
Order of Watchers (Draft)

A strange robed figure was watching Elven guards patrol at the borders of The Forest of Monsters.He wore a medallion with the ninelegged spider design.

After seeing the right moment,his face shifted and changed, became ghostly-white skin that resembles wood or marble and have long silvery hair ending in gold and have eye color ranging from amber to sienna.His ears are leaf-shaped and pointed. 

The stranger smoothly moved and joined the patrol group without anyone noticing and followed them to there base.But what he didn't know was this base was just a outpost and the moment he stepped into the base,things got out of hand as the wards got tripped and his form shimmered back to his original.Which alerted the Elven guards,who quickly drew their weapons.

The Stranger in panicked as a deadly black dagger seemed to appear in its hand from nothing at all.But before he could anything the wards zapped him and knocking him out.

This was a strange robed figure,it was tied up and was unconscious.Hadrian and Nauda were called immediately,both of them viewed memory of the incident.

Hadrian was slightly shocked,while he knew someone would try to enter there new home,so he made sure to make barriers with specifically meant for technology and cloaking too.Since he was wary of the technology in this new dimension.

Hadrian was now curious about this stranger,whose tech seems way ahead anything he heard about in this dimension as he questioned"He definitely isn'tpart of Hypos or Urrasan?"

Nuada was also confused added"He tried to sneak into the village disguised as one of the Elven guards."Nuada then gestured towards table,as Hadrian saw there was a silver bracelet and a medallion,after that Nuada continued"But when when barrier arounf the camp sensed him and stunned him,his form shimmered to this one."

This stranger woke up looking around in confusion,he then saw the medallion and bracelet on the table.But he couldn't move or get it,so being angry yelled"Release me."

Nuada frowned and asked"Tell us,who you are? and Why you tried to sneak into our camp?"

The stranger didn't answer,Hadrian signed pulled a vial from his expandable bag and holding it in front of the stranger said"This is Veritaserum,a Truth Potion so powerful that three drops would have you spilling your innermost secrets to us."

This caused the strangers eyes to widen,before he could do anything Nuada pried open his mouth and Hadrian administrated the serum.

Nuada was first to question"Who are you?"

The Stranger was in complete dazed state answered"Maek Shah."

Hadrian asked"What are you?"

The Maek answered"I am a keeper."

Nuada and Hadrian looked at each other confused,as Nuada questioned"What is a Keeper?"

Maek answered"Keepers are an Order that has been around since the Hyperborean era,we shape the destiny of humanity and other beings.We were descendants of the Hyperboreans,who learned the knowledge from the 42 books of Thoth."

Nuada looked at Hadrian who was shocked and muttered"This guy is really from the Hyperborean era."

Hadrian then quickly questioned"Why did you come here?"

Maek answered"I was the Keeper assigned to watch over Eden.I was watching over Bethmora ,when I sensed the dimensional disruptions and found out about Elves arrived here in Barsoom.I wanted to investigate,since your race was never meant to find this dimension.I needed to know how you came here and how you won against the humans,you diverted from the plan we set and who was the Green eyed mage."

Nuada with slight grimace,he remembered Hadrian and him discussing about this.Both had feeling someone was behind the whole war,as Nuada asked"What plan?"

Maek answered"My people are the once,who pushed the humans to war against the magicals.The plan was to make sure humanity progressed with this war,but we couldn't predict about the golden army nor could we enter Bethmora because of some ancient magic.But it worked in out favor and the truce was formed between humans and magical race,we would slowly push the magical race into hiding."

Nuada clenched his fist in anger,almost lunged at Maek.But Hadrian pulled him away,he calmed Nuada down.As Hadrian was angry questioned "How long have you been planning this?"

Maek simply answered "We are eternal.What we thought happen will happen. Our people have spent decades preparing for this war against magical's,the plan was to slowly push the magical race to hiding and slowly extinction."

Hadrian and Nuada clenched there fists in anger,while Maek with same zombie tone continued"We were present in the highest spires of Human empires,to the lowest slums.We are everywhere. We've been playing this game for a long time and we will play it long after the death of yours."

Hadrian and Nuada looked at each other with slight worry,these people were dangerous.Both Hadrian and Nuada started discussing about ways to counter them.Both had figured out the fact they couldn't enter Bethmora and they seem to focus on humans rather than magical species.

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