

Katherine stood basking under the moonlight with flames in her hands. Eddie had no idea how she'd found them, but he was glad she did. He jumped sideways just before Katherine rained fire down on the mass of vampires that had gathered around him.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do" Katherine informed the second her feet touched down on the ground. After the two had left, she'd teleported to Scott's place. She was sorry to have woken the boy from sleep, but she needed to get information out of him.

Scott had informed her about Eddie's confrontation with a vampire, which she recalled his name as Stewie. He had also mentioned about her son meeting up with the said vampire after school.

Katherine made use of the information she'd gotten from Scott, and had traced the the two to the school grounds. She had seen them, but before she could call out to them, they had vanished with the horde of vampires she had seen them with. She did her best to curb her paranoia before going after the vampires. She was nowhere as fast as them, and that was why she'd reached here so late, but right on time too.

Jade backed away from the pressuring blood suckers and allowed her mother do the job of deleting them from existence. It was obvious these vampires were nightwalkers, newly turned ones at that. The way they attacked mindlessly only depicted they were still under the control of the person who turned them. She bit her lips in disgust, and cursed at the creatures before her.

These people were once humans and because of the ruthless vampires that had turned them, they were being reduced to ashes like they didn't matter. She wanted to feel bad for them, but they were in the midst of battle. It was killed or be killed.

"What the hell are you two thinking? Wandering off into the night and attacking a vampire fortress" Katherine questioned after handling the last of her opponents. She was furious, and she wasn't going to take any stupid answers from either of these two.

"We were helping him rescue his nephew" Eddie explained with his finger pointed at the almost dead Stewie who had started healing. Katherine had almost burnt his alive.

Katherine's eyes narrowed towards the rejuvenating entity behind her, he must be the Stewie Scott talked about. He fell in line with all the description Stewie had given.

Katherine's pupils glistened yellow, and in the same moment Stewie's pupils resonated with hers. With just eyes she had out the vampire under mind control. She didn't trust him one bit, and wanted to find out if what Eddie had told her was true.

After ransacking the vampire's memories, he released it from captivity and turned to her children.

She had confirmed that the vampire was indeed telling the truth, but after going through its memories, Katherine had to restrain herself from reducing the man behind her to dust. The atrocities this man had committed in his life time was just beyond what she could comprehend. Once they were done with rescuing his brother, she was going to make this Stewie pay for his crimes.

"Both of you stay here, don't you dare move from this spot!" She instructed before gesturing for Stewie to lead the way.


Veronica could sense intruders enter her Fortress, but she didn't feel bothered in the least of ways. If they thought they stood a chance against her because they managed to defeat her army of nightwalkers, then they were in for a surprise.

She had recognized one of the intruders as Stewie Grant, whose brother she was holding captive. But the other being beside him she really couldn't recognize. She could however feel it's aura, and she knew for sure that the second entity was strong, and could possibly pose a threat to her.

She took a deep breath and stroke her hair gently with her fingers. She'd already summoned her personal guards to go and put an end to the incoming invaders. If they manage to get past her three guards, then she'll definitely have to commend them for making that far. However from then it wouldn't be a fair fight for thr intruders. They would have expanded a lot of their strength and would stand no chance against her.

Her daydreams had been put to an end when she immediately had to dive out of her seat to dodge a conflagration that had been sent towards her way

"What? impossible!" Veronica screamed subconsciously. How the hell had this intruder gotten past her guards and still look unscathed? Just who the hell was she?

Veronica was still stunned, she should have at least received some sort of warning from her guards if they were losing. She couldn't even sense their aura anymore, they were dead, and probably at the hands of the witch before her.

"That level of compulsion won't work on me" Katherine revealed to her opponent who was clearly trying to hard. She'd expected to be faced with difficult challenges when she entered here, but she was clearly disappointed. She might as well have left her children to use this as a training process.

"You have a boy in your custody and we want him back" said Katherine.

"Who do hell do you think you are to walk in here and make demands?" Veronica screamed rather than ask. She was being unnecessarily loud, and it wasn't very pleasing to Katherine.

The witch launched another fireball at the unyielding vampire, but she was quick to dodge and fight back. Katherine must admit, this one was especially fast on her feet. She was barely keeping up with the vampires movement, however the circle of flame she'd surrounded herself with prevented the vampire from coming withing arms reach.

"You darn witches! Why can't you just mind your own business?!" Veronica screamed once again rather than ask. Katherine was beginning to get tired of the stress the vampire was giving her eyes, she needed to end this as quickly as possible and get back with her kids.

She dispelled her flame ring and just as she'd expected, the desperate vampire came running in at the slightest opportunity she saw.

Katherine grabbed the frail lady by the neck and slammed her into the ground before binding her down with vines.

Stewie came running in afterwards. Katherine had handled two of the guards on her own, and had left him with one, but he still struggled. She's made sure to sever any sort of mental connection the guards had with the vampire lady before her, so she couldn't escape with prior information.

"Stewie tell her to unhand me this instant! If you don't Gregory is gonna die!" Veronica threatened but got her mouth shut by a punch from the vampire she'd implored for help.

"Where's Gregory? Tell me and I might consider sparing you" Stewie offered.

The lady beneath was one who loved life more than anything, and had immediately offered up the location of her captive. Stewie was quick on his feet, in less than a minute he'd ran to the dungeon and surfaced with his brother. Gregory was already lean, he was just twelve and this bitch had reduced him to almost bones. She was probably feeding off him.

"Kill her" Stewie ordered before carrying the lean body of his brother out of the room.

Katherine wasn't the type that obeyed the words of vampires, but this once she complied and reduced the lady before to dust.

Now that she was done with this charade, it was time to get back to her kids. She ran out of the fortress delightfully, but when she stepped outside, her expression had changed. Her children were gone.

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