
CHAPTER 38 - Second Special Exam. Part 3.

CHAPTER 38 - Second Special Exam. Part 3.

(Pov - Saik.)

"Being lazy is very relaxing, Saik."

"Yes, I admit it, I'm very comfortable."

"Hehe. I told you so."

Lying on the floor, doing nothing but staring at the ceiling of my room, is pretty peaceful. I took the day off on Yuki's recommendation. I won't exercise, I won't study, I won't do homework. I'll just stay lying down and do absolutely nothing. I'll just enjoy this tranquility.

Maybe I'll just eat something.

"When I was a little boy, I never had this kind of tranquility."

"Your life has been quite difficult, Saik. I don't know the details, but it seems like your life was very difficult. You were a rich kid with a sad life, huh? Hehe."

"Despite my family being wealthy, I never felt privileged. I stayed away from the luxurious life. I came home from school and locked myself in my room, trying to control my power to see ghosts. My parents were the ones who enjoyed that luxurious life. They attended elegant parties and socialized with other rich people."

"A lonely rich kid."

"My parents were the wealthy ones, I was just a freeloader."

"So... Saik, are you happy?"


"Yes... Your parents died and your mentality is that of a loner. Are you happy? Are you satisfied with your life?"

Satisfied, huh? Happy?

I... I don't know. From childhood until my parents' death, I wasn't a cheerful boy, but I liked living. I had no friends, I enjoyed my solitude very much. My parents got tired of trying to change me and gave up on me. In middle school, I spent my time sleeping and listening to music in class, trying to rest. I didn't enjoy my childhood because of the ghosts, and when I got the legendary ghosts, I tried to be a normal boy.

But I became... I don't know... Lazy? Unhappy? I don't know... My parents were disappointed in me for my poor academic performance and for being a loner.

I spent all my free time in my room, training the powers of the legendary ghosts. I was a disappointment to my parents, but they loved me. I never hated them, I loved them... But I lost them. Although I promised to protect them, I couldn't save them. The accident was so sudden that I couldn't protect them... They died almost instantly.

They were the only important people to me. When I lost them, I tried to commit suicide, but number 31 reminded me of how much I had struggled to have a normal life. Now that I had full control of the legendary ghosts, no ghost could harm me. I could finally be a normal person... So I decided to fulfill my mother's dream. I'll become an exemplary student. I'll be the best student.

But that's my only goal. After fulfilling it, I'll commit suicide.

So... Am I satisfied with my life? Considering that I want to commit suicide, I guess so.

"Saik, are you okay? You've been quiet."

"I was just thinking about the answer."

I've done incredible things in my life. Not everyone saves the world, but... I don't know... It's hard for me to know what I really feel.

"After the deaths of my parents, I admit I was quite depressed, but now I am... happy... I guess... Yuki, your existence in my life makes me happy. You are the only person I can call a true friend. Your company makes me feel less lonely. Am I satisfied with my life? Honestly... I don't know. My childhood was crap, but afterwards it was more peaceful... I think I am satisfied... I guess.

I have done amazing things in my life, I even saved the world. I should feel satisfied, but I am not. I won't be satisfied until I achieve my mother's dream.

"And you, Yuki? Are you happy?"

(Pov- Yuki.)

Am I happy...? Well...

"I didn't have a happy childhood, I won't lie to you. Nobody came close to me, I was a loner. Later, I found out that my classmates' mothers forbade their children from getting close to me. I thought they were jealous of my mother for being beautiful and having big breasts, but now I know they were afraid of my mother. There were probably bad rumors about my mother."

The few friends I made, they would distance themselves from me after a few days of knowing me. I never had real friends until I met Saik.

"I was happy with my mother, but I also wanted to have friends. I became a ghost, so it's pretty obvious that I wasn't satisfied with my life. But now I'm happy!"

I climbed on top of Saik and hugged him.

"You became my best friend. Being with you makes me very happy!"

I finally got a real friend. Thanks to Saik, I feel alive again.

"You're also my only friend, Yuki. Although I see you more like my little sister. I always wanted to have a sibling."

Ah... He still looks at me like a little girl. I'm 15 years old, I'm not a little girl!

But, for some reason, it hurts that he still sees me that way. I want him to see me as a girl my age, but... this feeling in my chest... why do I feel so strange? I've never felt like this before. This is weird.

"I want to go to a convention."


It's weird that Saik wants to go to a place like that. He doesn't seem like the type of guy who enjoys going to places like that.

"There's an anime convention tomorrow and stuff like that. Oh, and I think people also dress up as video game or anime characters. I'm curious and I want to go."

"Hmm... suspicious. Don't you have any hidden motives?"

Saik is not a guy who enjoys going to places like that. He prefers to lounge around the house than to go to a place with lots of people.

"You caught me. I want to try something. I want to do something in the future and I need to go to that place to prepare myself."

"What are you going to do?"



Well, Saik is definitely not a sociable guy. Learning to socialize, huh? Sounds interesting.

"But I also need you to stay here and train with Sumi. Would you do me that favor? I promise to give you a gift."

"But I want to go too!"

"I really need you to stay here with Sumi. I want her to learn to control her power as soon as possible. I want her to be a normal girl as soon as possible."

Ah... I wanted to go, but I've grown attached to Sumi. Staying with her won't be so bad.

"Alright, but I hope the gift is nice!"

"Doll or clothes?"

"Definitely clothes!"

"I'll buy you cute clothes."

"Thank you!"

How will Saik teach Sumi to control her power? I already want it to be tomorrow...! But...

Being in this position, hugging Saik, makes me feel... very happy.


"C-could you stroke my head?"

"Eh? Sure."

Feeling Saik's hand stroking my head makes me feel... so strange... It's not a bad feeling, it's a very good one. It makes me feel happy, but also protected.

I feel very safe by his side. I wish I could stay like this forever.

"Wow. Your hair is pretty soft."

"Thank you!"

I started to stroke Saik's hair.

"Yours is also very soft."

And it smells quite nice.

I really like to be like this with Saik.... I like to see him, to talk to him... I like to be by his side... What is this feeling...? I don't know... But I like to feel it. I like it very much.

(Pov- Saik.)

Yuki fell asleep on me... Wow... I feel like a father.

"It feels good to have company."

I had always been alone, so having a friend like Yuki makes me... happy? Yes... This feeling is happiness... I suppose. I'm not used to feeling this way... I felt like a doll without emotions in the past. Feeling this way makes me feel weird, but I don't complain, I like it. It makes me feel more human.

Tomorrow I will take a next step towards my goal: getting a girlfriend.

Normal students in a school want to get a girlfriend, and I want to be normal. I don't know what I will do after I get one, but that's a problem for future Saik.

"I'll go to the gym."

I left Yuki on my bed and put on my workout clothes.

I looked at myself in the mirror, combed my hair, took off my contact lenses and put on my glasses.

Alright, I'm ready.

I left my house and headed to the gym.

It will soon be night, but I think the gym closes at 12.

I decided to attend one for two reasons.

First: my body is not normal at all. I attracted a lot of attention in school because of my body. I can keep myself in shape with basic exercises, but I need to appear as someone who attends gyms and all that. As long as I attend only one hour a day, I won't attract attention.

Second: out of interest. I'm interested in attending gyms, mainly out of curiosity.

I arrived at one that is 10 blocks away from my house.

I entered... It looks pretty good. It will be expensive, but considering that the machines in this place look new and the place is huge, it will be worth it. There is a great variety to use.

I registered and paid for a whole year, except for the three weeks I'll be on the island.

It was more expensive than I thought, but I can get more money later.

"Alright... Let's begin."

I ran for 20 minutes on one of the treadmills and stretched my arms. I feel ready for the next step.

This is what normal people do, right?

Have I finally become the normal person I always dreamed of? I worked hard to be normal... I really hope I'm achieving it.

Today is Saturday. My plan is as follows.

Go to the convention and try to socialize with women. In other words, try to flirt. I don't know how to do that, so I want to learn.

Ah... Well, at least that was my original plan, but...

"S-Saik, I'm scared," Yuki said as she hid behind me.

"Don't skip steps, Sumi. Take it slowly. Don't release all your power at once."

Sumi's power is more powerful than I imagined. Her body is expelling a great dark aura and Sumi's eyes turned completely black.

I don't blame Yuki for being afraid of her. Sumi's sharp teeth and that strange smile make her look like a real demon.

"I-I-I-I-I-I can't c-c-c-c-c-control it!"

Black tentacles were created with that aura and began to destroy my room. My consoles, my television.

"My cake..."

The cake I had bought for Yuki and Sumi was destroyed... No one wastes sweets in front of me.

I approached her slowly and the tentacles tried to attack me.

"Be careful, Saik!"

I lifted my hair and my eyes turned gray.

The tentacles, upon touching me, vanished like vapor.

Not all of them, some tentacles hit me before disappearing. Congratulations, Sumi, you are one of the few people who have managed to hurt me.

My nose is bleeding.

"Saik! Don't get too close!"

"Saik? I'm s-s-s-s-s-sorry!"

Sumi is crying. I know you didn't mean to, don't worry.

I hugged Sumi.

"I'm sorry."

I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Eh?! Uwaaaah...! Wa..."

She got too nervous from that kiss, but she fainted. Well, considering I gave her a strong blow to the stomach, it was obvious she would faint.

She is a little girl, and the damage she received is deadly. She only fainted and didn't die because her body is not normal at all. It's even weirder than mine.

I hit her in the chest, right in the heart, to make sure she fainted.

The aura disappeared and I carried her in my arms.

I had to kiss her to distract her. Fortunately, it worked. If she wasn't distracted, her unconscious body would have attacked me when I hit her.

"Saik, will she be okay?"

My eyes returned to normal and I messed up my hair.

"She'll be okay, she just needs to rest."

"Your nose is bleeding, Saik!"

Yuki entered the kitchen and came out with a handkerchief in her hands.

"Does it hurt a lot?! You shouldn't have risked yourself too much!"

She's helping me clean the blood from my nose. She cares a lot about me... Someone cares about me, huh?

I was used to being treated like a monster and more than one person wished for my death.

But Yuki cares a lot about me, she even has tears in her eyes... It feels good that someone cares about me.

"It doesn't hurt that much, don't worry. Thanks for caring."

I left Sumi on the couch and looked at the mess... Ah, my television is broken.

"Mmm... The consoles will be fine. Help me pick up the books, Yuki."


Fortunately, most of my video games are digital. Those tentacles destroyed several of my books.

The novel Sylphie gave me is intact. Good.

We picked up the books that were in good condition and put them back in their place.

"We still have my television to deal with, Saik. Should we bring it down to the living room?"

"Do you not mind watching your children's anime in the living room?"

"N-no they're not for children, they're action anime!"

"I don't consider anime of girls fighting in colorful clothes and where the power of love and friendship is the most important as action anime. I'll go buy another... well, later. We have to take care of Sumi."

"Yes, that's fine. What are we going to do today?"

"I'm going to practice my drawing. Do you want to eat something?"

"I'll help you! I'm interested in seeing what you're going to draw."


(Pov- Sayu.)


No clue about Shadow's location. Absolutely nothing.

Should I give up on my search...? No. I won't give up just yet.

"Not yet."

My phone started ringing. Ah, I hope it's important.

I answered the call.

"What's up?"

"M-my weekly report. S-Saik is still the same as always, he's not Shadow, I told you."

"Shut up, useless. I know what I'm doing. Don't say unnecessary things if no one asks for your damn opinion, Hanako."

"... Yes... Y-yes, I'm sorry... Goodbye."

Tsk. Damn useless.

"Saik is not Shadow... Ah... Saik is weird, but I can't imagine him fighting against legendary ghosts."

Hanako lowered her phone and nervously smiled.

"Hehe... Sayu is always rude to me."

"Fufufu. But that will soon end."

"I'll kill her... She'll regret treating me so badly... For now, I'll take the time to play with Saik!"

Hanako opened the game and sat on the corpse of an old man. And not just one, there were more than 15 dead old men's bodies.

They all had a cut in their neck and their eyes exploded.

She was in an abandoned place, an old house on the beach.

"Little by little, Hanako 2. Little by little."

(Pov- Saik.)

Mmm... Yes, like that... Good... Yes, I think it turned out quite well. A drawing of a flat-chested spider girl. I'm not good at designing, but I think I did a pretty good job.

Post. Done.

I've improved my style. It took me a long time, but I'm getting better.

...Well, it didn't take me as much time as weeks, but I haven't slept much this week to improve my drawings. I learned in less than a week, but that doesn't mean I didn't try. I'm not a prodigy.

"Although I wish I were."

I would save a lot of time and effort if I were a prodigy.

"Saik, Sumi woke up!!"

I see. It's already 4. She slept for quite a while.

I went down to the living room and saw Sumi crying.

She has a strange smile on her face that makes her look terrifying, but to me, she looks like a lonely girl.

"S-s-sorry, Saik! I-I-I hurt you!"



"Don't think a simple girl could hurt me. I'm fine, don't worry."

I offered her a lollipop.

"Here, you'll feel better with a delicious lollipop."

"A-are you not mad?"

"I would never get mad at an adorable girl."

Although I admit the idea of killing you returned to my mind, but I won't do it, Yuki has already grown attached to you.

"Smile and consider this accident a good thing. You learn from mistakes, you don't learn much from success."

"T-thank you... Th-thank you, Saik!"

She hugged me... Ah... I almost killed her on pure instinct, but fortunately I managed to control myself in time.

"Don't worry."

I stroked her head.

"Controlling that power will be even more difficult for you, it took me years."

"Is it true, Saik? Can you do it too?" - Yuki asked.

"Yes, but my aura isn't as big as Sumi's... Well, well. Hey, Sumi, you could say you have a bigger one than me, huh?"


"What do you mean by that, Saik? I feel like you meant something else with those words."

Ah... They didn't understand the joke. They're too pure. That's good.

"I think that joke would work better if Sumi were a boy."

"Ah... I get it now. Saik, you're gross!"

"I-I still don't understand."

Sumi is still too young.

"It's better if you don't understand."

"Could you show it, Saik?"

"No, Yuki. My mother told me to only show it to the person I love. I won't show my thing to two little girls. It's probably even illegal."

Well, that's a lie, my mother didn't tell me that, but I won't show it to Yuki... Huh?

Yuki turned red. Did she get angry? Why? It's common sense to refuse to show it.

"I meant your sinister aura, you perverted idiot!"

Ah, that's why she got angry.

"It's your fault for not specifying."

My eyes turned gray and a black aura started coming out of my body.

It's not as big as Sumi's aura, but I won't complain, having it this size makes me look cool.

"I-incredible... Saik, you look so cool! I'd love to take a picture of you!"

"No photos."

"W-wow. S-Saik, y-y-you're i-i-i-incredible! Y-you can control it! S-Saik, m-m-marry me!"



"No, thank you."

"W-why not?! W-w-we're both the s-s-same!"

"And so what?"

"M-my sister t-told me that married p-people get m-married because they have a l-lot in common."

Ah, what an innocent creature. Marriage is more complex than that.

"Married people may have things in common, but love is more difficult to understand. You and I have a big age difference. If I'm not attracted to girls my age, much less a little girl."

"I-I see... And what about w-when I'm older?!"

I'll be dead by then, so lying won't hurt.

"Considering that you're just like me, maybe, but it's better to fall in love with someone your own age. Don't you agree, Yuki? You're a woman, give Sumi some advice."

"Yes, I agree with you, Saik. You're much older than Sumi, so it would be best for her to marry someone her own age."

"I-i-i-it's not fair! I want to be y-y-your w-wife!"

"You're a little girl, you don't know what you want. Let's continue training instead. For now, we'll work on ghost touch."

I sat on the floor.

"Please, Yuki, sit in front of me."


Yuki sat in front of me and I extended my hands.

"Give me your hands."


Yuki and I joined hands.

"Pay attention, when you feel Yuki, do the following. Think about not wanting to touch her hands and..."

Yuki's hands passed through mine.

"There. Now watch this."

Yuki's hands stopped passing through my body and returned to their original position.

"It's impossible for a physical ghost body to be inside a physical body. This can also help you avoid ghosts trying to take over your body."

"I-incredible! I w-want to try it!"


It will take us a long time, but this will produce results.

This exercise is too simple and basic, but it's the safest. Sumi needs to progress slowly, I don't want to put her in danger again. The power to see ghosts naturally is too dangerous, most of those born with this power die. And the few who survive become power-hungry demons, or they become loners and never reveal they can see ghosts.

Those who exploit this power are killed by the ghost-hunting organization.

I've met many people with the power to see ghosts naturally, most of them were good people, but...

Ah, it's better not to think about it.

Monday, a new day of classes began, and of course, it started as calm as always.

I arrived at school, paid attention in class, and then went home to my nice little house to rest. It was a peaceful day without any problems... or at least that's what I wanted.

The reality is completely different.

"You did this to me, I'm sure of it!"

The vice president grabbed me by the collar and pushed me against the wall. It was suspicious that he asked me to meet him in a secluded place where no one could see if he wanted to hit me. But that's more beneficial for me. I want to avoid trouble now that behavior affects our grades. The vice president could accuse me even without evidence.

"What do you mean by 'this'?"

"Don't play dumb!"

Oh, you're quite aggressive. I know the public humiliation affected you, but I had nothing to do with it. It was number 31, not me.

"Why don't we calm down? Fighting will only hurt our grades. Personally, I don't care, but I promised someone that we would make it to Class A. Well, I suppose you don't care anymore, do you? You only care about revenge, but I didn't do it. Why don't you suspect the team you played with?"

"I'm sure it was you, I know it. If you think you'll get away with it, you're very wrong."

"Ah... I didn't do it. But well, what will you do? Hit me? Do whatever you want, but I don't care."

"No, I'll do something much better."

He moved his head back. Oh, is he serious? I'll let him do it, I want to see what he'll do.

He smashed his face against the wall. Ouch. He broke his nose.

"Have you gone mad?"

He knelt on the ground, bleeding. It looks disgusting.

"I'll expel you."

Mmm... This is pathetic.

His friends, who were hiding behind the wall, approached us.

"We got him."

"Fufu. Say goodbye to your classmates, idiot."

I see, they will blame me for this. False evidence. It could work, but I decided not to use it, it has too many disadvantages, like this.

"Are you going to accuse me of something I didn't do? That's pretty cowardly of you."

"I don't care. Goodbye. Enjoy the rest of your last day of classes."

"But you hit yourself. I didn't hit you. Don't you feel ashamed of being a liar?"

"All I care about is the results."

"But you hit yourself. I didn't hit you."

"I don't care! Who are they going to believe? You or me? I have evidence."

Well, well. He trusts too much in what he did, huh? Overconfidence was his mistake.

"I see. Well, goodbye. I'll go enjoy my last day of classes. Goodbye, you piece of shit."

I walked away. Ah, this day became more fun.

I entered my classroom and left my things on my desk. The vice president made a risky move, but he will fail. I shouldn't worry so much about him, I should only worry about the girl next to me.

"Won't you say good morning?" she asked.

"If I talk to you, you'll just ask me for help," I replied.

"Hehe. You already did."

"Ah... You're right."

I wanted to avoid this. She stared at me when I entered the classroom, knowing that something was up.

"And what do you want?" I asked.

"Naok, Bell, and Evelyn are even more foolish than I thought."

"Hey, I'm right here! Don't say such hurtful things!"

"They're useless, I need your help to make them better."

Ram kept talking, ignoring Bell's complaints.

"I don't know how to teach."

"I gave Sylphie a little test and her results were very good, better than I imagined. You know how to teach, that explains Sylphie's great progress."

"Ah... I'm too lazy, I don't want to."

"Do it, I'm asking you as the class vice president."

Well, well. A corrupt vice president, huh? I feel overworked.

"Just one hour a day, that's the most I can offer."

"Just that hour is enough."

I preferred to avoid these kinds of problems, but as long as it's only one hour, I'll bear it.

The teacher entered the classroom and handed out exams. Exams that prepare us for the real exams.

These have no real value, but we'll get positive points if we answer them correctly.

Is that good or bad? Considering Yuki is with her new friend, it's pretty bad.

So many numbers and equations make me dizzy. It's time to use it.

"Number 2, intelligence."

"Fufu. Hi, darling. It's been a while since you used me," said Number 2, inside my mind.

I'll only use it for the problems I don't understand.

I started to solve the exam.

After 50 minutes, I handed in my exam. That last problem was too complex for a high school student, it's at a university level. Why did they put such a complex problem in this exam? I don't know, and I don't care. As long as I get my 100, I'll be satisfied.

100 questions... Wow... This school doesn't joke around when it comes to maintaining the quality of its students.

"Are you finished?"

The little common sense I have tells me not to make a joke at this moment. I was going to tell her that I haven't finished, that I'm just turning it in because I got lazy.

Better not say anything.


She took my exam and almost immediately checked the last problem. Well, it's the most complex one, I guess she's curious if I answered it correctly.

"It's... correct."

"Thank you. Can I sit down?"

"Yes... Go to your seat."

"Oh, by the way."

I approached her and whispered something.

"Ah... Yes, I understand. It's okay."

"Thank you."

I went back to my comfortable seat and prepared to sleep. I deserve a good rest, of course.

"S-Saik, hey, Saik, wake up."

Ah, I was dreaming about hamburgers. I'm hungry. When I get home, I'll make... no, two double meat burgers, greasy and delicious. My mouth waters just imagining their taste.

I opened my eyes and saw Sylphie looking at me worried. Did she fail? The exam was difficult, I admit, but she should have answered at least 60 questions correctly.

"What's wrong? Do you think you're going to fail? Don't worry, you've improved, Sylphie."

"N-no, look."

Oh, it's the student council president and vice president.

"Hi, president. Hi, crap boy."

My classmates laughed at that last comment, angering the vice president.

"To the student council room, now."


I checked the time... Hey, hey, hey, it's lunchtime.

"After lunch, I'll go. I'm hungry."

"Now, Saik."

Oh, the president is smiling at me... Well, this will be interesting.

"Yes, I'm coming."

I got up from my seat.

"Sylphie, if I disappear, blame Ram first and then the president."

"Hey, why me?!"

"I'm more afraid of you."

I left the classroom with them. Oh, that was quick. The vice president smiled confidently, but the president smiled as if she already knew the outcome this would have.

Knowing her, she already knows what I did. This girl surprises me more every day. If she had a strong personality, I would fall in love with her.

... Oh... Do I like being treated badly? I hope it's not a fetish. The president is a woman who wouldn't betray an ally or be intimidated, but I don't like her or feel attracted to her... Yes, I think I like aggressive girls like Naima.

I have weird tastes, just like me.

We arrived at the student council room and a teacher was inside. The teacher in charge of the third-year class A.

He looked at me and I felt some anger in him, but he hid it with a supposed friendly smile.

"Take a seat."

I sat down and the president sat in her seat.

"I suppose you already know why you're here."

She took out her phone and showed me a photo, the photo they took of me with the vice president.

"Did you hit Akito?"

"No, I didn't."

"The evidence is clear, you can't deny it!"

Oh, the vice president got angry.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to report this. Bullying is prohibited, and we suspect that you were the one who put laxatives in Akito's drink or food."

Even the teacher is on him side. Well, well.

"I see. I'm cornered. Am I at risk of expulsion?"

"Yes," said the teacher firmly.

"I see... Madam President, you seem like an intelligent woman. What would you do if someone who hates you tells you to meet behind some classrooms?"

The president smiled at me.

"I wouldn't go, but if I think they have something planned, I would record with my phone what happens."

"Exactly. I would like to accuse the vice president of presenting false and arranged evidence."


Ignoring the vice president's surprise, I took out my phone and showed the recording to the president.

"And I would like to have a witness with me. A neutral one. They should be here soon."

The door opened.

"She's here."

My witness entered the student council room, my teacher.

"Not very neutral, but it ensures that the class A teacher doesn't try to lie, and I doubt the president is corrupt, right?"

"Hehe. Let's listen to the evidence."

"Are you going to accuse me of something I didn't do? That's pretty cowardly of you."

"I don't care. Goodbye. Enjoy the rest of your last day of classes."

"But you hit yourself. I didn't hit you. Don't you feel ashamed of being a liar?"

"All I care about is the results."

"But you hit yourself. I didn't hit you."

"I don't care! Who are they going to believe? You or me? I have evidence."

Everyone clearly heard the evidence, the vice president couldn't deny what he did.

I put away my phone.

"Well, I suppose that will be enough."

They won't expel him for this, but at least he'll receive a punishment.

"Akito, this behavior is unacceptable for a member of the student council. At this moment, you are no longer a member."

"N-no, wait, please!"

"Akito will receive his corresponding punishment. You may leave."

"Thank you."

Before leaving the student council room, I looked the teacher of class A in the eyes.

"Teacher, don't get too used to being in class A."

"What do you mean?"

I left the room and sighed. Everything went just as planned. The vice president is easier to manipulate than I thought. I think it will be fun to play with him a little more.

For now, I'll just focus on enjoying a delicious meal.

I entered my classroom and grabbed my lunches. Sylphie isn't here, she probably went to buy her food.

I'll take advantage and go eat alone. A delicious solo meal is more delicious.

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