
Golden Army 20

[A/N:I am going to introduce a similar version of John Carter movie in this,there will be Thern's and Tharks.But the whole teleporting to another planet won't be a thing.Dejah Thoris is a descendant of Hyperborean from the City of Hypos thus the advanced tech.These people are living in another dimension after the destruction of major Hyperborean cities.They will have the same culture like Jeddak and stuff.]

While the war raged on Hadrian noticed the Human army was getting some kind of help like weapons and armor were not something human's in this era should be able to make.Also Ballista's and catapults was also spotted,this only confirmed his theory someone was helping the humans.

In such a state,a Goblin master smith arrived his name was Sigri,who told thing Balor"I could make you a weapon to stop this war,sire."

Balor was gesturing him to continue,Sigri explained"I can create a mechnical army for you to war with humans,so you won't have to lose more people in this war."

Balor was sold in the last part and it was then that the Balor ordered the Sigri to build him a new, invincible army.

Lit by the fires of a hundred furnaces, stoked by scores of goblins and Dwarves also contributed providing there finest metal.Thus a mechanical army is born. Metal plates and moving parts are hammered into shape on enormous anvils and bolted onto tall, ornate, golden figures.

Hadrian was one of the few who oversaw the process, couldn't help but feel this was going to go the wrong way.

Nuala saw his grim look asked"What happened?"

Hadrian shook his head and replied" I feel this Golden army is going to a very bad idea."

Nuala grabbed Hadrian's arm in comfort ,as Hadrian explained"An army,who doesn't show empathy nor it under right from wrong.They will be loyal to one who controls them.

Nuala now thought about it could see where Hadrian was coming from.

Just like Hadrian thought this was an army that would not eat, drink or grow tired. A heartless, ruthless force made of the purest metal, mined from the depths of the earth.

In the castle courtyard was thousands of golden egg like figures,as goblin blacksmith Sigri displays three curved segments gold. He fits them together and holds a completed crown directly over the King's head.

Balor with mighty voice asked" I am King Balor, leader of the Golden Army. Is there anyone here who disputes my right???"

Silence. Prince Nuada kneels next to his father,so does Hadrian and King Balor, who lifts his sword.

They were simple words but ones that carried with them royal power. He said it softly enough for everyone to hear, but once carried on the air, they had a magical effect on the thousands upon thousand of eggs. There was a deep rumble under their feet and their ears were-filled with the sounds of well-oiled mechanisms coming to life. He could tell there were gears, ratchets, and springs in use. Row after row of eggs came to life and were opening up, unfolding using elegant goblin technology. Like flowers blooming in a new spring, the eggs unfolded and spread apart, revealing the coiled, folded metallic forms of the Golden Army.

Hadrian was studying their forms, he recognized that they were going to be larger than any of humans. He looked up and saw that the now fully re-formed soldiers were huge. They were at least ten feet tall, and maybe twice as wide. Each had an oval, beaked head with black eyes, affixed atop a swivel that replaced the neck. Their bulbous shoulders gave way to thin arms that ended with three heavy, paneled forearms that encased the fingers. The soldiers were similarly designed for their legs, although there was a knee join and the shins were flat panels of gold. Around the joints and where the heart and lungs would be on a human were open spaces that pulsated with red light, indicating each member of the army was operational. Each egg also seemed to contain a lance and shield that each soldier retrieved once it stood erect and glowing with resumed life. The weapons appeared to be made from the same metallic substance and no doubt would prove formidable.

Nuada was also watching birth of the legendary army couldn't help,but feel slight fear and awe.

With the deep sound of gears, ratchets and springs, the army comes to life. Up comes the lances and shields.In perfect ranks, in eerie unison, the golden soldiers line up, filling the entire courtyard, awaiting the King's command.Balor told them to finish the war.

In the Battlefield the human army was, plainly nervous, swarm to the long trench they've dug.After all the Bethmora army had crushed them multiple times. Now they're back.

That's when they felt the ground rumble and they saw hulking giant monstrosities rushing towards them.The general in fear gave the signal to

as artilery Artillery weapons were ballista's and single-arm torsion catapult were launched,but nothing effected the,everything bounced off there armor like nothing.

It was complete massacre and they didn't stop there they went further into cities,just like Hadrian thought the golden army knew no bounds, had no remorse, felt no loyalty, engaging in blind battle with man, woman or child.

The horde crushed everything, with swords slicing through armor as if it were paper. Every blow is deadly, precise. The army marches ever onward, like a grinding machine. devouring tender flesh.

At length, there is no sign of life in the human camp.The after was disaster as King Balo,Nuda and Hadrian gazed upon the earth awashed in blood and at the impassive metal faces of the army he had created, his heart grew heavy. Victory was gained at too high a price. This war should never have been waged.

King surveys the carnage. The mechanical soldiers stand symmetrical ranks awaiting further instructions like nothing.

So he arranged a truce: the surviving men would keep to their cities and we children of the Earth would dwell within the forests. This pact, he declared, would be honored by our sons and the sons of their sons until the end of time.

Nuada didn't know how react after all he had seen many magical species slaughtered in this war,some of them praying him to save there children or brothers.But he saw the same thing with human children too,he was not sure about the promise.Since Hadrian himself was muttering about the promise would be forgotten.

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