

Sullivan wasn't spiritually adept or even believes in those hocus pocus, however, his senses tingled whenever he thought about Alexander's capabilities.

The boy had planned out four or so movie ideas that are cheap, doable, and had box office potential in a few months.

Even though Sullivan and the recently hired screenwriting team had expounded on it. Alexander's flaw minimization and insightful suggestions still made it happen.

This was not including the movie concepts that would fill the Creed Distribution schedule for the year 1990 and the next years after that.

It had to be said that the production of movies and the deliberation of the major studios take a lot of time and decision-making. Scripts from 10 years ago might take even ten more years before they could come to fruition.

The competition had relaxed their guard against the new company because of their lack of accumulation on these matters.

They expected that Home Alone had already stumped Creed Films and crippled them for the year 1989.

The long production cycle and planning would take at least one year for the distribution company to have output. Which means the powerful newcomer film issuer would have to freeze for a year and might even be bankrupt due to inactivity.

If they rush to make films to fill the gap, the array of expenditures and bad films would make theater companies and moviegoers lose confidence in the company and brand.

All in all, the majors had already won without them even trying.

What they didn't take into account was that Creed Films shortened the time, manpower, and brainstorming under Alexander's guidance.

The employees and market research specialists don't know if any of the boy's ideas would make it but Sullivan gave it a go without hesitation.

His grandson's genius was not something that the employees can fathom.

The quality scripts with extremely low budget expenditure and acceptable production cycles were hard to come up with. Yet, the boy had done it.

Just patting the boy's head during this gift-giving was enough for the old man to tell that the boy had enormous potential.


Alexander didn't delay much and got to work. He was running around the place with gusto as if those hundreds of box-shaped machines were asking to play with him.

He usually maturely conducts himself, however, there would always be times when adults fool around like a kid. This was among those times.

The computers and equipment on this floor didn't have any familiar brands or software. It had enough specs and processing from the current era's capabilities to accommodate Alexander's plan.

Alexander had requested this requirement from Sullivan quite a while back. Who would've thought that the old man would make it happen for his birthday?

From the old man's explanation, this set of equipment was bought at a bargain like how most Creed expenditures are done.

High-processing but cheap hardware and equipment were difficult to find with all the patents and commercialization.

However, this was only difficult when one didn't know where to look or don't have the resources and connections to mediate the purchases.

Just listing the technologically competitive Japanese market and the advanced methods of the Soviet Union was enough to narrow the search radius.

America's insidious targeting of these places' economies had sufficient reasons. Their crumblings would be enough for America to gain the upper hand.

Giving enough incentive to low-end hardware companies from Japan and the Soviet Union, their competency should be enough for the specific but achievable specs and customization that the Creeds had asked for.

Alexander didn't care much for the process and cross-country implications. What matters was that his pivotal plan for a sustainable family company was finally at hand.

The computers, cooling hardware, connection components, and storage drives were a bit clunky and messy for him.

The thing that truly made his eyes glimmer was the specialized graphics tablet and pen. These two object combinations should be enough to elevate the capacity of what is to be made on this building's second floor.


Sullivan left the boy to do what he wants but didn't forget to assign someone to look after him.

The company was doing fairly well but it needed constant management to continue smoothly.

He knew the great potential that the second-floor project would have for the company and his grandson's enthusiasm and drive for the project should be enough to make it happen.

Even Sullivan himself can't wait for that project to get started. The profit prospects and Alexander's proven movie concepts should be the perfect formula to make it happen.

"Haha! Dolls that can share Barbie's market share. Appeal that Hasbro can't resist. A mascot that can equal or suppress Mickey Mouse. Dominating channels that follow CNN's business strategy. I can't wait." Sullivan was muttering about the benefits that his grandson has outlined to him and he was in great anticipation.


Alexander's birthday ended with all the surprises and developmental layouts that the Creeds had always wanted.

From two people, young and old, planning five movies on a little study, they jumped to managing and leading a business that the world hadn't expected.

The days in school were troublesome as always but the ton of programming that he was doing at his home was exciting enough to offset the two.

The drawing and writing progress he has made had also been noticeable. With these things at hand, the new companies under the Creed brand would have a stabler founding.

Alexander has already supplied a bunch of optimized and hopefully high-achieving films for Creed Films.

Sullivan has already covered the management of the productions and the distributions with Creed Distributions. Even Creed Distributions is ready to shift itself and accommodate the products of the new branch of the Creed brand.

When Alexander's personally programmed software is finalized despite its difficulties and Sullivan's hired company finishes up the second floor's targeted renovations, branching out to another aspect of entertainment is just a matter of time.

Creed Entertainment would formally be established with Creed Films, Distribution, Animations, Effects, Gaming, and Toys under its helm.

A sustainable family company would be completed and when it stabilizes, expanding to other industries would be just another means to make extra money.

This is just going to be plain horrendous, silly, and more disgusting than my main trashy work.

You've been warned!

UniVerseLessOnecreators' thoughts
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