
25. She Will Die Tomorrow

People were shocked to hear Jasper admit Zalina as his lover, including Zalina.

"Jasper, you...." Zalina's words stopped because Jasper raised his hand to silence her.

"From today, my girlfriend, Miss Zalina Roston, will work as my secretary. I don't want anyone to stop her from entering my company, insult her, or yell at her. Whoever does that, please get up and leave my company." Jasper said loudly and firmly.

Some of them looked down in fear. However, some still look down on Zalina, including Rose.

Zalina felt that Jasper's confession would only earn her more hatred from them. Maybe she should not care about their hatred. She should remember her goal of being by Jasper's side and being a normal girl without having any magical abilities.

"Now tell me who reproach Zalina earlier?" Jasper asked.

Zalina thought Jasper would forget the question. "Jasper, I don't think we need to prolong the matter."

"No, Zalina. Let no one here treat you badly. Besides, I hate bullying. None of you admit it. Do I need to check CCTV!" Jasper bluffed.

Almost all eyes were on Rose. The woman began to tremble as Jasper noticed the gazes directed at her.

"I-I'm sorry, sir." Rose finally confessed.

"Not apologizing to me, but Zalina."

Rose glared at Zalina. Even though she was in a corner, she couldn't hide her dislike for Zalina. It was with a heavy heart that Rose had to say sorry.

"Sorry, Zalina."

"It's okay," Zalina replied.

Jasper then grabbed Zalina's hand and took her away from them. While in the elevator, Zalina was about to let go of Jasper's hand, but the man wouldn't allow it.

"There are CCTV cameras. Act like my lover. Otherwise, I will be embarrassed," said Jasper.

"What?" Zalina frowned. "You're weird!"

"My reputation is at stake. After I acknowledge you as my lover, they will always watch our movements."

Zalina was about to open her mouth, but the elevator door opened, and Jasper immediately led her outside. Zalina had witnessed several pairs of eyes watching the two of them. She then lowered her head in shame, having to receive such attention in her life with a man.

After being in Jasper's room, Zalina was released. He then bombarded Jasper with questions.

"Jasper, are you out of your mind? Why tell them I'm your girlfriend? Do you want them to hate me even more? I should have had a good relationship with them. Can you explain why suddenly you're saying such nonsense?"

Jasper remained calm, took off his black coat, and sat looking through the documents on his desk.

"Jasper, didn't you hear my question?"

"Zalina, first I want to warn you about one thing. Even though I acknowledge you as my lover, we have to work professionally, so you should call me Mr. Jasper."

"Okay, Mr. Jasper, please explain why you claim to be my lover?!" asked Zalina impatiently.

"What else? Of course, I did that so no one would bother you."

"But I'm not happy. It just adds to the problem for me."

"No one will dare to get into trouble with you, I assure you! Well, now you may get to work. My former secretary left some important notes on her desk so you can study them first."

Jasper's answer did not satisfy Zalina. The girl still looked annoyed at Jasper but didn't want to argue anymore. With a stomp, Zalina turned away from Jasper with an annoying.

Even though this is a new job for Zalina, she can learn quickly. Jasper is also not too demanding with Zalina's work. During almost a week of work, Zalina began to feel comfortable with her job even though she still didn't make any friends there. Either because they really don't like Zalina, or maybe they are afraid to approach Zalina because of Jasper.

"Today, we're going home together. We're going to stop by somewhere first," Jasper said.

"What for?"

"We'll order a dress for you. Tomorrow night, I will take you to the party."

"Party?" Zalina's eyes lit up. She hadn't been to a party in a long time.

"Yeah. The daughter of one of my colleagues got married, and I'm tired of having to answer people's questions about my partner."

"You're not going to introduce me as your girlfriend at the party, are you?"

"If they ask, then you have to save me. I think they'll understand as long as you stand by my side and won't get the question."

Zalina's mind wandered, imagining going to a party with a man as handsome and as great as Jasper. She doubted whether she could do it.

"Mr. Jasper, I'm shy, and I'm afraid I'll embarrass you at the party. I think you're wrong to ask me to accompany you to the party. I can't, sorry."

"Hey, I'm not asking you, but this is an order from your boss. Don't worry, and I'll count it as extra pay."

"But I'm not used to meeting people. I could mess up their party."

"Don't argue! As long as you touch me, you won't be able to see anything from their hands."

Finally, Zalina relented and did not argue. After all, she wanted to come to the party. Eat good food, sparkling party lights, and beautiful party dresses. Ah, Zalina wants to see it.

They finally headed to the shopping center in the city center. Jasper took Zalina to a well-known branded shop. Zalina's eyes almost jumped out when she saw the prices of the dresses there.

"Jasper, this is too much. One dress is the cheapest I've earned for five months. We'd better find another shop." Zalina whispered beside Jasper.

"Pick what you like. I can't leave the store without buying anything."

"You're not going to cut my salary, are you?" Zalina whispered again.

"Don't ask too many questions. Let's hurry up, or I will choose it for you."

While they were picking out dresses, a middle-aged woman came to greet Jasper. The woman was one of Jasper's acquaintances. Zalina had time to shake hands with her because Jasper introduced the two women.

"Nice to see you early. See you at the party tomorrow night." The woman said goodbye when she was about to leave.

After the woman left, Zalina said, "Jasper, I don't think you will see him again at the party tomorrow."

One of Kasper's eyebrows shot up. "Why?"

"She will die at noon tomorrow."

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