
The gem of will

Abe and Azura were weary from hunger. They leaned on each other and walked. Teresa came over to Azura's side and carried her. Valora looked over at Henry and he took Abe to his shoulder.

"Let's get these two something to eat," Valora said.

The two looked around with their narrow green eyes, taking in everything that they did not know before. Azura saw a cat fighting against a raven for a piece of fish.

'I saw it first,' she heard a hissing in her head.

The raved cawed and struck with its talons. The cat took a strike to its eyes and hissed. It ran off in pain.

"I know this place called The one-eyed owl. They have these really soft and sweet apple pies," Henry said.

A pang escaped Valora's heart. She remembered that place. It was where she had the last meal with her friends. She decided to go there, for revisiting that place might help reconcile some old wounds.

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