
Greed and Discord

A/N: Y'all eating good this week. Enjoy chapter, don't forget to give stones and leave a review!!!!


Void crouched, scuttling across, his eyes shifting side to side, he deftly took cover behind the Cryptarch's tent. The winds howled as a gust of air flushed through the empty Courtyard. Levi stood patiently to the side as Void continued with his stealth antics.

"Dude, I told you, there's no one here. Everybody's too goddamn busy with the Consensus. Can you please just hurry up."

"Aren't you the escort here? Do something." Void retorted.

"What? You want me to princess carry your ass? Get UP, and walk."

"Man keep your goddamn voice down, what if they see me." Void immediately hushed him as he lowered to the ground.

"See you? You're f*cking crawling in broad daylight. I HOPE they see you. You spent, TWENTY minutes to walk from the Hangar. Get off your goddamn ass, or I swear I'll throw you down this tower."

Void clicked his tongue as he paced towards Banshee's stall, "Fine, I'll do it myself. For the record, you're a horrible body guard."

Levi shrugged him off as he leaned against the wall, his eyes focused on his transponder. He could feel it, soon, their Captain would definitely drop a huge bomb on them.

"Banshee, you got the goods?" Void swiftly slide over his work order. Naturally, there was no way the gunsmith would even remotely recall who the order was for without a token.

"Hmm....Ah yes. The blade. Give me, a moment." The gunsmith rummaged around in the back, as he fiddled with the caches, eventually he pulled out a black case, marked with the same token symbol.

"The weapon is extraordinary. It's blade is sensitive and utilizes the light. I'd suggest you try it out soon." He handed over the case as Void held out his wrist.

"How much would that set me back?"

Banshee calculated the cost, and deducted the glimmer.

"250,000. No refunds."

Void raised a brow, "You sure? Thought I'd definitely owe you more."

"City's going through a rough patch. Since last night, Consensus pushed for more weapons. Cost is a bit lower due to the lenient workshops looking to aid guardians."

"Is that so." Void took the blade and pondered on the gunsmith's words. He nodded and walked off the side, a notification appeared to the side.

[ Received 1x Zamyr's Requiem ] 


Zamyr's Requiem

Rank: Legendary (Uninfused)

" A lament, an Odyssey, a pilgrimage to ascension, shattered through fate but bound by vows. "


(Fated): Only those chosen can hear its cries, the blade answers to its wielder.

(Hunger): Feast on the paracausal paradigm, an ever-shifting gradient dividing the light and dark. Consume the souls of your enemies. The blade will ascend, and fulfill the lament of an everlasting wish. 

(Locked): ------ Infusions Required

(Locked): ------ Infusions Required


He carefully took out the sword from its cache. The blade felt balanced, its edges were sharp. With one swing, Void estimated the blade was perfect for his style. A lightweight sword, for lethal and instant kills. 

Void's palms wrapped around the hilt as he took out its scabbard, although he hadn't asked for one, Banshee was wise enough to include it. He sheathed the sword, and fastened the scabbard to his side, it's magnetic pulsors syncing with the armor.

"Alright, let's go."

Levi leaned off the wall and headed towards the stairs, "Where to?"

Void pointed his finger down, "I've gotta collect some armor. Workshops were on it."

"Alright money man, you make the moves." The two found the elevator shaft and leapt off, hurling themselves down.


Deep within the Tower's maze, a few floors below the Vanguard's own, Jalaal Dead Orbit's Archon sat in his chair, his eyes drifting to the flood of messages he received in support of the war.

A somber frown etched on his face, the situation was tense, his teeth dug into his lips. It was as if the city itself wanted to swallow his faction. He knew of his own fireteams, what they had suffered through the Ahamkara.

Dead Orbit's objective was not to fight senselessly, but to search the infinite cosmos for a new home. He had no idea how he got roped into this mess.

They were not ready for the moon. Not ready to face the hive. Jalaal's transponder rang, as he read a few messages, his eyes widened. His previous worries were displaced as the Arach leaned back, fingers tapping the table, he contemplated.

A sudden jolt ran through his veins, Jalaal's gaze hardened, shifting towards the door. 

"I don't recall giving out invitations."

"And I don't recall needing any." Lakshmi-2 sauntered into his chambers, her bionic pupils analyzing every minute expression he made, a sly smirk crept on her face. 


"That is none of your concern. I suppose you war mongers are ready to pounce? To think you'd go against Shaxx. You've about lost your mind." His fingers traced the desk, nearing a button.

"There's no need to rush." 

A holographic file jumped from her hands and landed on the desk, expanding into a window.

" The lunar expedition is far more than you think. If we succeed, the city will have a beach head to the solar system. Expeditions that would take months to supply would double their efficiency. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, they're so close, yet so far."

Jalaal's face twitched, his eyes immediately ran through the file. Slowly the color of his face returned to its original hue, greed bloomed in his heart.

"So, you've come to us because? The occasion is dire, but I've not forgotten your cult's motto. This, doesn't sound like you."

Lakshmi rolled her eyes as she fanned him with her hand, "You know what they say, beggars can't be choosers. The expedition is more than our ideology, the City can finally do more. All that's left, is for me to lead it."

The hunter's pale white face turned a shade of faint blue, he leaned back in his chair, thought racing in his mind.

"Pray tell, where does Dead Orbit fit in your grand scheme of war crimes, cult leader."

Lakshmi's gaze settled on the hunter, an amused glare followed. "Please, dear Archon. The cult doesn't need you. You, need us. I'm simply extending an olive branch. As much as I'd hate to admit it, your ships are phenomenal. "

"Maintaining those supply lines is not in the cards for our fighters. But for your freights? I suppose your cowa-" 

Jalaal's eyes turned dark, Lakshmi immediately shifted her tone.

"Pacifists. Your pacifists would be far more skilled at such work, yes?"

Jalaal chuckled as he put away the file. He was definitely amused as he pressed the button on his desk, causing Lakshmi to frown.

"Forgive me cult leader, for all these years of offences. This time, your just a tad bit slower."

A brief silence followed as the two matched glares, the door to his chambers opened, and a familiar voice echoed.

"Cult leader, Arach Jalaal." Executor Hideo nodded as he made his presence known.

Lakshmi fell silent, her previous bravado gone, replaced with a icy glare.

"Cult leader, I don't suppose you informed our Arach that you've offered the same deal to us? No, I suppose not. I don't suppose you told him that you planned to cause a bidding war? Sowing discord and reaping what's left, is that your war plan, cult leader?"

Jalaal stood from his chair as he swiped a different file, which expanded holographically for the trio to see.

"It seems like your olive branch is rotten, similar to your intentions. Unfortunately for you, I suppose we will be deciding the terms now. Of course, that's if your cult truly doesn't need either of us."

"So, what will it be, cult leader?"


A/N: Let's make a deal. I give you daily chapter, you give stone? Good. If we hit high on the rankings I will consider bonus. For now, enjoy the chapters.

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