
Chapter Twenty-One

  Jake sighed in relief as soon as he saw Karl's pick up pull up in front of the house and Van got out. He couldn't explain the feeling but at that moment he wanted to run over to her, embrace her and tell her he was sorry but something was stopping him, it might be his ego, or because he was hard-headed or it might just be the fact that he was confused as hell and didn't know what to do with his feelings for her. 

  Instead, he watched from afar as her brother led her in and she was gone from his sight. Tired and dejected and feeling like the scum of the earth, he pulled the car door open and hopped in just as his cell phone rang.

  ''Hello.'' He said as soon as he hit the receive button, he put the car into gear and manoeuvred onto the road.

  ''Jake! I'm glad you answered.'' Anastasia Scott Calloway, his father's wife said. She sounded surprised and worried, but to him, it was sugar coated and he couldn't care less what she thought of him because she was no different from Perla Wilkins. ''I was wondering if you could make it to dinner tonight.'' She said.

  ''I'm not sure, what's the occasion?''

  ''My son just arrived in the city and I want you two to meet and…you know maybe get along.''

  Jake snorted in disbelief, a son, who would've thought?

When he didn't reply she added, ''If you won't do it for me then do it for your father, he's very upset about the boundaries you've put up for him.''

  ''The two of you can rot in hell for all I care.'' He pressed end button and flung his cell phone across the empty car seat.

  ''What did he say?'' Gerald Calloway looked at his wife expectantly.

  ''He said to rot in hell.'' 

Gerald sighed massaging his forehead with two fingers. ''I swear I've had enough of his tantrums, he's not a little kid anymore.''

  ''Calm down sweetheart. you know you'll just have to thread carefully or you might lose him for good.'' Anastasia urged calmly.

  "I've done everything I could, I even made him CEO of Galatea what else does he want from me?''

  ''He wants me gone and that's a fact.''

  ''That's never going to happen.''

  ''I know. But his mother's death really left an ugly scar on him. He thinks I'm trying to take her place.''

  ''For crying out loud it's been two years already I can't spend my life mourning her death and he should do the same.''

  ''Leave it to me, I'll see what I can do.'' She offered.

  ''Dad where's Jake?'' Karen demanded taking a seat beside her father at the dinner table.

  ''He's not here. Actually, he's not coming.'' Her father said matter-of-factly.

  ''But why? He promised to have dinner together tonight.'' She pouted adorably.

  ''Well if he really said that to you then there's no doubt he'll make it.'' Because he could never say no to his adorable little sister. 

And at that moment, he walked in.

  ''Jake you made it!'' Karen flung herself into his arms almost knocking him over then she gave him a quick peck on both cheeks. 

  ''Yeah I promised didn't I?''

  ''Guys I'm home!'' a new voice called out.


  ''Who's he?''

  ''What's he doing here?'' Anastasia, Karen and Dominic all said simultaneously.

  ''Son this is Joshua Hamilton–''

  ''I know who he is I just want to know what he's doing here.'' Jake snapped.

  ''He Anastasia's son and of course your step brother. Joshua my son Jake.'' Gerald flung his arms between both men.

  ''You're kidding right?'' Jake glanced from his father to Anastasia, was this some kind of a cruel joke?

  ''Nice to meet you too step bro, you can call me Josh.'' 

  it took all the will power in Jake to stop himself from swinging a fist at Josh so he glared at him so hard he wished it had the power to do physical harm.

  ''I hope you two would get along.'' Gerald said.

  ''Gladly.'' Josh grinned mischievously. ''Don't worry Gerald, Jake and I will have a grand time I assure you.''

  Dinner with his family wasn't exactly a walk in the park, it was actually a ride on a rollercoaster that makes you sick once it's over. He listened to Josh chatter on about his adventure in Paris and Karen seemed to be so besotted it made him glower at the guy.

  ''She's only sixteen stop trying to charm the pants off her or I'll punch you so hard on the head your eyes would come out through the back.'' He gritted.

  ''Mind your tongue Jake.'' His father chastised.

  ''This dinner sucks anyway.'' He pushed back his chair and stormed off.

  Rella's eyes were drooping when Stefan's call came in.

  "Hey." Rella felt a rolling in her stomach the moment she picked the receiver. ''Why did you call?''

  "I missed the sound of your voice." 

  "How's the deal coming up?'' She asked artfully changing the subject.

  "Nothing I can't handle." There was something in his voice that seemed to make her breathless. He proceeded to talk about the investors, and how the meeting went, It was the longest phone conversation Rella's ever had with anyone and she found she wasn't uncomfortable at all and had in fact thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it, they talked like they were best friends who've known each other for a long time. But then nature can never be ignored and one has no choice but to succumb to it, she tried to stifle a yawn but knew he heard it when he said, "You must be tired, so silly of me to keep you up so late you should get some sleep. It's really chilly out here you know, always raining so, keep the bed warm for me." It wasn't what he said but the suggestive tone in which he said it that made all of her drowsiness disappear living her wide awake with her heart beating so fast she couldn't think straight.

  And when she finally fell asleep, her dreams were wrought with the images of him. 

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