
Chapter 31: Something Of A Liking

The Backroom, Earl's Diner, Temperance, South Dakota....

Layla Quinn could hardly believe how her day was going given the nearly oversleeping and missing her bus to work. She'd been pleased that she didn't have to suffer through school and then work a shift only to find herself suffering through work given the amount of rude and drunk customers she had to deal with hitting on her and whistling like wild animals at her and and Phoebe while they went about their business. The incident from the previous few nights shift had not made it any better by any means and she found herself largely thankful that Brick had given her that knife. She was feeling a good deal anxious and vastly annoyed as the day went by unsure why but she couldn't seem to keep her hands from shaking and her mind focused on the tasks she had to complete over the course of her shift. She had never been so out of it as long as she'd worked there but the memories of the attack had a far worse effect on her psychologically than she ever cared to admit.

She found herself more often than not in the back washing dishes determined to keep her mind from wandering back to that awful night now that the initial shock of it all had been long gone and there was only the dreams of what might have happened had Brick not intervened. Phoebe had been constantly checking up on her even when she had insisted that she'd been fine and could get through her shift.

Layla continued to wash dishes amid the heated water and the chatter of the guests as well as the other workers moving about the back area seemingly getting along just fine with their newly altered routine. The revving of motorcycle engines had caught Layla's attention and before she could even stop herself to think of the reason why, she'd been out the back entrance where she'd encountered Brick Kenneally and caught sight of him and his motorcycle gang newly returned to Temperance and looking for a hot meal after being so long on the road. They had dropped Devin Heller off at Sheriff Tillman's and planned to unwind a bit for the evening.

Brick had not looked too thrilled as he made his way toward the entrance of the diner only to stop and instruct the boys and Goldie to go ahead without him but to mind their collective manners. There was some gripes and grumbles but they ultimately did as he instructed and entered on their best behavior at least for the time being. Brick took note of Layla and that she'd been in the alley where the attack had occurred. He cut away from the boys and strolled rather casually toward the place after catching sight of her before she managed to get back toward the back entrance and pretend she wasn't in the least surprised by his arrival.

"Well lookie here." said Brick with something of a sly smirk as he headed toward her, his leather cut seemingly shiny in the direct sunlight and his hands in the pockets of his dark colored jeans. He was still as an impressive sight as Layla had recalled him being.

The rugged unkempt beard and apparently macho earring notwithstanding. His hair seemed to have gotten longer as well despite it being only a few days since their first encounter and he was well tanned despite his slightly dirty appearance. He approached her and she had not moved choosing on instinct to stand where he had kissed her for the first time as she felt her heart rate increase and her breaths slow as he stalked up to her like a hunter with his eyes on his newest line of prey only Brick was more interested in eating than the unseemly cosmic physical pull he felt that compelled him to approach her.

"There's My Girl." he said his rich baritone drawl ringing in Layla's ears as she closed her eyes attempting to steel herself from the urge to throw herself into his massive muscled arms.

Brick got closer and closer until he had finally reached her, his larger frame hulking in muscle mass and leather as he stood behind her taking in her familiar and pleasant scent via her hair as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She still worse the same cherry chapstick he'd grown rather fond of and he still smelled of cigarette smoke which she wasn't too fond of.

Layla had not known what had become of her as she seemed to melt against him feeling his massive chest against her back as he trailed numerous soft pecks along her neck and shoulder. She had been far too busy trying to keep herself in check to notice the eerie glow his already hypnotic grey eyes and the none too subtle growl that escaped him as the same warmth from before filled them both.

"Layla...." he said in a nearly breathless tone. "My memories of you are something like the song."

Layla sighed taking in the scent of sweat, smoke, and booze from the man whom had held her captive in his arms and via her own imagination.

"Brick." said Layla slowly.

"I see you in my dreams you know." he admitted out loud. "You are driving me insane with the memory of you."

Layla had not known what to do with this knowledge as she had been dealing with the effects of their encounter for days now without even knowing how to process it. Before she could stop herself, she turned to face him and he lifted her up off the ground like before and she wrapped her legs around his waist in one stift motion. Their lips crushed together in a frenzy just as before, but there was no drug addict in the alley that set it off.

Once more, Layla found herself with her back pressed against the side of the building while Brick's lips crushed against hers and the scent of him seemed to intoxicate her as much as his eyes had hypnotized her. She could feel how powerful he'd been if only via a glimpse due to the strength he showed in lifting her small frame with ease.

This time him being an older man had no baring on her hidden desire to have his strong hands embrace her young body as he let out another growl in the wake of his heightened sense of arousal.

"Fuck." said Brick in a gruff tone as he panted for a few moments in a bid to catch his wayward breath while leaning back from their series of kisses. "I can't seem to control myself around you."

Layla said nothing as she kept her eyes closed, not wishing to break this moment no matter how much they needed to. The familiar heat filled them and Brick crushed his lips into hers once more as the beast in him yearned for the teenage girl whom had set his world on fire with the blaze of their first initial kiss and meeting.

They were locked in heated exchange for a while before a curious Phoebe came looking for Layla and she was jolted out of the strange haze that came over her in the wake of reuniting with Brick Kenneally after his return from Iowa.

"Layla!" called Phoebe concerned for her after what happened with the drug addict.

The brown haired teen girl sighed as Brick saw his way to letting her back down and backing away from her as she caught her breath. Their eyes met and the two of them reluctantly parted ways as Brick headed toward the front entrance, not wishing to give the boys the satisfaction of knowing that he'd been compelled by the inevitable pull of his having imprinted on Layla a few days prior and Layla had gone back through the rear entrance where she attempted to appear as if she'd been washing dishes the whole time in a bid not to worry Phoebe.

Despite their collective efforts to appear otherwise to their circle of friends, the inevitable lure of their mutual bind had revealed that they each had something of a liking for one another and it couldn't altogether be ignored no matter how much they attempted to do so.

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