
Chapter 8 - Truly Unstoppable

The air ran through his hair as he rose faster and further into the sky.

"Miyuki! We can talk about this! I just wanted to be king, I'm sure you can understand!" Oliver was terrified as he was carried hundereds of feet into the air. He glanced down and noticed the kingdom becoming smaller and smaller, clouds slowly covering the city.

Shooting through cloud after cloud, Miyuki continued to ascend.

"You didn't try to 'talk" with me, let alone your brother! You fucking murderer!" Miyuki stopped instantaneously, hovering, his shadow wings flapping slowly.

"How the hell do you keep getting back up? You should be dead." Oliver stated, out of breath as Miyuki picked him up by his collar with both hands.

"Because I am above you, like you said about yourself. 'I am a God compared to you.' And as a friend of mine told me, I am unstoppable." Miyuki let go of his grip on the royal's collar.

"Wait! Noo-!" He felt his heart drop to his stomach as he stared into Miyuki's eyes.

It was as if they were both put into slow motion.

Oliver had begun to fall, his blonde hair blowing in the air. The tail of his suit, flapping as he fell. His yellow tie, waving as he descended. He cried out for Miyuki to save him, but there was no chance that would happen.

Their eyes stayed in contact as he fell lower and faster into the morning sky. He then was no longer visible after he pierced through a cloud, but his screams still rang out throughout the sky.

Miyuki continued to hover, observing the kingdom.

The view was quite beautiful.

After some time, a familiar friend began to talk.

"Hey, Master? Are you okay-" She began but was interrupted.

"Woo-hoo! Let's fucking go! Who's inferior now bitch!?" Miyuki was cheering, throwing up and arms, but then he started to become out-of-breath. He quickly clutched his chest.

"Master! I think the mana is running out! I used up all of your's and my own to help you fly! I'm so sorry!" Dusk was panicking as Miyuki was hyperventilating.

"Oh fuck-! I think I'm gonna.... pass out-" Miyuki's eyelids snapped shut, his shadow wings dissipated and be begun to descend rapidly. He plunged further and further, his altitude getting lower and lower by the second.

His blood stained, white hood wavered in the wind. His blood-soaked clothes flapped endlessly.

"Oh Master! What should I do!?" Dusk was panicking, as she couldn't find any possible way to save Miyuki.

Miyuki would most likely plummet to his death.


"Interesting to see you again so soon, Miyuki."

Mimic walked over to Miyuki, who was lying on the floor.

He opened his eyes. "Wait... Hey! Get away from me!" Miyuki swung his arm around, trying to keep off Mimic. He quickly got up and brushed himself off. "Fuck. We're in this white, abyss-thing, again? Why? Did you want to talk to me again or something?"

Miyuki pointed to Mimic, who at this point just sat down on the, strangely smooth, floor.

"I have better things to attend to. I am assuming something big is coming, I can feel it. I want to keep myself and my men safe whenever it is, happens. So no, I would not want to purposely talk to you at the moment." Mimic spoke, his helmet shining from the strange light around the two.

"Damn, you didn't have to be a dick about it. Also what do you mean by something big is coming? You should tell me about that-" Miyuki couldn't speak any longer as the two men dissolved into the air.

He was waking up.


His eyes slowly opened, painfully. Every inch of his body felt as if he was on fire. "Oh fuck-!"

Miyuki began to cry in agony as he felt the pain of all of his broken limbs.

"Hey hey. Miyuki, it's okay man, you're safe now." He looked up and finally saw the man who spoke. It was Leonidas.

"Oh my God, Leon!? Holy shit you're a savior." Miyuki shouted, still out of breath, he began to cry. "I killed him, I killed Oliver, I had to do it." He tried to move his right arm, but it wouldn't budge.

"It's okay Miyuki, I understand, the Knight Command and kingdom can probably look past what you did. He was a traitor. What's important right now is that we need to get the castle's dragon, Valis. A drop of her blood will fully heal you, Evelyn and Lillith." He wiped blood from off of Miyuki's face.

"Thank you, it's hard to see with red everywhere." He chuckled but it hurt his lungs. Every part of his body felt like it could slip off his bones. "Fuck man, we should probably get going." Leonidas stared at him.

"Yeah, we'll have to meet up with the others."


Miyuki lied in the carriage, when a new voice met his ears.

"Miyuki, I'm sure Dusk has told you about me. I'm Luminous, the Light Spirit. I would inquire about starting a contract with you." A small fox, of canary-yellow, appeared on Miyuki's chest. "What do you say? I could give you alot of mana, and I mean alot. Some of it could help heal yourself faster, and make you faster when it comes to your speed ability."

"Sounds- great to me I guess." He coughed for a second. "If you're helping me, that'll be fine. Wait, weren't you with Oliver? What made you come to me?" Miyuki tried to sit up a little, but he still had no feeling in his arms.

"Well, I was contracted with him, to make him faster with his speed, he didn't have any magic powers, so I wasn't any help when it came to something like that." He rubbed himself on Miyuki's face.

"I see, Dusk, come talk to him or something, I'm gonna go back to sleep." He lied back down and shut his eyes.

"Hey Lumi! I missed you!" She appeared and jumped onto Luminous.

"Hey Dusk! The the hell?" Miyuki and Luminous said in unison.


"Oh man, Miyuki you're okay. That's great to see. What happened with Oliver?" Sakuta bombarded him with questions.

"Well, let's just say I fucked him up." Miyuki snickered.

Sakuta hugged him, "You're a hero man, believe it." Miyuki looked down, to himself.

"My body doesn't feel like it." He snickered again. "So where's Evelyn? Where's Avery? And what about Lillith?" Miyuki looked to Sakuta.

"It's okay, Lillith is being taken care of, and I'll bring you to the other girls." He got behind Miyuki's wheelchair, and began to take him to another carriage.

"Man, what the hell have I gotten myself into, being isekai'd sucks." Miyuki said under his breath.

"It's okay man, I know how you feel. It does suck, but it'll get better I'm sure." Saukta patted him as he continued to push his wheelchair.


"Oh Miyuki!" Avery ran towards her love, then she hugged him tightly.

"Ouchie ouchie."

"Oh I'm sorry about that. I was worried. Mr. Eloise and I both came back and noticed you were gone, but the Knight Command apparently found you." She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Ugh, blood, ew." She giggled as she embraced him again.

"Thank you, but I would also like to see if Evelyn is okay." He looked to Avery, staring into her beautiful, violet eyes. His heart began to race.

She smiled, "Yeah let me take you inside." She then opened the door to the vehicle. Evelyn sat there in a wheelchair, looking as perfect as ever.

He was pushed in. "Oh, Evelyn. I'm so sorry." Miyuki tried to get out of his seat, but he was still in no condition to move. "Fuck."

Leonidas walked into their carriage, disrupting their small gathering. "Valis Camp, we'll be heading back to the castle in a few minutes, just stay put for the time being." Leonidas walked over and patted Miyuki's shoulder. "We should get going any time soon, the other knights are just checking on civilians."

"Oh yeah, thats fine, we can all wait."

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