
S1E31 - CDC

After our chat, I went to check on Amy, who had apparently woken up since we arrived. I knock on the RV door and hear someone call out,

"Come in."

I open up the door and find Amy sitting on the couch, looking slightly worse for wear. I smile at her and sit down to the left of her. I speak to her in a quiet tone,

"So, how you feeling?"

She smiles at me and says,

"I'm holding up. Basically living on painkillers, but hey, that's better than the alternative."

I nod my head,

"Yeah. I can only imagine. We're gonna be heading into the CDC soon, if they let us in. Do you want anything before we head inside?"

She chuckles,

"Is it too much to ask for another arm?"

I smile at her apologetically and say,

"Eventually, I'll get you your arm back. Prosthetics got really advanced before everything died. I'm sure there's at least a couple prosthetics inside the CDC itself, honestly."

She looks back at me and says,

"Nice, I can be a cyborg. Always wanted to be one of the Teen Titans."

I chuckles slightly at this,

"Well, give it a couple more fights and I'm sure I'll become Two-Face and we can have a battle."

She chuckles back while saying,

"Oh god I may have to call Batman for that one."

I laugh with her and we talk for a while. I cooked her a nice deer steak on a small portable gas stove for her, and seasoned it heavily to get rid of the taste of game. And I gave her one of the few remaining good cans of soda that had been chilled in one of the ice chests. To say she needed that would be an understatement.

A few moments later, we all get out of the RV and start walking over to the CDC. Clem sticks close to me as we walk through the field of death towards the modern-looking building. Each of us are equipped with assault rifles, except Daryl who still wants to use his crossbow. With my [Walker Sense 1] running, I notice a couple walkers moving towards the CDC. Well fuck. Of course they ignore it when we're collecting guns and yelling at each other, but not when we're trying to be let inside. I speak in a slightly hushed tone,

"I think I just heard a walker."

I motion over to the area they're coming from just as they come out from behind one of the humvees. Everyone raises their weapons, but I say,

"No! No shooting! You guys go up ahead of me, I'll take them out. We don't wanna draw any more of the bastards out. Daryl, mind watching my back?"

Daryl nods his head,

"I gotcha."

I motion for Clem to follow the group and take out my gladius to take out the small group of about ten walkers. They're pretty spread out, so this should be easy. The first one to come at me receives a stab to the brain. This stab suddenly gives me a headache, as I feel new knowledge coming into my mind.

[Sword Fighting 1 level up!]

As I pull the sword out of the walkers skull, I slash to my left, bisecting the skull of another walker. Daryl shoots one that comes up behind me, and I slash out another one in the neck…


[Narrator POV:]

"Rick! C'mon man, we gotta go!"

Shane grabs onto Rick's shoulder and tries to pull him back, but Rick spots the camera on the outside of the building move. He pushes away from Shane and yells directly at the camera.


Amy speaks as well,

"Please! Please let us in!"

She walks up with Rick, despite Andrea attempting to motion her back. Amy looks towards Penny, currently fighting to keep them safe. She suddenly gets light headed, and nearly falls over, only to be caught by Rick. He continues to plead with the people inside,


Shane grabs Rick again and says,

"C'mon man, more are showing up! She can't fight forever!"

Indeed, five more walkers showed up during Penny's fight, causing the group to get closer and closer to firing their guns. Rick hands Amy to Andrea and kicks the metal door,


As he goes to walk away, the golden light from the inside of the CDC illuminates the surroundings, and a voice rings out,

"You got thirty seconds. Anything not in here stays out, you got that? Once those doors close, they don't open again."

Rick nods his head and yells out,


Penny yanks her sword out of another walker's skull and takes off after them, pulling out her pistol to finish off the other few who showed up after. As she gets inside, the doors come slamming down behind, locking the group inside the CDC.


AN: Read 10+ chapters in advance over on my Pat.reon.

https://www.pat.reon.com/sorrestwriting (Remove the .)

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