
Chapter 85: Beasts Of The Hunt

Deep Woods, Open Forrest, Outskirts...

 A series of violent snarls filled the open night air as many a humanoid wolf tore through the looming trees to get at the rich scent of blood that had caught their collective attention. The Howler M.C. had stumbled upon a group of outlaws who had taken up in the wilderness and had been having themselves something of a party with a good deal of drugs, and booze before the shift of the time and the onset of the werewolves descending upon their camp. Everywhere snarling teeth and razor-sharp claws had been digging into hot warm flesh and the splattering of crimson slick blood had been glorious as the brutes hunted and feasted on the corpses of the drunk and high brutes who had taken to camping in the wilderness to escape the long arm of the law. 

Brick had been the first to reach them, his teeth and claws ripping and tearing apart the fools who had never seen him coming. He could taste the copper in their blood as it sprayed in the air and filled his mouth washing all over his fangs and razor-sharp teeth as the sounds of terrified screams and shouts filled his keen wolf ears. He delighted in their misery, the palpable fear that filled their bodies as their weary hearts beat faster and faster. He knew all too well that the adrenaline in their system would be activated as a means of self-preservation but it would be to no avail when it came to his superhuman speed and the thrill of a good chase. 

Brick had leaped along fallen logs and toppled bikes as he chased after the apparent leader of the gang eager to sink his teeth into the biggest fish of all as he found himself hot on the heels of the terrified bald drug dealer. He had been rather husky as he ran in dirty blue jeans and worn leather boots screaming for his life as he noted the battered and mangled bodies of his former comrades sprawled all over the front of his apparent former clubhouse. 

He had cut a rather desperate left and nearly stumbled over a log as he moved deeper and deeper into the woods, not at all paying any attention to the direction he'd been heading to. Brick had sniffed him out quite easily, the scent of cocaine and copper from the blood he'd spilled from another on his hands and lingering like a pointed target as his sweat and musk mixed in. Those had not been pleasant smells by any means but they had been enough to get a position on the prey stumbling beneath the looming trees and blinded by darkness. 

Brick picked up speed, determined more than ever to capture the running drug dealer and rip him to shreds as his bone-chilling howls pierced the darkness and cold making the running man panic all the more. He had been growing tired, the tension in his muscles like a coiled spring slowly wearing down despite the rapid pumping of adrenaline as he ran for his life amid the looming dark trees and the dry crackling leaves beneath their feet. 

A sniff and a snarl had been all Brick had for the panicked man as he leapt and sunk his razor-sharp teeth into the soft human flesh of the man's arm just as he tripped amid a small stream of mud and tumbled onto the ground hitting his head and neck as he rolled unceremoniously down a hill amid logs as Brick continued to give chase fascinated by the movement of his newest line of prey. 

Beaten and broken, the drug dealer attempted to move but found his body much too heavy and his muscles unable to move. Fear coursed through him, a rather intoxicating fear that filled Brick's flaring nostrils as he greedily licked his black lips and the saliva increased as it oozed over his massive jaws. This was it, this was the moment he'd finally end his prey. 

Screams filled the air amid darkness as howls erupted to the sound of biting and tearing in the wake of the vicious attack from Brick the rather bloodlust-driven wolf making quick work of the prey he had cornered as his pack swarmed the screaming blood sack that had once been a mortal man. 

"AHHHHHHH!" had been his final cry as the snarls and growls continued amid the sound of flesh being torn from bone and the ripping of fabric that had once been the now dead meat sack's attire. 

Bloody faces and deep howls moved about the darkness beneath the looming trees as they swayed to and fro amid the blackened sky and high glow of the full moon. The song of luna filled the ears of the beasts who had celebrated another victorious hunt at the expense of their mutilated prey. Their mutual hearts were glad and giving thanks to Luna as her song filled their ears and they joined her with songs of their own. 


Several Hours Later.....

 The seemingly confused gray eyes of Brick Kenneally opened to find he'd been in the middle of a field naked and covered in blood and dirt as he found himself unable to make sense of the time that seemed to have passed nor the pounding headache that lingered from the results of his bloodlust getting the better of him. It had been a difficult thing to endure when the wild days and nights of a transformation had not gone according to plan. The constant fear of having brought a mortal to harm had been evident and the temptation of giving in to the ways of the beast's blood, of becoming feral had always been present. 

Brick rolled onto his knees, his bare flesh dining into the soft soil as he began to vomit tasting only the coppery salt of blood, as he dry heaved amid the fallen leaves and dirt around him. He had known this taste, this horrible taste that he had dreaded even as he noted the full moon looming high above him. It wasn't the taste of animal blood, which had an altogether different aftertaste being more earthy and natural than the booze-addled coppery salt that filled his mouth as he vomited upon recognition of the blood that lined his mouth. It had been human blood alright, and it was rancid in terms of quality. 

"Fuck..." growled Brick attempting to come to his senses after vomiting due to the after taste. "Fuck what the hell happened last night?"

He found himself given to a good deal of distress as he dug his fingers into the soft soil below and attempted to catch his wayward breath. The foul stench of his vomit and the blood filled his now wrinkled nose and he turned away from it, his mind now streaming at him to get away from it at all costs. He rolled onto his knees and did just that taking in a large gulp of fresher air as his bubbling stomach began to settle amid the cool breeze that found him. 

He reeked of sweat and blood mixed with dirt. A common thing whenever he had awakened after a transformation but he had also been given to his bloodlust and knew right away that he'd harmed a human man.

The aftertaste of strong booze was unmistakable. 

"Fuck..." he said before collapsing onto his back amid the dry leaves and dirt once more. 

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