
Fight 3.0

"You already know me."

"But you haven't."

Justin walked over to Laura with hunter instinct at work. He wouldn't be that easily fooled by a foreign vampire in front of him. Oh, that's right. Laura didn't run away seeing Justin getting closer. He could have fled from that place to avoid his death's pursuit and shadow.

Even though Laura didn't move an inch from her spot, Justin remained alert for surprising possibilities. He had arrived in front of her, in fact, the distance between them was too close that Justin could smell the Bulgarian rose from Laura's body while she could smell the musk in front of him. Justin's palms rested against the wall, locking Laura from running away from him even though he doubted that she intended to escape.

"What's your name?" Justin whispered alluringly.

"I have many names. Which one do you want?"

"Your moniker, Miss."

Laura bit her lower lip. "Just call me Sexy."

"You are very narcissistic. All right, Sexy." Justin's tone changed that second. If Laura doesn't tell him where The Victors are hiding, Justin is forced to take another route by bringing Laura to camp for trial. Oh, let's not forget the part that vampire hunters carry a lot of hunting equipment. Although Justin threw away his crossbow and wooden stakes, there were various other tools in various parts of his body. "Where do The Victors live?"

"You want to know the answer?" Once again, Laura bit her lower lip. "Kiss me."

Responding to Laura's request, Justin smiled lopsidedly. "Besides being narcissistic, you're also full of lust." The crooked smile he had developed vanished at the same time as Justin's hand gripped Laura's neck, holding her against the wall. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me. I don't like to procrastinate… Sexy."

Justin's other hand reached into a smaller wooden peg tucked under his jacket and pulled it out in just a nanosecond. Before the sharp tip of the stake pierced Laura's heart, Laura's hand gripped Justin's wrist hard enough that it might shatter the young man's bones. The peg in Justin's grip fell and accidentally Justin's hand touched Laura's chest.

"Touching my boobs without consent is an illegal thing, Mr. Leonidas." Laura smiled lopsidedly, followed by a smooth kick on Justin's stomach, making the young man fall backward.

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