i said to no one in particular while looking around me.

Maybe taking a shower will cool me down, today's been a very crazy day for me from graduating to losing my grandfather while I was able to do nothing like a helpless fool and i am sure this feeling of helplessness will be present for some time but no i will not let this grief slow me down, what will Gramps think if i broke from this but rather he will want me to reflect upon this like all the lessons he taught me.

' Yeah i will do just that ' but first the shower, i need to relax these muscles, have to do much ahead.


After taking a much needed shower and eating some snacks to gather some energy i lie down on my bed while holding a spherical ball in my hand above my head, A pokeball with a simple red and white design.

It's a key item trainer use for catching and storing a wild Pokemon. it's present in market to buy with a lot of types available to be used in different situation. Storing a Pokemon inside a pokeball allows a trainer to journey long distance without having their Pokemon wander aimlessly therefore makes them an essential part of life for a massive population.

Due to such reasons the league wants to keep its control on them resulting in making league banning people to keep Pokeballs without a proper lisence.

It is also the prize along with some cash money a graduate gets after competing Pokemon school and recieving their trainer license more specifically they are awarded three Pokeballs, one thousand poke dollars and a ticket to visit the primary wild zone to catch thier starter pokemon.

These things are provided to aspiring trainers to show the good will and support of the pokemon league which they honestly do because a region power is demonstrated by the regions trainers and to cultivate these strong trainers the league invests in them by using these method so that the trainers atleast have some sort of affection for their league/goverment and when the time requires, they are ready to support them then.

Anyways, this also concerns the problem which i have currently at hand, I don't know which pokemon to catch for my starter and it's a very serious problem reason being a starter pokemon is not only your first partner but is also the defactro leader of your whole future Pokemon team.

And therefore I cannot just choose a random Pokemon for my starter. why, because all Pokemon species are not very equal to start with, more so in the profession of Pokemon battling.

A pidgey can never really compare to a spearow whose base stats are better than its own in the start, and in the same stage undoubtedly a spearow will have some edge against a pidgey which can result in its win in a battle.

But there is also another factor which influences these stats and that is evolution. if we again take the same example of pidgey and spearow thier situation revert's after evolution, in a battle If you have a pidgeot against a fearow at the same stage let me just say you will be in for a good ride as a fearow in not comparable infront of a powerful pidgeot.

That's why a weak starter with less future potential will result in stunting your growth and a waste of resource and time which i lack very much now.

Well one might think- "why is this a problem, just catch a freaking rare pokemon then"

This is an option but it's easier to think such things but very difficult to achieve, you don't find a rare pokemon with huge potiential lying around a patch of grass like a present, first they are RARE, this word describes their spawn rate perfectly further even if they are present in numbers around you they are protected by their herd. who will put thier life to protect thier own and will undoubtedly kill a powerless me if i try to do something, so this is a no go.

The second option is for me to buy a good starter from a black market which is not possible as I have no fund to spare there and will definitely not try to go there without a pokemon as it's like walking in a lion den without any weapon.

The third option is to get a sponsorship from any prominent figure like a gym leader or the legendary professor oak but this leads to another problem i have no contact who have any connections to them to avail the benefit's.

Leading me to the fourth option which is to use the pass provided to me by saffron city Pokemon school for route 8 or route 5 where the only Pokemon line present are pidgey line, rattata line, oddish line or rarely meowth line.

which you guessed it right are not very promising to raise who can only promote me to somewhat decent trainer, which is unacceptable and i am not going to revert to the path of common people again. I have seen the consequences which are deadly so i refuse to be anything but common it's better to die rather than sit quietly and suffer.

I dont want to be a decent trainer. No i want to leave my name in this world before i perish, i want to rise above and stand at the top where the limits i am facing right now cannot chain me, where I don't have brush my knee to live comfortably, where i don't have to die regrettably.

So let it be my quest, the quest to attain the top of this world.


A/N- So here is the new chapter of Pokemon: A Quest( i know the title name sucks but bear with it until I find something good. ) Anyways this chapter showcase the option which Sirius have currently and the goal which will drag our MC ahead in his journey.

and I wanted to thank you all the first readers of fanfic for supporting this fanfic i might not able to provide you with the spicy chapters you get in other people work as i am not that creative and talented like them or the perfection in grammar you get but i will try my best to make this journey enjoyable and fresh for you all; thank you for your precious time (⁠^⁠^⁠).

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