
Chapter 20

Some may deny or even hide away from it... but truth of the matter remains, it determines our present and the future as well.

Maybe it forces us to work hard and smart, maybe it makes us extremely lazy, 'OUR PAST' matters.

"He knows" says mother. "How did he find out?" asks Dodo. "I told him" answers mother, "I had no choice." "Mom!" Dodo yells her tittle in wonder. "There's fire on the mountain already" she says, "he's definitely going to fly to America!" "You know how stubborn your son can be!" she speaks unbelievably reacting towards her's mother deed, to inform madly in love 'Don' about Lala's way abouts. "My daughter, we needed to bring him back home... I went to him ready to die... In my mind I was thinking... for two years he hate us this much to the extent of wishing us death. It was different when I got to him. All sunk in regrets, that's how he was... His eyes looked very sorry," mother talks defensively, "he shot your father accidentally." "In such a situation before my son could kill himself" adds mother, "he needed a sign to gain his strength and starts living... bringing Lala in the picture was the best ideas... I don't regret it." Dodo's gesture behind the phone is a clear message she can't agree with her mother no matter the excuse. "Leave everything to me I will make sure he doesn't fly to America," says mother to calm her daughter down. "How mom!" she roughly asks, "as if you don't know how stubborn your son can become."

"Don't tell me after all these years and everything that happened you still hope to marry him?!" mother speaks in concern according to her daughter's argument. "Just whip your dust covered eyes, you need to have a clear view of reality," mother stipulates. "Don't you forget that Lala right now is legally married with Don," strikes mother as she channels her daughter's memory back in line. Dodo is listening painfully behind the phone. "I told you to concentrate and find yourself a man," mother continues to say, "do not expect any miracle to happen... however crazy in love you maybe bacause his heart is with Lala."

Like bullet shots, Dodo feels the pain in the truth from her mother's words. She takes the phone a little bit off the ear and look at it with a hurting face then puts it back.. mom is still talking. "Stop telling me such mom!" she yells madly, "you nolonger care about how I feel."

"My daughter," says mom passionately, "it talks a loving and caring person to tell the truth no matter how much it hurts. You need to admit the truth.... what am telling you is the whole truth."

"Goodbye mom" madly Dodo chooses to get off the phone.

"Don't forget to find yourself a man," shouts mother but her daughter has already cut off the phone call.

"Gosh....! she just cut me off," mother continues to talk to herself putting back on her lens glasses to the eyes for a clear view of the lines in a book she was reading before her daughter called in to interrupt. "Stubborn children," she speaks on a crooked face.

Dodo angrily walks to the kitchen to find herself a glass of water, she drinks it like she's coming out of a thousand metre marathon, non stop until empty. "Gosh ....! she speaks madly slapping her own forehead so hard, four times in a row. She seems to be mad at herself. "Do I still have feelings for him!" she wonders, "no.... it is not right....gosh"

Her phone rings allover a sudden. Happily Mr Owen informs her how he has succeeded in booking for her an appointment with his boss and it's due on Wednesday lunch 1:00pm. This is another abrupt news that distracts her mind off what had happened earlier on phone with mother. It puts her on tension. "What!" she yells. Owen's phone is still on his ears so he hears. "Anything wrong?" Owen asks. Confusingly, so soon Dodo has forgotten that she's on phone talking to someone. "No, nothing!" she speaks. "Did you just say Wednesday!" Dodo reacts.. "Is Wednesday not convenient for you?" Asks Owen. "It is," she replies trying to put herself together, "thank you Mr Owen." "I think I need a glass of wine," Looking so puzzled, Dodo says walking out of the kitchen. Mr Owen looks at the phone puzzled. He makes a wondering face.

It's Wednesday, 12:55pm. Dodo's driver takes a sharp corner at the road intersection in a black sedan BMW 745LE M sport long wheel base. "Am only left with five minutes and my meeting starts, please make it real quick," in the rear seat Dodo speaks to her driver. "Yes madam, " obediently he replies.

At a very large, with hundreds of floors sky scraper, a helicopter targets to land on the helipad on top of the building's roof. The helipad is marked with the word "BUFFALO" in captital letters. The same word in a very attractive design marks on the building, covering a very large area. Down on the ground floor, Dodo's car arrives too. Quickly an usher walks in towards the car and opens the door. Very beautiful and well dressed Dodo steps out. The driver drives off.

So smart in a gentleman's outfit, consisting a black tuxedo, Owen steps out of a chopper on still turning rotors giving a very strong sound and blowing wind. He lifts up his hand to fetch an exclusive young lady by the names Lady Lala, all dressed in white from head to the toe, apart from the brown shades covering her eyes. Her other hand holds tight on a white cloth material covering her hair so that it is not disturbed by the heavy wind from the helicopter rotors. Gently, Owen walks his boss on the rooftop into the building.

"Please don't mention my name to your boss when scheduling an appointment," Owen recalls while inside the elevator going down with his boss, a personal request Dodo made when they were discussing. "Do you want to kill her?! jokingly asks Owen. "Kind of," she answers. Owen smiles looking straight into her eyes. "If you kill her I will remain unemployed," he jokes again. Dodo smiles and says, "I will take care of you," she brags jokingly too. "I will not ask you the reason," he says. "If you do she may not like meeting me," Dodo speaks in suspense.

Owen agreed that night not to mention Dodo's name as requested but then when he met his boss Lady Lala,

"... her name is Dodo, the daughter of Mr James who owns kingdom hotel in Beverly Hills" speaks Owen, "our sources have gone further to discover she is not at any point a threat." Owen speaks these words to Lala as they walk in the building after a meeting with share holders. "Then why was her eyes all on me that night," asks Lady Lala. "It is not known yet" Owen replies, "I think this is the best reason why you have to meet her." Owen goes on to recall what went on in the discussion before this meeting was scheduled. It is obvious they knew Dodo was watching Lady Lala during the meeting which took place at their hotel in Beverly Hills, not ending there but went a head to make investigations on her.

Dodo doesn't know about this.

In a private V.I.P dinning room, Dodo is guided inside. She is warmly welcomed by two ushers. Lala and Owen are already inside on a table well set with diffrent kinds of beverages and edibles. More food staffs are still coming in on a hotel trolley pushed by a well dressed chef. An usher goes ahead to pull a chair in a suitable position for Dodo to comfortably sit, directly facing Lady Lala. No matter how kin and serious Dodo looks at Lala, it is surprisingly amazing that Lala doesn't seem to mind. She looks at her like a person she has never met before.

"You're most welcome," smiling Lala speaks. Dodo can't believe that Lala doesn't seem to mind. "Lala!" with a crooked face Dodo loudly mentions her name trying to send a message that it is me 'Dodo'. "Sorry! have we ever met before?!" Curiously Lala asks considering the way she addressed her. Owen is watching in his position where he is seated. "Really!" wonders Dodo on a very angry face. "How could you forget too easily!" she asks, " how could you.....?" screaming rudely. "Wait a minute!" says Lala, "I don't understand if this is your way of greeting people but I don't like it." "I will not sit here and watch you disrespecting me infront of my worker, young Lady!" annoyed Lala talks on top her voice. "If you have any problem with our companies or services, please address it instead of acting dramatic here!" she adds.

"Stop pretending Lala!" Dodo speaks laughing it off, "Don will soon be here and I want you to behave the same way you're behaving to me right now."

"Young lady" calmly speaks Lala, "I can now see how serious you've become but please, make me understand your pain... you're confusing me. Don or which ever name you think of to mention, it doesn't make any sense to me." "I can see how tough you've become to the extent of denying the man you're married to" says surprise Dodo,"this is becoming interesting."

Now Lala laughs so loud. "Married!" she exclaims. "Now I understand you young Lady. Trust me you have mistaken me with someone else... Am not married, not even engaged to someone... let's just enjoy this meal and call it a day," Lala talks carelessly as she continues to smile about the issue proving that she doesn't have anything linked on whatever Dodo is saying. Owen is comfortably watching the drama.

This time round, Dodo's madness raises looking at Lala taking her presence for granted. She feels so undermined. She can't sit down a watch Lala behaving in what she calls a careless and disrespectful manner. Dodo stands up with a very angry face, recalling on when she reversed her car to help Lala late that night in extreme coldness and covered the homeless girl she knew nothing about with her expensive chinchilla gown. She bangs the table and pushes a plate in front of her on the floor. The plate breaks. Everyone around looks so scared and wondering.

This is when Lady Lala realises that the young lady in front of her didn't come to joke. She slowly puts down her eating cloth and raises up from her comfortability. "Please inform security," she instructs an usher who is standing on the entrance. Security is ever around more so in executive places and in just seconds two security officers enters inside the VIP.

Owen can't believe Dodo can become this messy and put up a chaos like this. "This is not the person I met!" deep inside him, Owen wonders. Speechless but very angry he looks at her. He remembers Dodo admitting wanting to kill his boss. The situation becomes tormenting and scary to everyone watching. "Please escort this crazy young lady outside," Lady Lala tells security.

"Don't touch me!" shouts Dodo when the security officers try to grab her hand. "And you Lala," she looks at her with a kin eye and says, "you may pretend that you don't know me or even Don when he comes to America, but you can not hide the fact that I supported you and your young brother Jack from rags to riches." Dodo ruthlessly talks.

"Wait a minute," Curiously Lala speaks, "how the hell do you come to know about my young brother?" she asks. Pronouncing the name Jack turns the whole story upsidedown "You mean you know Jack?!" Owen comes in to speak, looking so surprised.

Dodo Laughs. "I may not know about your present life, that one I don't care. You may run and hide however far you wish... it doesn't matter to me! Lie, pretend, deceive do whatever you want to... but I want you to know one thing... your past determines your present." she speaks and then walks out the room by her own angrily. "Stop!" shouts Lala who is in a very big shock. "What is she talking about?!" Still speaking like she has no idea, Lala.

Dodo has already walked out.

"If she knows Jack, then she possibly knows you," Owen walks near his boss saying. Lala looks at Owen with a kin but confused eye. She then sits down all broken in joints with a hip of thoughts. "I cannot eat," she speaks with eyes at the meal on the dinning. "Continue eating if you like," she tells Owen.

Without hesitating, Owen tucks a white apron from the neck into his shirt, grabs the cut rally "am sterving," he speaks and begins to serve on his plate. "I don't want to die of hunger," he says looking at his boss Lady Lala... then he fixes the table knife and a fork to slice a yummy looking piece of beef on a plate.

".....you would have seen how she reacted," Dodo communicates it all on phone, "this is so ridiculous dad."

"It wasn't at all easy to convince him too, no matter the raining words we spoke to make him understand he insisted on coming," Mr James inform his daughter Dodo about Don's discussion to come to America.

"I actually wasn't in support of him coming here before but since Lala has decided to drive it on such a crooked road, I want Don to see for himself as he gets denied by the woman he chose to marry and abandoned me, the same way Simon Peter denied his master Jesus," Dodo says. "I don't want my son to run mad in America where I can't help him, " mother who is listening to the whole conversation behind her husband's back speaks. "Tell your mom to stop sneaking in the house," Mr James reports to their daughter. "Put my daughter on the loud I want to here what she says," Stubborn wife tell the husband. For the love and friendship he has with his wife, Mr James doesn't hesitate doing so. "Maybe he will suddenly give up on Lala and follow the right roots as we always wished,"he tells his wife. "We just pray to heavens it happens in our favour" says MrsJames, "but am a little worried about the chaos that will result after being denied by the love of his life, more importantly his wife."

"Am worried too....," Mr James says taking a long breathe, "we've played our part."

"Stop being emotional dad am still on phone," speaks Dodo. "I hear you my daughter," he replies, "just that he is coming to a foreign country."

"I will kill him before he puts himself in trouble, if he can't accept the truth of the matter, " says Dodo jokingly. Mr James smile.

"Did he tell you to pick him at the airport?" asks Mr James, "because he boarded this morning." "Since she is silent about it, I don't think he called her," speaks mother who seems to know her daughter so well. "Maybe he called upon his friend Cynthia," Mr James says. "Who is Cynthia?!" Dodo asks her father on phone. Mother looks curious too like she has never heard of that name before.

"Don was staying with their family during his studies before he graduated in America at 18 years of age," Mr James answers. "I thought he was staying with you Dad!" speaks in wonder, Dodo. "Cynthia's father is my business partner" Mr James explains to his daughter, "and one day during thanks giving holidays, the family invited us. This is how Don came upto meet Cynthia, who was his age mate as they were riding horses together. You know very well how Don suddenly developed love for horses. This is where his it all started started after learning how to ride. And that's why he has a farm of horses at home."

His wife comes in to say, "I actually know about your friends but never knew why my son spends a lot of money on horses."

"When they noticed his love for horses" he goes further with his explanation, "they asked me if he could stay which he also desired when I asked him... that's how he ended up staying at Cynthia's home." "They even started attending the same school until graduation," Mr James tells them recalling.

"You need to call your friend and confirm with them then," Dodo tells her father.

Mr James is a very simple and kind man with less words whenever he speaks. "Alright," he agrees.

"Guess what mom," a young lady talks to her mom at the office. "With all that excitement on your face, I think you are going on a date tonight," she submits her guessing.

"Don called and wants me to pick him at the airport." says the young excitedly. "Wow!" mother to hear this turns out to be a very big surprise to her. "Please I would like to see him too," she gets excited too as she makes a request from her daughter. "I've already called father on this and he was so excited, more than you're mom," she speaks teasing her mother. "Of course she's going to stay at home obviously you'll have to meet him. You can't believe it's been seven years since I last heard from him," says the young lady, "I wonder what could bring him to America... if am not mistaken, America is one of the countries he said to have hate most since the incident of gun shorts which killed his favorite rapper... He said he will never comeback after his studies." "He's here now so, he is in the right position to give you all the answers," replies the jolly mother. "I truly can't wait to see him mom."

Fully excited, the young lady runs out of her mother's office holding a file and a black handbag. She leaves her mother smiling, with eyes in the door direction where she has passed. "Cynthia!" her mother exclaims with a pretty smile.


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