
| Come For Me

Ava moved cautiously to the strap and carefully pulled the camera free of the creature's jaws. It growled in protest and watched her closely. She removed the strap and gave it to Lucy, who busied herself tying it around Ro's arm. The creature quietened down when she placed the camera back in front of it.

A minute later it was Paul lying there on the freezing ground, curled up in a ball, quietly, clutching the camera to his face.

'He must've found the locker key after all,' murmured Ava to herself.

Jane looked down at him coldly. 'Kinda late to help us out now,' she breathed. 'Him and that damned camera.'

'Guess we all need to cling on to something,' Jack said quietly. 'Hope. Friends. Memories.'

Ava nodded. 'The stuff that makes us human.' She shivered, feeling a presence behind her. She turned to find Jarvis hovering a few meters away.

'Where'd' you go, old woman?' Jack asked accusingly.

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