
| Playing The Messiah

Ava couldn't help but watch as Maski continued. 'Man's ignorance and superstitious fear was once our greatest defense against him. Now his worshipping of technology, his refinement of reason, allows him no room for such dark fancies.'

'So?' someone shouted. 'If he doesn't believe in us, we're safe.'

'Safe?' Maski shook his head. 'You cling to the illusion of freedom. You're all too scared to see that we've shut ourselves away in the enemy camp. We squat in man's towns and cities and build for ourselves the best lives we can. We skulk in the houses man has made, and only dare venture out to hunt at night – praying that man's eyes aren't upon us.'

''Course we've got to live that way,' a woman called out. 'For most of our lives, we're men and women too.'

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