
64. Preparations [2]: <Spiritual Sword>

Emotions and desire.

"Demons feel any and every emotion amplified. Once that particular emotion is amplified to a certain level, it becomes a desire. Since I was disappointed in them, they decided to train on their own. So they desired to make me proud of them."

Logan didn't know how he should react to this.

Even if he had forced their loyalty to him, they were all serving him as their true lord, without any complaints.

They were training to not let him down even without his orders...

It was heart-warming, even for a demon like him.

But then again, how can he, a demon like him, call himself the Lord of these demons working under him, if he cannot even do a simple thing like creating an arc with his sword?


If he can't do it, then he doesn't deserve this second life!

An emotion lit up and started burning inside Logan.

It was his anger that spread inside him like wildfire. Ssssss-

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