
Chapter 8 - Valis' Finest Knight

Their weapons clashed back and forth, with Isaiah using both ends of his spear to match his defensive positions with Miyuki attacks. Tiny shards of ice splattered between the two with every counter. "You really have gotten more decent when it comes to wielding a blade. But you still lack flaws." At that moment, he smacked the left side of Miyuki's head, and immediately turned his spearhead back towards Miyuki and stabbed him in the right shoulder.

Miyuki let out a groan of pain as his shoulder was violated. "You fucker." He swung his left fist for a blow to Isaiah's jaw, he was knocked away from him and fell towards the ground, clutching his jaw.

Miyuki had his chance, he painfully tore the spear from out of his shoulder, and wielded it with one hand. He went to strike down Isaiah but he was met with a shield of ice. "Goddamn it. Just fucking give up." Miyuki attacked the shield over and over to no avail.

"I can not fail the order. The only reason you're alive is because there's dragon blood in you."

Miyuki was befuddled to learn this new information. "No I don't, I'm normal me. Why do you continue to lie about things? You truly would make a terrible king."

"You don't understand, Evelyn has dragon blood in her, the whole Valis family does. Dragon blood makes you near-invincible. I tried to kill Evelyn but you saved her, her blood had gotten onto you. Skin is like a sponge, it soaks up any liquids, so yours soaked up her blood. Now you have dragon blood inside of you, running through your veins and arteries. Why do you think after all the things I did to you, you survived? I have to kill you and her, you're the only ones who can fight back against the order. Mimic wants her blood to consume so he can become immortal. Don't you get it, this is more important than you could ever know."

Unbeknownst to Miyuki during the monologue, Isaiah had created a horde of icicles behind the both of them. He was willing to kill the both of them.

Miyuki stared into his eyes. He realized Isaiah was affixed onto something. He turned his head and saw the hovering icicles. He quickly rolled down and grabbed the ice shield, blocking all of the gliding ice. He was blocking the attack for both himself and Isaiah.

"I'm not letting you kill me easily. I'm also not letting you kill yourself. I'll do that myself." Miyuki held his ground as the ice began to shred the shield.

"You're truly foolish Miyuki. It was a mere distraction." He summoned a new sword of ice and swung it at Miyuki. His blade glided right through his right forearm. Miyuki collapsed, clutching the wound. He screamed as the agony pulsed through his forearm. The pain was atrocious. He writhed in the ground, blood pouring from the wound. He couldn't stand the pain, it was unbearable.

He was outsmarted.

This will be his end.

Isaiah stumbled while trying to stand. He walked towards Miyuki, blade in hand. He began to taunt him, "You're crying like a pathetic little child. Maybe I shouldn't have had any respect for you. And just maybe you don't have dragon blood. I want to torture you, but I'll just kill you here and now. Anything left to say, peasant?" He brought up his sword.

Miyuki felt an enormous surge of energy flow throughout his body. Was it his magic? It didn't feel like when he could sprint. It was different. He felt so much power, that he could explode.

"Yeah.. I do. Fuck you. Shadow spike!."

A spike a pure darkness bursted right through Isaiah's arm, splitting it into sections. He dropped his sword, shattering as it hit the pavement. "What the fuck!?" He collapsed onto the ground clutching his mutilated arm. He yelled out in pain. "Fuck! Quick! Freeze!" He froze all the slivers into an affixed place, stopping the bleeding. Mostly.

Miyuki stood back up. "Now you're the little bitch crying on the ground."

He had spoke too soon.


Miyuki was struck by a large iceberg that rose from the ground, knocking him unconscious. He rolled down a few yards, Isaiah quickly followed up and paraded over to Miyuki. He cockily taunted him again, "This time I'll fucking kill you! I'll kill your peasant ass and then I'll kill your princess!" He created a sword of ice, raising his arm to strike the final blow.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Josephine."

That voice struck fear into Isaiah's heart.

"Fuck." He turned to face him. "Leonidas, nice to see you here. Have you come to say goodbye to Miyuki? And to say goodbye to yourself?" He manifested a new swarm and icicles and commanded them to strike him.

Leonidas stabbed by every one.

Within a second, the icicles flew back out of him. He reversed Isaiah's attack.

One by one, each shard struck Leonidas, then it was immediately reversed. He was still unscathed. "No. Fuck. No! He undid it!" Isaiah had grown scared. He then charged at him, their blades clashed. Their duel had now began.

Leonidas' sword was striking Isaiah's rapidly. He couldn't catch up with the knight. His ice sword broke and he quickly created a new one. Strike after strike, his swords shattered each time. He truly couldn't keep up, he had gotten weak. Miyuki had drained all of his effort and energy.

"I know you're struggling Josephine. Not to sound arrogant, but I am the best knight in Valis for a reason." With one swift move, he grabbed Isaiah by the throat, and raised him off of the ground. "Give me a reason to not kill you right now. You've tried to kill the princess and her friend twice now. You should already be sentenced to death."

"But no matter how much i actually should, I cannot kill you. It wouldn't benefit the kingdom. Your death would lead to the Black Order to starting a war faster." Leonidas lessened his grip around Isaiah's throat.

He spat in Leonidas' face. "Kill me, you can do it. I know you say you can't, but you should. I've done nothing but tore down the Valis name. I basically killed the princess, and now her powerful friend is gone too. Go ahead and kill me!" He created another blade of ice and stabbed it into Leonidas, but he quickly reversed the action.

"You are pathetic, Josephine. But still, I am not going to kill you." Leonidas remarked.

"If you won't do it, I will!"

Miyuki thrusted a sword of darkness into Isaiah's back, piercing out of his chest. "-Glrrk~" Miyuki used all his strength to lift the sword into the air, with Isaiah still on it. "Miyuki no!" Leonidas shouted. Blood gushed out of Isaiah's wound and poured onto the asphalt. It began to pour from his mouth.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you Isaiah!" Miyuki then let out a cry of victory that rang throughout the empty street. He threw Isaiah back onto the ground, he tumbled to a stop. Miyuki stepped over to his writhing body.

He towered over his body. He stared into Isaiah's eyes.

Into his soul.

Into his heart.

Isaiah had fear in his eyes. He began to beg for his life. "Miyuki. Please. I was only told to do all of this. I didn't want to do this! I just want to save my family. I can lead you to Mimic and the rest of the order. They are residing in Govore with the orcs and goblins. Please just don't kill me, I'm sorry."

Miyuki stood there, staring down the man who has lied countless times, and has tried to kill him and his love twice.

He was irredeemable.

"Pathetic traitor." He raised his sword, then used the force of gravity to bring it down heavily but cleanly. He had cleaved Isaiah's head from off his neck, and he watched as the head rolled a few feet down the road.

He smirked.

"Let's fucking go! Wohoo! Yeah! I did it! I fucking did it! Fuck you Isaiah! Burn in Hell or whatever you guys have here!" Miyuki threw his arms in the air, yelling about his victory. He turned over to his friend, "Leonidas! I did it! I saved Evelyn!"

Leonidas collapsed onto his knees.

"Miyuki. What have you done?"

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