
Feeling's of rage.

Soon the party started and people began to enter the mansion. I obviously did not know that many people, there was a few that I have seen over the last 5 years like Malcolm merlyn, the CEO of Merlyn Global Group, and Walter steel, The CFO of starling city national bank. These two are fathers friends and often visit the house. Both are also good friends with mother but Malcolm often looks at me with caution which confuses me.

I was intoduced to some important people like CEO's and important officials but of course they did not take a five year old seriously, especially one that does not speak.

After a while, my mother pushed me in the direction of a group of children, causing me to look at her in betrayal. Soon the children all surrounded me and began to bombard me with stupid questions like what is my favourite flavour of ice-cream. After suffering through eternity of this hell (30 minutes), I found an excuse and then escaped by using my brother as a shield.

"Wassup little sis?" he asked after seeing me hiding behind him, whilst Laurel and Tommy looked at me with ammusement. "Humans" I answered which made him look at me with a deadpan expression before he burst out laughing and Tommy and Laurel followed.

"Pffftt HAHAHAHAHAHA. You can't hate humans because you don't like interacting with children little sis HAHAHAHAH. Why don't you hang out with your big bro, I'll protect you from the devils." He said with ammusement in his tone, but I still nodded since I would rather be with him than those evil creatures.

"So sis, I heard from mum and dad that you want to be the CEO of queen consilidated?" I nodded at him and he continued. "Why do you want to do that? Do you have a reason or you just figured you would follow in our parents footsteps?"

This caused me to contemplate for a few seconds before I repplied "A few reasons actually. Connections, money, status and privacy. Being a CEO gives me a position where people cannot second guess me and have to think twice before offending me. It also gives me access to billions and connections to people in high places. I also do not want mother and fathers company to go to waste seeing as you do not want to take over." My reply thoroughly shocked both Laurel and Tommy becauss they have never heard me talk so much but Oliver just smiled fondly and patted my head.

The reason Oliver was not shocked is because we often have lengthy conversations and talk about anything that interests us. I feel comfortable around him and can kind of let myself go, sometimes I dont even realise I have spoken so much until the conversation ends and I find a few hours have passed. I also seem to feel more emotions in his presence and it's something I look forward to since it allows me to feel more of my emotions. Happiness, interest, joy. Emotions I rarely felt in my past life, I easily feel around him.

"Well good luck little sis, if you need any help feel free to ask. Brother will always be there for you alright." He said and once again I felt an explosive amount of warmth fill my body, that was until the sound of glass shattering rang out and several men dropped from the ceiling, each with guns, and began grabbing important people.

"THEA" oliver screamed.

One of them tried to grab me but I dodged his outstretch hand and kicked him inbetween his legs with a little more force than I should have since I heard a 'pop' and then a very high pitched scream. It was so loud it over shadowed all the other screams of the civilians and brought attention to our little area. Several of the masked men then began pointing guns at us and started screaming at us to freeze.


3rd Person POV*

Oliver stared in shock at the man (now woman) on the floor since he didn't even see how fast Thea's leg moved, he just heard a high pitched scream and the man dropped to the floor. But when he looked up and saw 3 men pointing guns at his little sister, his body moved on its own and he stood in front of her. *BANG* "Gaah"

One of the men, seeing as Oliver didn't move, was beginning to get impatient and when Oliver quickly ran forward to stand in front of his sister, he thought that he was trying to do something heroic and his finger accidentally found itself on the trigger before he pressed down.

Thea could not see what was happening since Oliver was stood in front of her. All she heard was a pained shout and then Olivers black suit began to darken at the shoulder. She then saw oliver use his left hand to press down on his right shoulder and when he lifted his hand, she saw it was stained with blood.

Then it finally hit her. He had been shot, standing in front of her. Someone actaully shot her brother at her own party. Someone shot her brother. Someone she actually cares about was injured.

Thea wasn't sure what was going on at the moment. Her head was a mess. Her chest felt tight and stuffy. Her hands were shaking. She felt the need to punch something. Adreniline began to course through her veins and she felt impatient.

She heard the roar of a dragon in her mind. The cry of a phoenix. The crackle of lightning and The sound of lazers beaming around. All of her devil fruits where impatient to be released. Hoping to respond to her emotions. lash out at the world. Kill those who dared to hurt someone she loved.

Her pupils began to change into that of a dragons and lightning began to crackel around them. Thankfully she was standing behind oliver otherwise most would have been frozen by the sheer fury and rage contained in those predator eyes. The eyes of someone belonging to the top of the food chain.

Unfortunetely, not everone had the luck of not seeing them. At the very moment her eyes changed, Malcom was looking in her direction, trying to see why his instincts always warned him around her. Telling him to run as far as possible and when he gazed at those eyes he finally understood. She was a monster.

The second everyone heard the sound of a bullet, they began to scream even louder and some of the masked men also let a few bullets fly loose, harming if not killing, those at the party.

Thea could no longer hold back the feeling of rage. She spread out her senses to locate those who had attacked and once she had located them, she began to gather a lightning cloud above the mansion.

Above the mansion, dark grey clouds began to form, seemingly out of thin air. Lightning of different shapes and sizes began to crackle and release booming sounds as they zipped back and fourth impatiently waiting for it's masters order.

Then, several booms where heard accompanied by screams as lightning bolts of around 500,000 volts dropped from the sky. The bodies of those who attacked were fried from the inside out, their skin charred and insides cooked before they dropped to the ground, occasionaly twitching as lightning still ran rampant inside of them.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the bodies in shock. The silence was broken by multiple people puking from the sight and smell of burnt flesh. Some people fainted, others went pale. But a lot of people were helping their loved ones, friends and family, wondering if they're ok.

Thea closed her eyes and began to regulate her breathing, she was still trembling from rage but it had died down a lot. She opened her eyes a few moments later and they were back to normal. When she looked up, she saw her brother looking at her in concern, his arm still bleeding.

"Thea are you ok, you're not hurt are you. It's fine, they're all gone, no one can hurt you ok." H e said before pulling her into a one armed hug which she let happen. "I'm fine Ollie but what about you, your arm."

She knew she could help him, she could set up a room and remove the bullet without effect him but she has no way to do so without exposing herself. "I am fine little sis, it's just a flesh wound. If anything I can use this to piick up more chicks, like a war trophy." He said with a chuckle causing Laurel to punch him in the ribs and then regret it when he winced.

Soon the police showed up, led by Laurels father - Quentil Lance, who came bursting through the door and sprinting up to Laurel asking if she was ok and checking for any wounds.

"Are you ok?, Are you hurt? Are you injured?" He said whilst spinning her around. "I am fine dad, I am not hurt at all. Oliver is." This caused him to turn and look at Oliver, his eyes landed on his shoulder. "Are you alright son, what happened here, who hurt you."

Oliver then began to explain the story of what happened, how they broke in, shot him and then were struck by lightning. Quentil just stared at him with a deadpan expression, causing Oliver to chuckle and point towards one of the bodies.

"Look, it may sound unbelievable but you can ask anyone here. One minute they were holding some of us captive, the next they were dead." This caused both Tommy and Laurel to nod in agreement and Quintel to question life.

He soon left to do his job, meanwhile paramedics where brought to the group by Moira and Robert. Both of them looked worried and Moira wrapped Thea in a tight hug after making sure she was fine.

"We were so worried. We tried to come to you but one of them grabbed your father, so we could only hope for the best. We are so sorry." Moira said with worry and guilt in her tone. "I am fine mother but Ollie is injured." Thea replied. The paramedics were already helping Oliver but the bullet was lodged next to his bone, so he had no choice but to undergo surgey to have it removed.

Soon Quintel returned. "Right, Unfortunetely the bodies are to charred to be identified, we have taken a sample of their DNA so we can identify them and we will hopefully find out their motives. Any idea who could have done this, any enimies or something?" This caused Robert to release a somewhat sad chuckle. "I am a CEO of a milti billion dollar company, detective. Unfortunetely I have many who would pay to see me dead, I could write you a list but I don't think it would help. I apologise."

"I see, well I will get these samples to the lab and see what we can find. Unfortunetely there were still casualties. 12 dead and 19 injured including your boy. Some are just simple glass cuts from the broken windows, some are skin traumas from pistol-whips and others are bullet wounds. 6 of the dead are what I presume the body guards you hired, so it is safe to say this was planned. This place has become a crime scene, so I want to ask permission for us to look around. We need a statement from each of you and then your free to go." Quincy replied.

"That is fine detective but can you exclude Thea, she isn't very good with social interactions unless it's with Ollie. And you are free to look around the room but please don't enter any of the rooms outside of this one. We need to get Oliver to the hospital, so if you need us please either meet us there or give us a call." After Robert said this, he began support Olliver and they walked towards the car. Moira, Robert, Thea, Tommy and Laurel all began to head towards the hospital, leaving the guests to give statements and Quintel and his team to ask them.

Oliver's surgery was succesful, the bullet was removed and it left a scar where his shoulder was. He was advised not to get the wound wet and to not take any harmful substances for 6-8 weeks which means no drinking for him. They decided to get a hotel since the house was occupied by police and it was around 11 O'clock. Everyone got their own room, including Thea, although hers was a room that was connected by a door to her parents room.

She got up in the middle of the night for a glass of water and heard moans coming from the room across from hers, causing her to roll her eyes at the fact that Ollie and Laurel clearly forgot the rooms weren't sound proof.

She then began to sleep once more and entered her training ground, but this time she focused on learning with daggers for a few hours, since she wanted to be fast and deadly, before training with the weights.

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